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Every Man out of His Humour

3,60 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

'Every Man out of His Humour' is a satirical comedy written by English playwright Ben Jonson. The character Sogliardo, who Jonson includes in his general mockery of socially ambitious fools, is a country bumpkin, new to the city, who boasts of the coat of arms he has recently purchased, which, when he describes its colors, resembles a fool's motley.
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Kitabın təsviri

'Every Man out of His Humour' is a satirical comedy written by English playwright Ben Jonson. The character Sogliardo, who Jonson includes in his general mockery of socially ambitious fools, is a country bumpkin, new to the city, who boasts of the coat of arms he has recently purchased, which, when he describes its colors, resembles a fool's motley.

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Yaş həddi:
220 səh.
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