

The War With Mexico (Unabridged)

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"The War with Mexico" written by Justin Harvey Smith is a comprehensive account of the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the events that led to the conflict, the political and military strategies employed by both sides, and the ultimate consequences of the war.Smith's work won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1920. He extensively covers various aspects of the conflict such as the causes of the war, including the annexation of Texas and the dispute over the Texas-Mexico border. It also provides detailed accounts of the major battles and diplomatic exchanges that occurred during the war.Smith's narrative isn't just limited to the battlefield, he delves into the political and social repercussions of the war as well, both in the United States and Mexico. He also examines the roles played by key figures in the conflict, including US President James K. Polk and Mexican President Antonio López de Santa Anna.For those interested in understanding the Mexican-American War in depth, «The War with Mexico» by Justin H. Smith remains an authoritative and engaging resource even many years after its initial publication.
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"The War with Mexico" written by Justin Harvey Smith is a comprehensive account of the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the events that led to the conflict, the political and military strategies employed by both sides, and the ultimate consequences of the war.Smith's work won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1920. He extensively covers various aspects of the conflict such as the causes of the war, including the annexation of Texas and the dispute over the Texas-Mexico border. It also provides detailed accounts of the major battles and diplomatic exchanges that occurred during the war.Smith's narrative isn't just limited to the battlefield, he delves into the political and social repercussions of the war as well, both in the United States and Mexico. He also examines the roles played by key figures in the conflict, including US President James K. Polk and Mexican President Antonio López de Santa Anna.For those interested in understanding the Mexican-American War in depth, «The War with Mexico» by Justin H. Smith remains an authoritative and engaging resource even many years after its initial publication.

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