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Understanding China in Business and Politics

Neo-Confucianism - A Foundation of Chinese Thought
48,86 ₼
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"Understanding China: Neo-Confucianism and Its Influence on Chinese Culture and Identity" by David A. ChenIn «Understanding China,» David A. Chen offers a profound exploration of Neo-Confucianism—a pivotal force shaping Chinese thought, culture, and governance for centuries. This enlightening work delves into the evolution of Confucianism into its Neo form during the transformative Song Dynasty, integrating elements of Daoism and Buddhism to address the era's complex societal challenges. Chen elucidates how Neo-Confucianism has infused Chinese society with its philosophical, ethical, and metaphysical ideals, influencing aspects from individual morality to state governance.Through insightful analysis, Chen explores the core Neo-Confucian values—Ren (humanity), Yi (justice), Li (rites), and Zhi (wisdom)—that have underpinned the moral and social fabric of Chinese civilization. The book also examines the critical role of Neo-Confucianism in contemporary Chinese education, business practices, and international relations, highlighting its enduring relevance in a rapidly modernizing world."Understanding China" is an essential read for scholars, business professionals, and anyone interested in the philosophical underpinnings that continue to guide one of the world's oldest and most influential cultures. It provides a comprehensive understanding that goes beyond the surface, capturing the essence of the Chinese spiritual and intellectual landscape.
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"Understanding China: Neo-Confucianism and Its Influence on Chinese Culture and Identity" by David A. Chen

In «Understanding China,» David A. Chen offers a profound exploration of Neo-Confucianism—a pivotal force shaping Chinese thought, culture, and governance for centuries. This enlightening work delves into the evolution of Confucianism into its Neo form during the transformative Song Dynasty, integrating elements of Daoism and Buddhism to address the era's complex societal challenges. Chen elucidates how Neo-Confucianism has infused Chinese society with its philosophical, ethical, and metaphysical ideals, influencing aspects from individual morality to state governance.

Through insightful analysis, Chen explores the core Neo-Confucian values—Ren (humanity), Yi (justice), Li (rites), and Zhi (wisdom)—that have underpinned the moral and social fabric of Chinese civilization. The book also examines the critical role of Neo-Confucianism in contemporary Chinese education, business practices, and international relations, highlighting its enduring relevance in a rapidly modernizing world.

"Understanding China" is an essential read for scholars, business professionals, and anyone interested in the philosophical underpinnings that continue to guide one of the world's oldest and most influential cultures. It provides a comprehensive understanding that goes beyond the surface, capturing the essence of the Chinese spiritual and intellectual landscape.

Kitab David A. Chen «Understanding China in Business and Politics» - kitabın fraqmentini onlayn olaraq pulsuz oxuyun. Şərh və rəylərinizi qeyd edin, sevimlilərinizi seçin.
Yaş həddi:
120 səh.
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