Soulful folk music - 9 new scores by Swiss accordionist Aron Lötscher

made out of a traditional Swiss instrument
45,24 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

With the following scores, I take you into my musical world full of melodies. I love to combinate Swiss-accordion-melodies in major and minor. I am fascinated by the different sounds that can be elicited from this traditional instrument, which is more than 100 years old. At the same time, I integrated a lot of feelings into the music. The result are compositions that have a soulful, profound but also entertaining character. Most of the melodies are dedicated to people who inspired me.In the Youtube channel «Aron's Souly Folk – Play @ Home» you can find these and other compositions as videos.I wish you a lot of fun with my music.Soulful music greetingsAron
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Kitabın təsviri

With the following scores, I take you into my musical world full of melodies. I love to combinate Swiss-accordion-melodies in major and minor. I am fascinated by the different sounds that can be elicited from this traditional instrument, which is more than 100 years old. At the same time, I integrated a lot of feelings into the music. The result are compositions that have a soulful, profound but also entertaining character. Most of the melodies are dedicated to people who inspired me.

In the Youtube channel «Aron's Souly Folk – Play @ Home» you can find these and other compositions as videos.

I wish you a lot of fun with my music.

Soulful music greetings


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