Kitabı oxu: «The Real Rules: How to Find the Right Man for the Real You»

Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.

Title Page
What Are The Real Rules?
How to Stop Sabotaging Your Love Life With the Old Rules
REAL RULE #1: Treat Men the Way You Want Them to Treat You
REAL RULE #2: Remember That Men Need as Much Love and Reassurance as You Do
REAL RULE #3: Stay Away From Men Who Don’t Like The Real Rules
REAL RULE #4: Don’t Play Games
REAL RULE #5: Be Yourself
REAL RULE #6: If You Like Someone, Let Him Know
REAL RULE #7: Ask Questions Before You Get Too Involved
REAL RULE #8: Don’t Date Men Who Aren’t Completely Available
REAL RULE #9: Look for a Man With Good Character
REAL RULE #10: Pay Attention to Warning Signs of Possible Problems
REAL RULE #11: Judge a Man by the Size of His Heart, Not by the Size of His Wallet
REAL RULE #12: Be Fair: Don’t Practice Double Standards
REAL RULE #13: Don’t Fall in Love With a Man’s Potential
REAL RULE #14: Be Honest About Your Feelings
REAL RULE #15: Show Your Most Attractive Feature—Your Mind
REAL RULE #16: Be Emotionally Generous, Not Emotionally Stingy
REAL RULE #17: Wait Until You Are Emotionally Intimate Before Becoming Sexually Intimate
REAL RULE #18: Don’t Lower Yourself to Behaving Like a Sex Object
REAL RULE #19: Apply The Real Rules in Bed
REAL RULE #20: Make Sure Your Relationship Goes Through the Four Stages of Commitment
REAL RULE #21: Emotional Commitments Are More Valuable Than an Engagement Ring
REAL RULE #22: Never Pressure a Man Into Making a Commitment
REAL RULE #23: Be Patient as You Switch From the Old Rules to the Real Rules
REAL RULE #24: Protect Yourself With Your Head, Not Your Heart
REAL RULE #25: Use The Real Rules With Everyone in Your Life
About the Author
Also by the Author
About the Publisher
Let me tell you the story of how I decided to write The Real Rules:
One day in the fall of 1996, I was having lunch with several female friends. As we started on our salads, one of the women asked: “So Barbara, what do you think of that book everyone’s talking about—The Rules?” Now, I’d heard about this book which supposedly tells women how to get a man to marry them, but hadn’t actually seen it, so I answered frankly, “I haven’t read it.”
“You haven’t?” She reached into her purse and handed me a small paperback. “Here—someone in my office just gave me this as a joke. You aren’t going to believe this book!”
Now I was intrigued. Naturally, over the years, as a leading authority on relationships, I’ve always been asked my opinion about other books on love, but even when I’ve disagreed with the author’s thinking, I have never publicly criticized what I’ve read—that’s just not my style. And so I was completely unprepared for what happened next.
I looked at the book: The Rules. The cover looked harmless enough. Then, I opened the book and began to read—one piece of bad, recycled, antiquated advice after another—the kind of advice my grandmother gave my mother at the same time that she informed her she could get pregnant from kissing a man. At first, I thought that I’d misunderstood, that maybe this was one of those comic takeoffs on self-help books. Then, to my horror, as each chapter got progressively worse, I realized that this wasn’t a joke—this was supposed to be serious!
I could hardly believe what I was reading:
“… the man must take the lead …”
“… be quiet and mysterious, act ladylike …”
“… don’t say much, let him do all the thinking, the talking …”
“… he runs the show …”
“… if you don’t get jewelry … you might as well call it quits …”
“… try wearing tight jeans, a miniskirt, or a deep V-necked shirt …”
“… if you have a bad nose, get a nose job.”
“… overweight is not The Rules …”
These weren’t the rules for happiness—they were the rules for messing up your love life and behaving like the worst stereotype of a superficial, submissive woman!!
What I’m talking about goes way beyond any current book—it goes back centuries. They are the very ideas that caused millions of women (including me) to get into bad relationships with men they shouldn’t have even dated in the first place; the very ideas that had trapped so many women into love-starved, meaningless marriages they were afraid to leave; the very ideas that had created whole generations of women with low self-esteem; the very ideas from which I and so many other successful and happy women had spent our whole lives working hard to break free.
I thought about all the unsuspecting women who were desperately putting The Rules into practice, not realizing the price they were eventually going to pay for compromising their honesty, integrity, and self-respect in order to trap a man.
I thought about all the teenage girls reading this junk, believing it was the truth, and getting their first boyfriend by playing games, showing their cleavage, and keeping their mouths shut.
I thought of the inevitable backlash from men who would hear about The Rules and conclude, “I was right—women are just controlling, manipulative bitches.”
Suddenly, I realized that the book I was holding in my hand wasn’t merely amusing, silly, or just incredibly stupid—it was wrong. It went against everything I’ve taught for the past twenty years, and everything I know to be healthy in relationships.
That’s when I knew I had to write The Real Rules.…
I dedicate The Real Rules to every woman who has ever had her heart broken by falling in love with a man who wasn’t good for her.
I dedicate The Real Rules to every woman who has ever believed she needs to become a man’s perfect-bodied, plastic fantasy in order to get his love.
I dedicate The Real Rules to every woman who has ever been afraid to share her real feelings, desires, or concerns with a man for fear that he’ll tell her she’s too “needy and demanding.”
I dedicate The Real Rules to every woman who has ever been so afraid of losing a man that she sacrificed her opinions, her values, and her self-respect.
I dedicate The Real Rules to every woman who has ever lost herself so deeply in trying to please a man that she doesn’t know who she is anymore.
I dedicate The Real Rules to every mother who doesn’t want her daughter to make the same mistakes in love that she did, and every daughter who doesn’t want to end up like her mother.
I dedicate The Real Rules to every woman who dreams of having a relationship with a real man based on real equality—no games, no power struggles, just a loving, intimate, mutually respectful partnership.
And I dedicate The Real Rules to every real man out there who wants a real woman—a woman you can trust and respect who has an honest mind and a loving heart.
I offer this with love, from me to you.
The Real Truth.
The Real Rules …
Barbara De Angelis
When I was a little girl, I believed that the happiest day of my life would be my wedding day. Even though I knew nothing about relationships, I already understood that the day I married the man of my dreams would signify a great accomplishment in my life, as it did in the life of all women—the day I officially captured a man. No one ever actually used the word “capture” in referring to my search for a mate. Yet the message from my family and from society was clear: I was supposed to “find” myself a husband, “get” a man,” “catch” a guy.
It was also clear that in the grown-up world, women who hadn’t “gotten” a man, and, even worse, had never “gotten” married, were to be pitied, like the weak animals in a herd who just couldn’t catch any prey. I’d hear my relatives whisper, “So and so’s daughter is thirty-two, and she’s not married. Poor thing. I wonder what’s wrong with her …”
And so like millions of women throughout history, I got the message: my value as a woman lay in my ability to “get” a man. Somehow, if I didn’t get a man, I would be less of a woman. And if I was lucky enough to get a man with a prestigious job or money or both, then I would be a real winner.
It should come as no surprise, then, that by the time I was seventeen years old, my main goal in life was to be in a relationship with a guy. Looking back, I realize that it didn’t actually matter who he was, as long as I was going steady. Did I ever ask myself if I was really happy? Did I ask myself if he respected me and supported my goals? Did I ask myself if he was everything I was looking for in a boyfriend? Of course not. I just wanted to be part of a couple. I was less concerned with who I was with, than the fact that I was with someone.
Eventually, I went off to college, and this pattern continued. Someone would indicate that he liked me, would chase after me a bit, and I’d get into a relationship with him. (When I recall some of the guys I was involved with, I shudder … you know the feeling, right!!?) Naturally, these relationships never worked. How could they? My goal was the acquisition of a man, not the creation of a really good relationship. I was so busy trying to GET the guy that I never asked myself if I really wanted to be with who I ended up with.
Finally, when I was twenty-one, the big moment arrived. A young man asked me to marry him. Never mind that I wasn’t really in love with him; never mind that I hardly knew anything about him; never mind that we were totally incompatible. This was what I’d been waiting for—a proposal, and so of course, I said “yes.” At last—I’d be Mrs. Barbara Somebody! I’d done it … I’d gotten a man!!
You can imagine, then, my heartbreak when, after five brief but nightmarish months, I found myself getting the marriage annulled. “How could this have happened?” I asked myself in disbelief. “All I’ve ever wanted was to be married.”
It took me many years and several other painful relationships to figure out the answer:
My heart was broken because I’d been following
What was THE OLD RULE that had broken my heart? It was the unspoken but powerful message behind everything my family had taught me, behind everything I’d observed about society’s treatment of women.
I’d followed THE OLD RULE, and I’d gotten a man. The problem was, I had wanted to be married, more than I wanted to be married to the right person. As I said earlier: the goal of a woman who follows THE OLD RULE is the acquisition of a man, not the creation of a healthy loving relationship.
This is what happens when you follow THE OLD RULE to get a man. You focus your energy and your awareness on the getting part of the process as opposed to focusing it on whom you’re getting. And one day, you wake up and realize you’re in a relationship that’s not at all what you want with someone who’s not at all whom you want.
Like millions of women before me and millions of women after me who followed THE OLD RULE and ended up in the wrong relationship, I’d been so concerned about getting someone to love me that I’d never taken the time to really ask myself if I loved him. I’d been so concerned about getting a commitment from him that I’d never asked myself if he was the kind of man I wanted to commit to. I’d been so concerned about getting him to think that I was everything he wanted that I’d never asked myself if he was everything I wanted.
It took me until my mid-thirties to realize that I had been unconsciously sabotaging my love life by following THE OLD RULE. And it was only when I stopped practicing this old rule, and applied THE REAL RULES that are in this book, that I finally found the right man, created the healthy relationship I’d always wanted, and got married—this time, for the right reasons …
Where did THE OLD RULE that has dominated so many women’s lives come from? It developed based on thousands of years of history during which women had no equal rights or opportunities, no jobs or ability to earn our own income, and truly needed a man, any man, for our physical survival. We didn’t have a choice—we either got married to whomever would have us, or entered a convent. (Having our own apartment with a friend was not an option …)
Lots of things made sense centuries ago that don’t make sense now—using a horse for transportation; cooking your meals over a fire; abstaining from sex because you didn’t want to have any more children. Now you have other choices that make life a lot easier, and much more enjoyable. That’s called progress. The OLD RULE and all the “sub-rules” that stem from it, made sense thousands of years ago, maybe even a hundred years ago. But they don’t make sense now.
Whether you recently read about this outdated thinking in a book, heard or still hear it from family members or girlfriends, or just realize, like I did, that it’s been unconsciously running and ruining your love life, one thing is true: As a woman on the threshold of the twenty-first century, you have other choices. And that’s what THE REAL RULES are about.
THE REAL RULES are positive principles about love and relationships that will take you into a more powerful, more fulfilled future, rather than trapping you in a limited past.
THE REAL RULES aren’t about trying to be what a man wants so he’ll marry you. Instead, THE REAL RULES are about becoming who you really are as a woman, and finding a man who loves you because of it.
THE REAL RULES won’t just teach you how to get a man—they’ll teach you how to get the right man.
Most importantly, THE REAL RULES are NOT based on the negative principle of FEAR—fear of being alone, fear of being unattractive, fear of a man becoming bored with you if you’re not “mysterious,” fear of making one wrong move or saying one wrong thing and “blowing” a whole relationship. When your behavior or choices are motivated by fear, you’re never acting from your most powerful self.
Instead THE REAL RULES are based on the positive principle of LOVE—loving and honoring your own thoughts, needs, and feelings as a woman, loving and honoring your partner’s own thoughts, needs, and feelings as a man, and expressing that love for yourself and for him by practicing honesty, kindness, and respect in all of your behaviors and communications.
There are 25 REAL RULES I’ll be sharing with you in the following chapters. All of THE REAL RULES are based on these basic principles that I call
#1. The purpose of your life isn’t to get married. The purpose of your life is to grow into the most loving, fulfilled, real woman you can be.
#2. Your love life shouldn’t focus on getting a man, but rather on finding the right man for the real you.
#3. Once you have found the right man, the goal shouldn’t be getting him to make the ultimate commitment, but rather, creating a healthy, loving, mutually respectful real relationship.
#4. When you create a healthy, mutually respectful, real relationship with the right man, a loving commitment between you will naturally occur.
Soon I’ll be presenting the specific REAL RULES, but you can start replacing OLD RULES THINKING with REAL RULES THINKING even after reading just these few pages. Here’s a chart to help you:
I want a man | I want the right man for me |
I want him to love me | I want him to love me for who I really am |
I want to become just what he’s been looking for | I want to make sure he’s just what I’ve been looking for |
I want to get him to marry me | I want to work together to create a healthy, loving, mutually respectful relationship that grows into a commitment so our marriage will last |
I’m so excited to share this information with you. I know it’s going to make an enormous difference in your life, just as it did in mine. You deserve to know about THE REAL RULES!!!
Have you been tempted to try out some so-called “techniques” you recently read in a book or magazine about THE OLD RULES in hope of getting a man to fall in love with you, or getting your boyfriend to propose?
Does the advice you heard from your mother or from friends about how to “play hard to get with men” ever run through your mind, and do you find yourself wondering if it might work for you?
Are you embarrassed to admit that, even though you disagree with them, you’ve secretly considered using some of THE OLD RULES because you’re so tired of being single?
If you answered “yes,” “maybe,” or even “I’m not sure”: STOP EVERYTHING AND READ THIS CHAPTER NOW!! Before you go out on your next date, before you talk to a man on the phone, or before you even leave the house, think about this:
• Practicing THE OLD RULES can sabotage your self-esteem and take away your real power in relationships.
• Practicing THE REAL RULES, you’ll not only find the right man for you, but you’ll also feel more self-confident than ever before in all areas of your life.
Most women I know don’t just want a great relationship—whether they’re seventeen or seventy, they also want to feel fulfilled and powerful in their life. All of us would like to make our dreams come true, whether those dreams are to create a happy marriage and loving family, or to have our own, successful business. The dictionary defines the word “powerful” as meaning strong, capable, confident, effective, and impressive, versus feeling powerless—helpless, weak, ineffective, and dependent. Along with feeling powerful, most of us want to feel good about ourselves—we want a strong sense of confidence and self-esteem. And naturally, the more self-esteem you possess, the more capable and powerful you feel, and the more you attract the right people in life.
Well, guess what: every time you put one of the OLD RULES into practice, you are sabotaging your self-esteem and power. THE OLD RULES may seem like a silly, harmless method for getting a husband, but they’re actually much more dangerous than that, because each time you act on an OLD RULE, you’re reinforcing negative beliefs about yourself.
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