Джордж Р. Р. Мартин

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know you, perchance?” Arya shook her head miserably. She had heard her mother speak of Ser Brynden Blackfish, but if she had ever met him herself it had been when she was too little to remember. “Small chance the Blackfish will pay good coin for a girl he doesn’t know,” said Tom. “Those Tullys are a sour, suspicious lot, he’s like to think we’re selling him false goods.” “We’ll convince him,” Lem Lemoncloak insisted. “ She will, or Harwin. Riverrun is closest. I say we take her there, get the gold,

Catelyn had no love for swords, but she could not deny that Ice had its own beauty. It had been forged in Valyria, before the Doom had come to the old Freehold, when the ironsmiths had worked their metal with spells as well as hammers. Four hundred years old it was, and as sharp as the day it was forged. The name it bore was older still, a legacy from the age of heroes, when the Starks were Kings in the North.

comet’s tail spread across the dawn, a red slash that bled above

dragonlords of ancient lineage.

Часто очень трудно познать справедливость и еще труднее добиться ее.

Я испытываю отвращение к смерти, я нахожу энтропию ужасной, и если бы меня пригласили посмотреть на гибель вселенной, я бы наверняка сослался на занятость.

Если,- сказал Хэвиланд Таф,- до невозможности трудное слово. Такое короткое, но так часто обремененное разочарованиями и огорчениями.