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Kitabı oxu: «Billionaire Without A Past»


The past had finally caught up with him and he wanted it back where it belonged.

And then another stinging thought occurred—Rachel would find out too. Today and tonight had been amazing, and soon it would be spoiled when she discovered the truth.

Nikolai had never had to deal with this—a lover knowing.

And what a lover…

It would be bad enough telling his friends and seeing the distaste in their eyes, answering difficult questions. But Rachel…?

Yuri would say he was running from things, hiding things, and that wasn’t Nikolai’s way at all. Yet at four in the morning he went into the bedroom and picked his clothes up from the floor and dressed.

‘Rachel…’ His voice was not as measured as he preferred, and he had to clear his throat, but she just lay there—pretending, Nikolai was sure, to be asleep.

He didn’t say her name again—he just collected his belongings and was gone.

As the door closed behind him he was almost tempted to knock and say… What? That he’d locked himself out? Or…?

No, better that she hated him than for the truth to come out, he thought as he stepped out onto the dark London streets.

Nikolai had thought he’d long ago dealt with his past.

It would seem he’d been wrong.

Irresistible Russian Tycoons

Sexy, scandalous and impossible to resist!

Daniil, Roman, Sev and Nikolai have come a long way from the Russian orphanage they grew up in. These days the four sexy tycoons dominate the world’s stage—and they are just as famed for their prowess between the sheets!

Untamed and untouched by emotion, can these ruthless men find women to redeem them?

You won’t want to miss these sizzling Russians in this sensational quartet from

USA TODAY bestselling author Carol Marinelli

available only from Mills & Boon Modern Romance!

Find out where it all started in

The Price of His Redemption December 2015 Available now!

The Cost of the Forbidden January 2016 Available now!

And don’t miss the dramatic conclusion

Return of the Untamed Billionaire Coming in June 2016

Without a Past
Carol Marinelli

CAROL MARINELLI is a Taurus, with Taurus rising, yet still thinks she is a secret Gemini. Originally from England, she now lives in Australia and is the single mother of three. Apart from her children, writing romance and the friendships forged along the way are her passion. She chooses to believe in a happy-ever-after for all, and strives for that in her writing.




Irresistible Russian Tycoons

Title Page

About the Author




















NIKOLAI ERISTOV HAD dealt with his difficult past.

Or rather he had been quite sure that he had.

Yet this morning, after his preferred strong tea had been poured by his butler, Nikolai did not reach for the cup as he usually would—he could not be sure that his hand would not shake, and he had long ago decided to never let another person glimpse his weakness.

It was how he had come to survive.

With breakfast served, his butler went to leave the sumptuous master suite on the bridge deck of the superyacht but Nikolai called him back.

‘I need you to take care of something for me this morning.’


‘I need a new a suit.’

‘Savile Row and Jermyn Street are—’

‘No,’ Nikolai interrupted. The butler had misunderstood his request. Nikolai did not want one of London’s finest tailors to be brought to the yacht, neither did he want to go and visit them. ‘I want you to go to a department store and purchase a suit for me. You have my measurements.’

‘I do, but—’

Nikolai gave a brief, impatient shake of his head. He did not need to explain his thinking to his butler so instead he stated his requirements. ‘I want you to purchase a charcoal suit and I also need a shirt and tie that would be suitable to wear to a church wedding. Oh, and I shall need shoes too.’

‘You want me to buy you clothes off the peg?’ his butler carefully checked, and well he might—Nikolai was tall and broad shouldered and dressed exquisitely. His outfits came from top designers—all of whom wanted him wearing their name, just for the chance that his dark, brooding good looks would be photographed in one of their creations. Why on earth would he send his butler to a department store when his dressing room was lined with the best of the best?

‘Yes,’ Nikolai said, ‘and I need you to go soon. The wedding is at two.’

Nikolai then told him the price range that he had in mind for his outfit and he saw his usually impassive butler blink—after all, the champagne that had been in the empty bottle he had removed from the bedside that morning had cost only a little less than had been allocated for today. That said, Nikolai spent thousands on champagne. Still, for him, it was a modest budget indeed.

‘I wasn’t aware that it was that time again and so soon!’ The butler made a small joke and, given it was late spring, Nikolai conceded a small smile.

For a couple of months each year his life of luxury living aboard a superyacht ceased and Nikolai worked on the huge icebreakers in the Atlantic. He had recently returned. There he wore thick layers and an ushanka. The rest of the time he wore his wealth well. He was rich, successful in many endeavours and, Nikolai had been sure, the ghosts of yesteryear had long since been laid to rest. No one could have guessed his dirt-poor origins or the shame and fear that had used to wake him at night in a drench of cold sweat.

‘Am I to purchase a wedding gift?’ The butler asked.


Only when his somewhat bemused butler had left to carry out his instructions did Nikolai pick up the cup from the saucer. He had been right to wait for his butler to leave for, yes, his hand shook slightly as he pondered how best to face this difficult day in what had once been a difficult life.

It was a good life now.

He had fought hard for it to be just that.

Nikolai had battled against the odds and had refused to become another statistic. Instead of allowing his abuser to break him, he had fought not just to survive but to thrive. Instead of turning to drink or drugs to dim the pain of the past, he had faced it.

Dealt with it.

Of course he had, Nikolai told himself.

Now he owned a fleet of superyachts and his presence was regularly requested at A-list events—a party on his yacht was the place to be.

He had it all, thanks to Yuri, who had been both his mentor and his saviour.

How Nikolai would kill for one more conversation with that man. How badly he needed his advice today.

The only person who knew the truth about his past had been Yuri.

‘Beris druzhno ne budet gruzno,’ he had told Nikolai. It was an old Russian saying—if you share the burden it won’t feel so heavy.

Nikolai had only told the truth so that Yuri would not alert the authorities who would have sent him back to destky dom, the orphanage from where he had run. But, as it had turned out, Yuri had been right—with the burden shared he had felt lighter.

But Yuri wasn’t here and so Nikolai had had to turn to himself to work out how best to deal with today.

Nikolai wanted to see his friend married but he did not want to be seen. No doubt Sev would, if he saw him, ask why he had run away without a word to his friend and that was something Nikolai did not want to discuss.

His past must not taint his present, Nikolai had decided. He would slip into the church unnoticed and leave the same way. There was nothing he needed to do, no secrets he needed to reveal.

A small knot of disquiet tightened in his chest as Nikolai could almost hear Yuri refute his handling of the matter.

Yuri would say that by hiding, by slipping into the back of the church, he was taking the easy way out, and that was not like Nikolai.

He stood and walked across the suite and looked out to Canary Wharf, where he had docked last night. The glass was treated to ensure no one could see in—a necessary measure, for the press would love to capture images of the rich and famous and of the decadent goings-on on board his yacht. He stared out, unseen, at families and couples who were pointing and taking pictures of the attraction that his home was.

Nikolai was used to it.

His yacht was named Svoboda, the Russian word for freedom and it drew crowds whenever it docked, especially as it housed its own car and the sight of the ramp opening and Nikolai driving out was impressive. More often than not his home was docked in more glittering surroundings. The south of France was a favourite, as was the Arabian Gulf.

It had been there, cruising down the Gulf of Aqaba, that Nikolai had first found out about Sev and Naomi. Lying in bed, unable to sleep, he had considered waking the blonde beauty beside him in his usual way but instead he had got up and headed up to the sundeck and, under the stars, had opened up his laptop.

As he often did, Nikolai had looked for news of his friends from detsky dom days and he had read the latest news about Sev.

The New York City–based Internet security expert, Sevastyan Derzhavin, was spotted in London sporting a black eye and a nasty cut. With him was his personal assistant, Naomi Johnson, wearing a huge black diamond ring on her engagement finger.

The picture that had accompanied the small piece was of Sev and, presumably, Naomi, walking hand in hand along the street, and, despite the mess of his face, Sev had looked happy.

He deserved to be.

Growing up, Sev had been the closest thing to family that Nikolai had ever known.

In the orphanage, there had been four dark-haired, pale-skinned, dark-eyed boys who had challenged the carers. They had been born with no hope but all had had dreams.

At first they had dreamt that one day they would be chosen by a family.

They never had been, though, and finally they had been cruelly told why. Their pale skin, which didn’t turn pink, and their dark hair had meant they were black Russians and far harder to place than blond, blue-eyed children.

Still they’d dreamt.

The twins, Daniil and Roman, would become famous boxers, the boys were all sure. Sev, with his clever mind, would go far, and as for Nikolai, though he had no idea who his parents were, he was certain his father had been a sailor.


Nikolai’s love of the ocean had been born into him long, long before he had even glimpsed the sea.

But in detsky dom dreams had died easily.

At twelve years of age Daniil had been chosen and placed with an English family. His identical twin, Roman, had then run wilder than ever before and had been moved to the secure wing.

At fourteen, as Sev had started to shine, he had been moved to a different class and hope had been high that he would receive a scholarship to a prestigious school. Nikolai and Sev had still got the bus to school together and they’d shared a dormitory at night, but without his friend Nikolai’s grades had slipped and he had been singled out by a teacher he’d loathed.

‘Tell me, Nikolai, why your grades have suddenly gone down?’

Nikolai had shrugged. He hadn’t liked this teacher, who had always picked on him and given him detention, which had meant he would miss the bus and have to walk.

‘Was Sevastyan helping you?’ the teacher asked.

‘Nyet.’ He shook his head. ‘Can I go now? Or I will miss the bus.’

It was cold and snowing and his coat was not a good one.

‘We need to discuss this,’ the teacher said. ‘It would not look good on your friend’s scholarship application if I had to write that Sevastyan had helped you to cheat.’

‘He didn’t.’

The teacher got out a maths exam paper Nikolai had recently taken and told him to sit and then asked him to write the answers to the questions.

‘You could do this maths two months ago, so why not now?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘This could be very bad for your friend...’

Nikolai stared at the numbers and pleaded for the answer to come to him. Of course Sev had helped him, it hadn’t felt like cheating, just a friend helping a friend.

And it could now cause trouble.

‘Did Sevastyan do your work for you?’ the teacher asked, and raised his hand. Nikolai thought he was about to be smacked upside the head but the man’s hand came down on Nikolai’s shoulder.

‘Nyet,’ Nikolai said, and tried to shrug the hand off, but it remained.

‘Come on, Nikolai,’ the teacher said, and, removing his hand, he took the chair beside Nikolai. ‘How can I help you if you don’t tell me the truth?’

‘He didn’t do my work.’

‘Then you should be able to do the maths.’

Yet he couldn’t.

He heard the horn blare from the bus and he knew it was leaving.

‘I’ll drive you home,’ the teacher said, and Nikolai frowned as he would rather walk in the snow. ‘About Sevastyan helping you...’

‘We weren’t cheating,’ Nikolai pleaded, to save his friend from losing his scholarship. ‘Sev just showed me how.’

‘It’s okay,’ the teacher said gently, and Nikolai did not understand the strange tone to the man’s voice yet the hammering of his heart warned him to fear it. ‘We can keep it between us. Nobody has to get into trouble.’

Nikolai stared at the sums and then he felt a hand high on his thigh.

‘Do they?’ the teacher checked, and Nikolai didn’t answer.

* * *

His butler duly returned and managed not to raise an eyebrow at the table Nikolai had upended in rage at the memory of what had taken place long ago. Instead, the butler laid out the clothes he had purchased and since neatly pressed.

Nikolai headed to the shower and decided against shaving. His thick dark hair fell into perfect shape.

He pulled on the crisp white shirt and gunmetal-grey tie his butler had chosen. The dark suit sat on his broad shoulders far better than he had expected it to.

He felt as if he were dressing for a funeral such was his grief for his lost friend, yet he wanted to see Sev happy so badly.

His eyes would remain behind dark glasses, Nikolai decided as he put them on. He would take them off at the last moment as he stepped into the church.

He would arrive and leave unnoticed, and so, instead of summoning his driver or making a spectacle of unloading the car, he disembarked on foot and walked along South Quay then hailed a black cab.

The driver chatted about how warm the weather was for May but Nikolai did not respond. As they pulled up at the church and the driver turned for his fare, Nikolai shook his head.

‘Two minutes,’ he said with a heavy Russian accent.

Those two minutes turned into ten but the driver did not argue given the amount of cash that had just changed hands.

Nikolai sat watching the guests milling on the steps of the church and braced himself to head inside. The press were there and police were keeping the crowd on the other side of the road.

Sev, he guessed, must already be inside because, despite scanning the crowd, he could not make out his old friend. Sev had been an introvert and more into books and computers than people, yet on his wedding day there were many people there to celebrate.

Including Nikolai.

He watched as a tall, slender woman with a blaze of long red hair climbed out of a luxury vehicle. She was laughing and chatting as she helped a heavily pregnant woman get out. Nikolai recognised the pregnant woman as Libby, Daniil’s wife, from a news article he had read during the times he had looked up his friends.

So Daniil must be here also.

The two women walked up the steps and went into the church and Nikolai could hear the bells ringing out as others started to head inside.

‘Two more minutes,’ he said again to the driver.

It was proving every bit as hard as he had guessed it would be to face his past.

Sev had enquired as to the reason for Nikolai’s tears on the night he had run away. Nikolai had not been able to answer the question then and he was nowhere near ready to answer it now. He did not want to see the discomfort in anybody’s eyes as he revealed the sordid past.

He climbed out of the cab and walked to the church, and just as the bride’s car came into view he slipped into the church.

Hopefully unseen.

Yuri, were he alive, might say he was hiding and that he should face things in his usual bold way, but on this occasion Nikolai did not want to ponder sage advice—he would take his own.

There was no need to discuss his past.

No need to re-invite shame.


‘RACHEL, I JUST don’t understand.’

Libby was clearly perplexed by Rachel’s shocking news that, after a long tour of Australasia, she had left the dance company. The two women had, until recently, not only danced with the same company but had also been flatmates. Last year, just before she had met her now husband, Daniil, Libby herself had retired.

In truth, Libby had been pushed into the decision and Rachel could well remember her friend’s struggle to let go of the career she loved so. They had discussed it over and over.

Rachel had made up her mind by herself.

They were friends but very different. Libby wore her heart on her sleeve, whereas Rachel kept hers not just buried in a deep vault but one where the key had been thrown away and wet concrete poured over it.

She let no one in.

Oh, she chatted, but it was mainly about the other person, and she flirted and dated but it was always on her terms.


They were in Rachel’s vast suite at a luxury hotel, getting ready to attend a very prominent London wedding. Rachel had never actually met the happy couple, she was there more to support Libby as Daniil was the best man and Libby was one week away from her due date.

Because Daniil owned the hotel, Rachel had been given an amazing suite. Anxious about sharing her news while determined to be upbeat for her friend today, Rachel had taken a long fragrant bath, with heated curlers in. It had done nothing to quell the nerves that lived permanently in her chest.

Rachel was always anxious, even if she hid it well, but now it felt as if everything was coming to a head.

The bath hadn’t worked its magic and she had already been running late when Libby had arrived. Preparations had further stalled when Rachel had, oh, so casually dropped the news that she would not be returning to the dance company,

‘But what will you do?’ Libby asked.

‘I’m not sure yet,’ Rachel admitted as she started to pull the jumbo heated rollers out of her long red hair. ‘I intend to work it out over a lot of long lazy evenings and morning lie-ins!’

‘I don’t get how you can have left without having made any plans. I thought you were happy...’

‘I was happy. I still am,’ Rachel said, and then she promptly changed the subject by going into her overnight bag and pulling out a burnt-orange velvet dress. ‘What do you think?’

‘It’s very...’ Libby’s voice trailed off as Rachel squeezed herself into her very tight dress, but as she slithered it down past her thighs she frowned as she looked over and saw the pained expression on Libby’s face.

‘You cannot go into labour today,’ Rachel warned.

‘I know I can’t,’ Libby said. ‘I keep telling myself that. I just don’t think the baby is listening.’

‘Do you think you might have it?’

‘I think I might,’ Libby admitted.

‘Oh, my!’ Rachel grinned her toothy grin. ‘How exciting.’

‘How not!’ Libby sighed. ‘This wedding is so important for Daniil, Sev is like family to him. Sev is his family.’

‘I’m sure you’ll be fine,’ Rachel said with all the authority of someone who watched an awful lot of medical dramas ‘First ones take ages and ages, and anyway your waters haven’t popped. Imagine if they do in the church!’

‘You’re such a comfort, Rachel,’ Libby said, but she did smile. ‘Come on, do your make-up, we have to go.’

‘I’ll do it in the taxi...’ Rachel said, and then remembered how rich Libby was and that this wasn’t the old days. Daniil’s driver would take them to the church! She pulled on very high stilettos, in the same burnt-orange velvet as her dress, and they took the elevator down and then out to where the driver waited. Once seated in the plush car Rachel opened up her large bag and, very used to doing her make-up in less luxurious surroundings, she set to work on her face.

‘You’re ever so pale,’ Libby commented, and then remembered. ‘We didn’t have lunch!’

They had been too busy talking!

‘I didn’t have breakfast either,’ Rachel said, and took a chocolate éclair sweet out from the bottom of her bag and carried on doing her make-up. Off came the freckles, thanks to an amazing foundation she had newly discovered. Her reddish-blonde eyelashes were soon a long silky black that brought out the green of her eyes. She added some rouge and then a good dash of coral lipstick and then peered in the hand mirror at her slightly protruding teeth that had a gap in the middle. ‘I’m thinking of getting braces.’


‘I just am. Come on, you need to bring me up to speed, I’ve lost track of all these Russians.’ Rachel snapped her fingers for information as she teased out the curls in her hair. ‘The groom is Sev, Daniil’s friend from the orphanage?’

‘Yes,’ Libby said. ‘Though it might be kinder not to refer to him as that.’

‘I can be tactful!’

‘Sometimes you can be.’ Libby smiled.

‘Tell me about the bride.’

‘Her name’s Naomi,’ Libby said. ‘She was his PA in New York but she’s actually from London.’

‘What’s she like?’

‘I only met her briefly, she was still his PA then. We were just on our honeymoon. Oh, Anya will be at the wedding too.’


‘Tatania.’ Libby gave Anya’s stage name and watched as Rachel let out a little squeal of delight. Anya too had been at the orphanage, though as the cook’s daughter. Now, she was prima ballerina in a Russian dance company and back in London performing Firebird. Rachel had seen her the last time the company was here and had been hoping to see her again before the production closed next week but it was proving impossible.

‘Do you think she can get me tickets?’ Rachel asked. ‘It’s completely sold out.’

‘She probably can but I doubt that she would—Anya’s not very friendly,’ Libby warned.

‘Oh, well, it’s worth a try. What about the other one?’ Rachel frowned as she tried to work it out. She knew, from what Libby had told her, that there had been four orphans but she struggled to keep up with their names. ‘Nikolai?’

‘No!’ Libby quickly said as she winced at the potential faux pas. ‘Nikolai’s the dead one. He killed himself when he was fourteen. He was being abused by his teacher.’


Rachel answered with her usual shallow response yet she saw her own rapid blink in the small hand mirror when she heard what had happened to Nikolai.

Yes, there were things she didn’t discuss, especially not on a wedding day with her anxious, pregnant friend.

Especially ever.

‘You’re talking about Roman,’ Libby said, ‘Daniil’s twin. He’s—’

Rachel turned as Libby broke off in mid-sentence and went silent.

‘Are you having another one?’ Rachel asked as they pulled up outside the church.

‘No.’ Libby shook her head. ‘Maybe,’ she admitted, as Rachel helped her out of the car. ‘God, Rachel, don’t let me make a scene. I can’t spoil the wedding.’

‘Oh, you shan’t. I’ll just throw a coat over you or something.’ Then she smiled. ‘You’ll be fine.’

The bells were ringing out and the press were taking photos of the arriving guests as they walked into the gorgeous old church. There were white roses everywhere and the organ was playing. Rachel followed Libby to a pew near the front and there was a buzz of anticipation all around.

Rachel loved weddings and this was going to be a good one, she was sure.

Daniil was dead sexy and the groom was too, Rachel thought, which hopefully meant half the congregation would be.

She turned and watched as a reed-thin, beautiful woman slipped into the pew behind them and then tapped Libby on the shoulder.


‘It’s lovely to see you, Anya.’ Libby smiled. ‘This is my friend Rachel...’

‘Anya!’ Rachel said, and her face was on fire, she knew, as she had an absolute fangirl moment. Rachel had been a huge fan of Tatania for years and had followed her career closely.

‘I think I must have seen you perform at least ten times...’ Rachel did a little count in her head. ‘Actually, twelve!’

‘Rachel’s not exaggerating,’ Libby added. ‘Any time you’re in London and she wasn’t performing herself she was watching you.’

‘I saw you in Paris when you played Lilac Fairy. I’m hoping to get to see Firebird again,’ Rachel said, but Anya shook her head.

‘We close next week.’

‘Yes, I know. I haven’t been able to get tickets,’ Rachel said, and let out a dramatic sigh, hoping, hoping that Anya would come to a fellow dancer’s rescue.

‘It sold out ages ago.’

Dismissed by Anya, Rachel turned and stared ahead. She could feel Libby trying not to laugh at Anya’s cool acceptance of Rachel’s desire to see her and her absolute shutdown with no offer of tickets!

‘Told you,’ Libby said.

‘You did.’ Rachel sighed.

As they waited for the bride to arrive Libby tried to chat about Rachel’s work, or lack of it.

‘You know that I’ve got a temporary teacher to fill in for me,’ Libby said, ‘but I’m always on the lookout—’

‘Libby,’ Rachel broke in. ‘I don’t want to teach.’

‘Then what will you do?’

‘I’m not sure.’

Her mother had asked her the same question last night with the addition of, ‘I warned you to have something to fall back on.’

Rachel had said nothing at the time but her jaw had gritted. Her mother hadn’t, Rachel was sure, meant another career. Evie Cary fell back onto men. Over and over. All had had money. Evie made sure that the men she dated would keep her in the style she’d like to become accustomed to.

There had been a parade of boyfriends and lovers. Some had lasted a weekend, some a few months. One for a couple of years.

He had walked out on her mother two weeks after Rachel had left home.

Surprise, surprise.

Rachel jerked her mind away from dark memories and tried to focus on the future.

She didn’t need someone or something to fall back on, she wanted to fall into her new life.

Money wasn’t too much of a problem in the short term.

She had worked too hard to spend much and could take some time to figure things out. She looked over at Libby and wondered whether to tell her her idea.

‘I was thinking of starting a blog.’

‘A blog?’ Libby said. ‘Why?’

‘It doesn’t matter.’

The pews continued to fill, but to the right and not so much to the left, and it suddenly dawned on Rachel that, given the groom was an orphan...

Libby laughed again as Rachel’s shoulders sagged.

‘I thought the place would be teeming with sexy Russians,’ Rachel sighed.

‘Oh, well, there’s always André,’ Libby said.

‘No.’ Rachel shook her head as Libby spoke of Rachel’s long-term colleague and occasionally intimate friend. ‘Didn’t I tell you? He’s met someone and it’s serious.’


‘Yep.’ Rachel nodded. ‘They’re getting married in a fortnight.’

‘How didn’t I hear this?’

‘It only just happened.’

‘Well, that’s one wedding you’ll be avoiding,’ Libby said.

Rachel didn’t comment and neither did she tell Libby that it was a wedding she couldn’t avoid. Instead, she looked through the order of service and deliberately tried not to think about André.

‘So who’s he marrying?’ Libby asked, and Rachel longed for Libby to have a sudden contraction, for the bride to arrive, for anything other than give the answer.

It wasn’t something she wanted to talk about.

There was more.

Of course there was.

The Cary family had more skeletons in their closets than a graveyard.

‘Rachel?’ Libby pushed for her to answer the question but thankfully there was a stir in the congregation and Daniil said something to Sev in Russian in a shocked voice. At first Rachel assumed the bride had arrived so she turned around.

Oh, my.

Someone as good looking as this man should perhaps have known that he wouldn’t be able to slink into the church unseen.

Tall with dark wavy hair that was worn a touch too long, he caused a stir simply by walking in. Heads had turned.

‘Who,’ Rachael asked Libby, in a voice that had suddenly gone husky, ‘is that?’

‘I don’t know,’ Libby said. ‘It might be...’ Her voice trailed off and Rachel watched as Libby frowned and looked over to the altar, where her husband and the groom stood. Rachel’s gaze followed.

Daniil looked stunned and Sev, the groom, who had been staring ahead, had turned around at Daniil’s instruction.

The shock on their faces was evident and Rachel watched as the two men broke with protocol and strode down the aisle towards this delicious stranger. Everyone was standing now, trying to get a better look. Rachel was on tiptoe, trying to make things out, but she couldn’t.

‘What’s happening?’ Rachel asked.

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17 may 2019
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