Kitabı oxu: «The planet of biorobots?»


© Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0053-8848-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The planet of biorobots?

Someone’s happiness can hurt someone – why do some painfully perceive someone’s success and why do some provoke others of what is called envy, exposing their happiness? Why is this happening, who has programmed some of these?

«It’s scary to think that the same thing will happen for the next millions of years, it would be impossible to imagine more boredom, we are not created for the eternal,» are the words attributed to science fiction writer Stanislav Lem.

The proof that all the problems due to the lack of the necessary information (in the material under consideration adaptive information that contributes to adaptation to the outside world) is that if everyone lived forever, they would not have the problems that mortals currently have, because the living forever would have known everything in advance, but would have had their own costs in connection with this – it would have been boring if such a feeling and generally any feelings had been preserved until the moment of attaining immortality.

From general to particular, probably soon what is called psychology will be divided into psychology for individual social groups. I dedicated my materials to those from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, like myself (I emphasize – dedicated, but wrote for everyone, without exception, who would be interested, the result is still the same – information, regardless of who it is dedicated to)

Sometimes some are limited in some methods and means of achieving psychological comfort.

«Our behavior is just brain activity and nothing more,» the words attributed to biologist Francis Crick.

You can agree with Francis Crick, the liver performs its many well-known function, its kidneys, its heart, and its brain? Some, shaping the soul, destroy the body – all problems due to the lack of the necessary information? What needs to be done from that position of life in order to survive physically and to feel comfortable? Why does someone «catch» in life in the sense of some kind of activity, and someone cannot «hook» someone, and because of this he uses psychostimulants, or someone «hooked» someone, but it is considered illegal or inadequate, is it all about information? Is a prison a place in which they want to «cut off» everything that is commonly called weaknesses, and in which some new activity should «hook»? The richer the state, the more it is economically adapted and tolerant of people who have what is called weaknesses, and the point here is not in the form of government, but purely in the economy, it will be pulled by what is called the state of «relaxed» citizens living in it, or no? Is the behavior of some majority people based on such instincts as sexual attraction, fear, love (emotional attachment), aggression, competition (competitive instinct), does the minority have all this or is it poorly expressed? What is called the neuroticism of society is due to the fact that some are not satisfied with what are called instincts or «factory» settings of higher powers?

According to the personal opinion of the author, some of those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, in some cases, face more problems than those who had everything with the family in the generally accepted sense. We are not talking about the oppression of someone else’s rights, we are talking about the lack of necessary (adaptive) information about a certain category of people due to the fact that they did not receive this information, there was no one to give it to them.

In this work, as in the work «Secret resources of a good mood of some», the goal was to convey to those from the so-called incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family information (from the incomplete or dysfunctional both in the physical and psychological sense, because the necessary knowledge may not be given in those places where it seemed they should have been given). We are talking about information, mainly, so to speak, of a household nature, which those who, again from the so-called complete or from the so-called prosperous family, know or should know. Perhaps even the information of the above nature turned out to be presented in a slightly larger amount than the amount that the category of people mentioned in the previous sentence has. In the following material there is no call for any action or in general for anything, only information, once more in detail about this below in the text in the paragraph: " Attention: the author does not state anything in this material …».

Some of those who are from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family tend to think about what others never think, never thought and never will think about, and this is because they were told what is good and what is it bad, are relatives not good in the generally accepted sense, but TV, radio, the Internet, newspapers and other objects and subjects of transmission and reproduction of information?

The Italian committed suicide due to the porno sharing on the network with her participation, someone acquaintance committed a crime… Many can read on the Internet, hear from someone about how some people with whom they were not early die knew or were personally acquainted. All of them die before they reach 30, up to 40 years of age, get disability, commit suicide, go to jail, the reason for all this is alcohol, drugs and not only that, as a rule, they all have one thing in common – they are from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional families or even from the category of those who grew up with one child in the so-called single-parent family, without a mother (father), brothers and sisters. And there are many other, less radical situations that arise in those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, not always typical of those who had the opposite.

One of the signs that a person grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family is his excessive emotionality and incorrect reaction to any situation with the ensuing consequences, which are considered to be negative, or if a girl brings up a child alone, without a husband or its analogue, it is most likely from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. To be more precise, it is not the fact that someone grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family that influences the adoption of correct decisions in the generally accepted sense, and no one gave them this information about the necessary information about these correct actions.

From the news and from other sources you can sometimes find out that they convicted someone who committed a crime on someone on an emotional basis by reading his biography, you can find out that he is from the so-called incomplete or from a dysfunctional family. And this is due to the fact that those in question do not have certain knowledge about how to avoid the problem, in addition, they do not withstand competition with those who have such information and end up where others do not.

What is called problems occurs, as a rule, due to the lack of necessary or objective information, which, as a rule, is not available for those who did not have who could give this necessary, and most importantly, objective information.

How to calculate a person who does not have the necessary information about how to fulfill his needs or who does not have the ability to fulfill his needs? This person will be one of those who are called nervous or, moreover, aggressive, without mood, depressed, he will use alcohol or drugs.

It turns out that in some cases, life in an incomplete and dysfunctional family affects the quality and life expectancy. And judging by official statistics, the standard of living does not completely affect what is being discussed, all this happens both in considered wealthy and in considered poor countries.

In some cases, one who is from an incomplete family will in some ways not differ from that of a full family, this can be explained by the fact that a non-living parent talked to him and voiced the necessary information or other relatives did it.

Chapter 1. A little about everything

«Everyone cares about the heart, about other organs, but no one cares about the brain,» are exemplary words from a US psychiatrist.

Becoming Vasya (in the sense of moving your consciousness into his body) is impossible today, but only today, and tomorrow can science move forward, not paying attention to someone’s negative emotional states and other problems inherent in some? Carlos Castaneda wrote about his emotional experiences after taking hallucinogens, would he rather devote this time to describing his emotional experiences while being sober in various places and situations? Is comfort emotional and physical? As has already been repeated, outside the game of life, only scientists and a few other categories of people of certain specialties, the rest one way or another wage a psychological war between themselves? Your ship is sailing, and it is constantly being fired from the sea and from land in the psychological sense in the form of various forms of aggression, what kind of discussion area is discussed in this material and beyond? «Happy love or unhappy love», probably, all written literary works are devoted either to chanting the presence of endorphins and other internal opiates in the body, or vice versa to the moans from their lack, and all this in the form of songs, poems, etc.? As already mentioned and will be said, people strive for stable and just getting hormones of pleasure from their bodies, it is because of this that revolutions appeared and appear, philosophical and other works were born and are being born, the central issue being discussed is how to stabilize the production of these hormones pleasures of the majority, how to make pleasure flow in a continuous stream, without what is called alcohol, drugs and tranquilizers? While it is not possible to stabilize the production of pleasure hormones without exception, without chemical preparations, their number constantly jumps, and is it so conceived that a person performs some action and only then enjoys it? There are not only so-called psychoactive substances, but also psychoactive words that excite or relax the psyche of some much stronger than any psychostimulants in the form of tablets or liquids? Everything from the placebo group – is everyone inspired by the line of behavior and the information with which he lives? Depression, neurosis, etc., all living things know what to do, and only a person happens that he does not know which way he should go? Namely those who are from the category of «clean slate» and those who are not «loaded» with any information or who are carriers of information called harmful, will be those who are called alcoholics, drug addicts or psychopaths? What are they and where are they from, the so-called destructive drives? Information is a medicine or poison, depending on what it is? Nobody has ever given and will not give money, but how to live, have they been taught since ancient times? As the police or detectives say, look for who benefits, why are you «loaded» with precisely these thoughts and not others? What are stabilization and destabilization «downloads»? Those who promote what is called morality themselves do not comply with it, since they consider it a simple «load» to stabilize the society on which they depend, since it contains them? In states that are considered civilized, there are many speakers and other producers of intangible goods, if this continues, then soon there will be no one to work from the local ones, only visitors will work? Anything that some of those whose work partially or wholly consists in oratory, “ waddling ” and «water-pushing» are talking about? Does the orator or leader end among those like himself, speakers and leaders? In some books it is written that during communication you need to touch the interlocutor, supposedly it’s easier to “ weigh ” him and influence him? When communicating, some specially touch someone with a hand, and the one who touches someone thinks: «Another ambitious moron or fool has read commercial books about psychology»? Some rich countries decided at the legislative level that psychological pressure on the child is harmful to their psyche, that they don’t need to «break» and prosecute those who became drug addicts, and some of these laws «wrote off» some poor countries? How does the presence or absence of wealth in the country affect life before and after adulthood for those who were not «pressed» in childhood and those who decided to use drugs? A double-edged sword – modern laws of some poor countries prohibit (earlier, children were legally flogged with schools with rods) the use of physical punishment against children, and even they cannot be «crushed» psychologically, but then because of loyalty in childhood they can go to jail, which differs from the prison of rich countries (or in rich countries no one can go to prison at all because of the loyalty of the law), but much more unpleasant in a prison, does physical impact in childhood warn against larger problems in the future Wow, who lives in a poor state? Almost everything new in some areas causes a protest? Will the so-called psychological techniques ever be taken away from what they consider to be reality? What will happen if in the future a ban on public speaking and philosophizing is introduced, explaining this ban, for example, by a violation of human rights to freedom of choice of one’s actions and life path? It is scary to think that someday people will stop being led on the «true» path, and they will live clean, unfilled «sheets»? The lack of information of some kind for some, the reason for their so-called asocial behavior, and vice versa, the presence of information of a certain kind, excludes some of the so-called asocial behavior, is it all about information who has it and who doesn’t have it? Someone riding a train on a railway bridge, the bridge collapses, and he experiences horror, not euphoria, namely horror, why in death situations they experience not pleasure, but fear, because the higher forces need everyone to strive to live? Fear of death is a «guardian», fear of death, like sexual attraction, once again proves that people have a creator, and this is aimed at ensuring that living organisms do not die out from actions dangerous to life, fear, from actions sexual pleasure? The news often says that someone killed or committed suicide (stole from someone, robbed someone, etc.), take an interest in their biography, killers or suicides (and generally those who are called criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts) will be from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, in extreme cases, from wealthy families, where for those who grew up in them, the survival mode was turned off, and this can also be attributed to a lack of information, and even this the list will be some of those who are called state employees who have lost their jobs, and further those who do not belong to the above people, but simply are not capable of what they call amateur performances in economic and other senses? Being an oprichnik (employee), you need to be able to transform if you become a zemstvo (civilian) and while you are serving, prepare for the fact that you can become civilian (learn a new profession, look for a new job or place of life, save up money, in short, prepare the «ground»)? What is blat (necessary acquaintances), who has it, how does its absence or presence affect the fate and psychological state of some? How to understand this saying: «You will never become a marshal, since the marshal has his own son»? Do they fall into some positions by kinship or on the basis of moral and business qualities? In the future, all people from some countries will go with a DVR to record incidents related to conflict situations while being outside their home? Should human behavior be adapted to the place of residence? The presence of certain rights in some and the absence of these rights in others is considered discrimination, the presence of a certain kind of information in some and its absence in others is also discrimination, leading to a violation of parity? People detained by the police are sitting behind bars in a duty station, on a plot, in a car, those who detained them are walking nearby, in almost 100% of cases the detainees will be those from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, and those who detained them Will it be the other way around? The only difference between the detainees and their detainees is that the second (detainees) have information of a certain kind, and the first (detainees) do not have it, because there were no people who could give it to them? «The conversation and behavior of those sitting in the room will change when they find out that there is a time bomb next to them,» the words attributed to master of the artificial nightmare Alfred Hitchhock. From this it follows that in any case, is it information that changes a person’s behavior transmitted verbally, visually or tactilely? Probably almost no one thinks about this, what will happen if a nuclear war occurs, and after that there will be no one, no prisons, no infrastructure, no people with their instincts and other programs «flashed» into them, no one at all? They all the same, like all people, will die sooner or later, such thoughts visited some military pilots who were forced to destroy objects where there could be not only military opponents, but also civilians?

The life of those who are called ordinary inhabitants (and not only for them, they just have different programs), it is always a program in the form of, for example, a set of instincts, such as reproduction, revenge, and it needs information on how to realize them before everything was simple, but civilization required adjustments. There are those who have many needs, and those who have few, if the needs are those that can only be met through communication with people, then you need to know how to interact with people to fulfill their needs. Many of those who can fulfill their needs only through communication with other people are called unhappy, because they do not know the rules of communication, they are unhappy because higher powers do not give them hormones of pleasure, because they do not fulfill their tasks (no sexual relations, because they don’t know how to come to this, for the same reason there is no relationship with those to whom one feels a sense of what is called love, etc.).

Are some men so arranged that they at least for a while consider the one they found almost a goddess? Perhaps partly people are controlled by higher forces (with the help of the genetic code, hormones of pleasure and, possibly, something else), partly people themselves (with the help of words, phrases and, possibly, something else)? How does a person differ from an animal in that it can be controlled by words and phrases? All living things are drug addicts sitting on the endorphin needle and on other hormones of pleasure that give portionwise higher powers through the endocrine system for the perfect action they need? Is a pledge of mental health when there are not a large number of needs or, if they are, are they all satisfied? There is a concept in psychology of «compatibility with a supplement» when one person complements another, for example, two people who are called a psychopath (due to tolerance they say not «psychopath», but «person with a mobile psyche»), + calm, achieve harmony?

Does art require sacrifice? Where is it better to study the ocean, inside it or in the office, or both there and there? Should I go to study as a psychologist so that we don’t be drafted into the army, or go to the army to become a psychologist, study psychology in the «fields» and in the so-called critical conditions, or from textbooks and seminars, or not disdain either the first or the second? Maybe if you want to study as a software engineer, then the army is a lost time, but if you want to become a psychologist or a philosopher, then the army and other institutions of a similar type are just what you need? Some say, «don’t join the army – you’ll lose time, don’t go to jail or madhouse – you’ll break your life, don’t mess with anyone or anything, or you’ll be in trouble, don’t lose your job, or you’ll be lost, study, or you will work at prestigious work. ” But for some who decide to become an expert on what is called psychology, this is all or almost everything, just what you need. Time is not wasted, life does not break, you become voluntarily or involuntarily a specialist in a certain field, in that area called psychology, what is called life experience and useful information appears, and it is not necessary to become a psychologist with a diploma, but just a psychologist for yourself? But there is a certain category of people who really do not have to go through all of the above, their level and quality of life will be comfortable for them without acquiring any of the above places of life experience – for example, those who are called scientists, doctors, software engineers, etc. Some, by the way, again, voluntarily or involuntarily go through the above institutions or institutions in order to «cut off» the psychological beliefs, qualities that prevent them from becoming a software engineer m, scientists, and so on. d. As a result, some say, all is not lost years of his life to alcohol, the street in childhood and adolescence, a dating site on the prison, the civil service and anything else that is considered positive or negative, and became the one who is called a psychologist, and now they can speak out on this subject and live using the knowledge gained.

I found out such a thing, and that’s for sure, I personally know who it is about: in some places a person can become a psychiatrist (and already have become) a person who had nothing to do with psychiatry in about three months. It is enough, for example, that you worked as a doctor, for example, a dermatologist-venereologist, take about three-month courses – and engage in psychiatry. Why did he write this? Moreover, if psychiatry can be mastered for work in it in a few months, then, as has already been said many times, every person who has some kind of life experience of a lifetime is already a psychologist voluntarily or involuntarily. The life of an average person is a good course in psychology and psychiatry, and not only in these sciences.

«Do not teach me how to live, help me financially.» As a child, I saw the book «Parenting a child in an incomplete family», but didn’t read it, most likely it says «rubbish» that is far from reality, since it was written or written by those who themselves are far from life? Many complain about the" everyday life" that it is gloomy and spoils the relationship, but just the same, many of those who come to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist do not have enough knowledge about the" everyday life», knowledge about how to behave at home? What is this very" bytovuha», the problems and the reality of everyday life, there are psychiatrists and psychologists know the problems and the reality in the sense in which it exists in the so-called ordinary people, ordinary people? What are the horizons of the achievements of psychology and psychiatry in the 21st century? Does it mainly affect people’s mental state through chemicals? In the future, a psychiatrist or psychologist should not ask what problems you have, and what you want to be, arrogant, calm, etc., and make a person the way he wants to see himself? How does what is called the human psyche work? It’s very simple, there is a task, and if you perform it, you feel good, if you don’t do it, you feel bad, does someone have these feelings, called «good» or «bad», are less pronounced, someone else is more vivid?

Higher forces or nature have invested in everything living, including man, software called needs, for their satisfaction he receives a reward in the form of what is called pleasant sensations or a comfortable psychological state, for dissatisfaction – a punishment in the form of unpleasant sensations and uncomfortable psychological state? Recycling – everything repeats itself from century to century, were, are, and, probably, when science reaches a certain stage of its development, they will not be there, people with an uncomfortable psychological state and with unmet needs? The world is like serving in the army – everything has already been decided for you, just follow orders from above and receive rewards in the form of portions of endorphins? Mobile phones, the Internet, night vision devices, laser rangefinders, computer programs such as language translators, binoculars, telescopes, etc. – does science supplement the human body with new sensory and communication organs, something that it did not have at birth? Is everything that happens from year to year, etc., predictable, only in a different interpretation? Airplanes crash, put someone in prison, etc., only places and names change, is science only unpredictable and updated? Is it not a hobby, not a hobby, that makes a man not drink alcohol and drugs at all, but only an obsession with someone or anything: sex, science, sports, risk, money, politics, people, video games, fishing, hunting, etc.? It is emphasized that only obsession and nothing else, hobbies and hobbies are weak categories for the lack of a man what is considered alcoholism and drug addiction? How can one understand an obsessed person with a positive obsession, so to speak, like a drug addict, you completely «slaughter» yourself, for example, do computer programs or science for days without shaving and washing, without cutting off your nails? If an obsession with science is not diluted with another obsession or infatuation, for example, with the opposite sex, then does an obsession become almost like a drug addiction with «clogging» yourself? Many scientists did not shave, because they simply did not have time for this? Can not everyone be without what they called weaknesses, moreover, people with weaknesses are needed, and someone should be with weaknesses, if everyone is not interested in such a so-called weakness, like sex, will everyone die out? Now, with the help of modern chemical medicine, is it possible to both exacerbate what is called weaknesses and reduce it? A man obsessed with something thinks about one thing, but a simple person, as a rule, cannot fully concentrate on anything for a long time, disconnect from reality, various thoughts erupt towards him, his attention is «sprayed»? In addition to people with an uncomfortable mental state, there have always been people with a comfortable psychological state, and they are in this state, because they don’t have a lot of needs or they have, but they are all satisfied because they have the knowledge how to satisfy these needs, time and material resources for their satisfaction (in countries considered rich, revolutions or crimes among local residents are a rarity, since the needs of the majority are satisfied). People see it as their task to make everyone happy, especially those some people who control other people, because it is beneficial for them, but, as a rule, they want to see people only within a certain territory that is under their control, in those that are not under their control in the territories they want to see people unhappy, so that those who manage them there cannot manage them and lose control over the controlled territory. The cat caught a mouse, the sparrow ate a bug so that someone would feel good, someone should definitely feel bad, is this like a formula with physicists that is currently undeniable? At present, in the global volume, it is impossible to make everyone feel good, well, in the generally accepted sense of the word, can do good only in some countries, since resources are needed for «good», but not enough for everyone, only some, and some will not share them, since after that they may become «not good»? Good is when it feels good, bad is when it is unpleasant? Why do you feel unpleasant sensations at the death of a loved one, and not vice versa, pleasant sensations, who determined what hormones of pleasure should be produced from everyone, and from which not? Is an unpleasant or pleasant feeling just a «program» in your head? Youth is the tendency of some to generalize everything, it seems that all people of your gender are the same as you, and of the opposite sex are also the same – in fact, what you have is not necessary for others, and vice versa, not everyone has that the same degree as yours, the need, for example, for sex and love, some feel comfortable without it, moreover, they will be outside the comfort zone if it is imposed on them, and in some cases they will not understand who will talk to them on these topics?

If you set yourself the task of living a long and high quality, then for this you need to separate the useful and harmful information? As a rule, everyone begins to absorb enthusiastically any information only when the time has come for this, until the time has come, the information is not in demand. If you are from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, are you more likely than those who have a great family to swallow the bait, which consists of unnecessary information, and go the wrong way? If you are from a poor country and from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, then drinking alcohol and everything else that is considered weaknesses may be tantamount to death for you, since relatives and the state do not insure you with your support, you can only learn (now on the Internet you can find lectures on any topic and learn on your own) and / or prepare yourself for deprivation in order to achieve something and not to use information harmful to your future? Only the availability of the same information from someone from the so-called incomplete or dysfunctional family, like from someone from a complete and prosperous family, equalizes the chances between them?

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