
Həcm 150 səhifələri


Amina Queen of Persia

Historical fiction, vampire war, paranormal, clairvoyance
9,16 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

The book is a fantasy with horror elements and superpowers. Clairvoyance with transition to other worlds. The action takes place in Ancient Persia, and today in Russia. As a child, Amina receives the gift of clairvoyance and, with the help of her gift, helps people, does good and fights evil. A threat looms over the world, and Amina will have to meet with an insidious vampire nicknamed Darkness. He wants to seize power over the world through witchcraft and magic. Amina passes through the wall of time into the future, meets Plato to confront the Darkness.

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Kitabın təsviri

The book is a fantasy with horror elements and superpowers. Clairvoyance with transition to other worlds. The action takes place in Ancient Persia, and today in Russia. As a child, Amina receives the gift of clairvoyance and, with the help of her gift, helps people, does good and fights evil. A threat looms over the world, and Amina will have to meet with an insidious vampire nicknamed Darkness. He wants to seize power over the world through witchcraft and magic. Amina passes through the wall of time into the future, meets Plato to confront the Darkness.

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Yaş həddi:
150 səh.
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