
Həcm 90 səhifələri


American Naval Mission in the Adriatic

3,64 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

"American Naval Mission in the Adriatic, 1918-1921" by A. C. Davidonis offers an in-depth analysis of the United States naval forces' occupation of central Dalmatia, spanning from November 1918 to September 1921. This occupation, encompassing over 100 miles of the Dalmatian coast, is notable for its duration and territorial extent. The book details various incidents and measures, such as the establishment of inter-Allied patrols and the handling of rumored Italian troop movements, showcasing the complexity of the American naval governor's role in the region. These episodes illustrate the intricate dynamics of military governance and diplomacy during this period. Overall, Davidonis' book provides a comprehensive account of this unique episode in American naval history, shedding light on the challenges and strategies employed during the American Naval Mission in the Adriatic.

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90 səh.
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