

Qirayətçi: Stephanie Cole

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Sleeping Murder

Sleeping Murder

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Kitab haqqında

Designed to match the new look Miss Marple series.             Read by the superb Stephanie Cole.             Soon after Gwenda moved into her new home, odd things started to happen. Despite her best efforts to modernise the house, she only succeeded in dredging up its past. Worse, she felt an irrational sense of terror every time she climbed the stairs...             In fear, Gwenda turned to Miss Marple to exorcise her ghosts. Between them, they were to solve a 'perfect' crime committed many years before.

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Kitabın təsviri

Designed to match the new look Miss Marple series.             Read by the superb Stephanie Cole.             Soon after Gwenda moved into her new home, odd things started to happen. Despite her best efforts to modernise the house, she only succeeded in dredging up its past. Worse, she felt an irrational sense of terror every time she climbed the stairs...             In fear, Gwenda turned to Miss Marple to exorcise her ghosts. Between them, they were to solve a 'perfect' crime committed many years before.

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Litresdə buraxılış tarixi:
07 iyun 2019
Müəllif hüququ sahibi:
Gardners Books
Yükləmə formatı:
m4b, mp3, zip

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