Kitabı oxu: «Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah»
Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah
Star of TV’s Most Haunted
Derek Acorah

To my mother, Elizabeth, with love and thanks
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
Chapter 1 Preparation
Chapter 2 Ghostly Varieties
Chapter 3 Not So Haunted
Chapter 4 The Matter of a Ouija Board
Chapter 5 Poltergeists
Chapter 6 Ghostly Communication
Chapter 7 Haunted Hotels
Chapter 8 Ghosts in the Workplace
Chapter 9 Ghosts who Share our Homes
Chapter 10 Incident at a Night Club
Chapter 11 A Call to the Local Radio Station
Chapter 12 Animal Ghosts
Chapter 13 Theatre Ghosts
Chapter 14 Ghosts of Long Ago
Chapter 15 Ghosts Abroad
Chapter 16 The Most Haunted
Chapter 17 Your Stories
Chapter 18 Where to Go
About the Publisher
My name is Derek Acorah. I am a medium with clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient gifts. Over the years I have conducted many paranormal investigations and in this book I would like to share some of my experiences with you in the hope that it will assist the intrepid ghost hunters amongst you.
I first became aware of my ability to communicate with the world of spirit as a small boy. I was living with my family at my grandmother’s house when one day I saw what I thought was a man standing on the first-floor landing. He spoke to me and as he reached out towards me, it felt as though he was ruffling my hair. I was very afraid and raced down the stairs to tell my gran that there was a strange man in the house. My gran and my mother hurried up the stairs, but there was nobody to be found.
‘Tell me what the man looked like, Derek,’ my gran said gently. I described the person I had seen. As I did so my mother and my gran exchanged glances. My gran took a large tin down from a shelf in the kitchen and took out a photograph. I was startled to see that this was a picture of the very man who had stopped me on the staircase.
‘That’s him!’ I shouted. ‘That’s the man on the stairs!’
‘He’s the next,’ said my gran quietly to my mother.
She explained to me that the man I had seen on the stairs was in fact my grandfather, who had passed to the spirit world before I was born. She told me that I would see many, many people who had passed from this life to the world beyond and that I wasn’t to be afraid. At the time I didn’t understand. I didn’t know that my grandmother was a medium herself. I did know that many people would come to the house to sit and chat with her and would leave looking very much happier than when they arrived, but I didn’t notice that it was in fact my grandmother who would do all the talking!
Being a young lad, I soon forgot the incident and got on with the single most important thing in my life—football! I told everybody that I wanted to be a footballer when I grew up. As I went from junior to senior school, it became apparent, much to my father’s delight, that I did indeed have some talent as a footballer. My dad would talk longingly about watching me play for the team he and all my uncles revered—Everton Football Club. His disappointment was huge when at the age of 15 I signed as an apprentice pro with Everton’s arch rivals Liverpool.
I was a professional footballer for a number of years. After leaving Liverpool FC I joined various other clubs, including Wrexham, Glentoran and Stockport, before eventually ending up in Adelaide, South Australia, playing for USC Lion. By this time I had met and married my first wife, Joan, and we had become the proud parents of our son Carl, who was born shortly before we left for Australia.
My footballing career came to an end in the early 1980s and I returned to the UK with my family. Although football had been my passion, I had not forgotten my early brushes with the spirit world, which I have written about in my first book, The Psychic World of Derek Acorah, and I now saw where my ultimate destiny lay—working for spirit. I had been allowed to achieve my childhood ambition, but now I had to take on the real work of helping others through the use of my mediumistic gifts, just as my grandmother had done before me.
Joan and I went our separate ways and, living on my own, I began conducting private readings for people. Before I knew it, I was in demand. I was working for spirit each and every day—and finding a fulfilment I had not experienced whilst playing football. I knew without a doubt that my grandmother had been correct. I was indeed ‘the next one’!
I have recorded at length in my second book, The Psychic Adventures of Derek Acorah, how I came to meet my spirit guide, Sam, and to work in radio and television. After meeting the husband-and-wife team Yvette Fielding and Karl Beattie, who created LIVINGtv’s unrivalled paranormal programme Most Haunted, I found myself ghost hunting all over the country. Although I had already conducted many paranormal investigations, it was during the Most Haunted investigations that I honed my skills as a ‘ghostbuster’. I would now like to tell you about some of my experiences and explain what ghost hunting is all about!
CHAPTER 1 Preparation
Preparation is essential for a successful ghost hunt, both to gain satisfactory evidence of any spirit activity and to rule out any other explanations. What will you need?
As a spirit medium, I both see and hear spirit naturally. I am able to pick up events that have taken place in a building from the atmosphere there. I like to think of such events as ‘photographs in time’, but they are more commonly known as residual energies, emotions from times gone by that linger in the fabric of a place.
Although many paranormal groups turn to mediums for assistance in their investigations, investigators will also need to include items of a more worldly nature in their kitbags to give tangible proof of spirit activity.
A Torch
One obvious item is a torch. Take a supply of replacement batteries too—mischievous spirit presences like nothing better than to drain battery power and a
hapless investigator who has forgotten to pack extra batteries could well end up fumbling around in the dark.
Notebooks and Pens
Notebooks and pens will enable you to record details of events as they occur. The worst thing to do is to rely on memory, as after a long night’s investigation recall can be blurred, especially if there have been many exciting incidents.
It is also a good idea to make a rough sketch of the location before commencing an investigation, numbering rooms for ease of reference.
Plain sheets of white paper and pencils are also a necessity so that an item or ‘trigger object’ can be placed on the paper and its outline traced. Any subsequent movement of the object can then easily be detected. Wooden crosses of a suitable size seem to be popular as trigger objects, though any item which has an easily traceable outline may be used.
Cotton and Tape
It may be necessary to seal off certain rooms whilst tests are conducted. As security is not the issue here, simple black cotton and adhesive tape may be used.
A sealed room is the ideal location for a trigger object or for strategically placed cameras that will record any activity taking place.
Household candles should also be included in the kit, as the flickering of their flames may reveal a spirit presence. Checks should be made prior to starting the investigation to ensure that there are no draughts which could cast doubt over the cause of a flickering flame. Of course lit candles must never be left unattended purely from a safety point of view.
Prior to the investigation a raid on the kitchen cupboard should be made to acquire a bag of ordinary flour. When sprinkled over the floor this will reveal any footprints—or handprints, if sprinkled on a tabletop. A small soft brush should be used to distribute the flour over the desired area. Care should always be taken when investigating a property owned by another person and it may well be a good idea to spread the flour over sheets of old newspaper.
Walkie-talkies or two-way radios are a good way for investigators to keep in touch with one another during an investigation. If you are contemplating splitting up into groups, or even going off individually whilst investigating a location, it is always a good idea to be able to contact your fellow investigators.
A Thermometer
A thermometer is a must in order to detect fluctuations in the temperature of a room. I have seen large green-house-type thermometers used, but of course the serious ghost hunter will invest in a digital thermometer which gives the exact temperature on an ‘easy to read’ digital display.
An EMF Meter
An electro-magnetic field or EMF meter is worth acquiring. These measure fluctuations in electro-magnetic energy. Parapsychologists and paranormal investigators are of the general opinion that spirits cause such fluctuations.
When investigating a property using an EMF meter, all sources of electricity, i.e. cabling, and all electrical devices must be carefully noted, as such items also generate electro-magnetic fields. Any fluctuations displayed on the EMF meter should then be checked against the location of the electrical wiring. Once all such electricity sources have been established, anything registering over 2.5 milligauss on the EMF meter indicates a possible ghostly presence. I have found, however, that EMF meters are not always capable of delivering an accurate indication of a spirit presence.
Pendulums and Dowsing Rods
Some ghost hunters favour the use of dowsing rods and pendulums. It is alleged that both devices can pick up the electro-magnetic energy field of a ghost.
Dowsing has been in use for many years. In ancient times, a ‘Y’-shaped stick would be used to trace underground water sources. Today people tend to use a pair of specially prepared dowsing rods made of thick wire. Each rod is a basic ‘L’ shape but with a shorter foot and a longer upright. A rod is taken in each hand, with the shorter length held firmly in each fist and the longer end sticking straight out in front. Upon reaching an area of psychic activity, the rods will begin to swing wildly and cross over each other. Before attributing a dowsing rod reaction to paranormal activity, however, checks should be made to ensure there are no underground streams or other sources of water in the area.
It is said that most paranormal activity takes place in areas where many ley lines are present or at the junction of ley lines, so if investigators are aware of the location of these lines, they will have a clearer idea of where to commence their dowsing. To discover where these lines run, initially investigators would have to make enquiries of people at the locations or conduct prior research. They could of course spend many long hours walking backwards and forwards trying to determine the route of ley lines, but that could well be a complete waste of time as they could find that they had simply been following the route of an underground stream or water source.
Pendulums may also be used in psychic investigations. A pendulum is a length of cord which is attached to either a small weight constructed from wood or metal or, as is my preference, a small quartz crystal suspended from a light chain approximately seven or eight inches in length. Hold the end of the chain, allowing the pendulum to hang straight down. The pendulum must be completely still. It must then be asked to indicate ‘yes’ and ‘no’. It will respond by either revolving in a clockwise or an anticlockwise direction; it may swing from side to side or backwards and forwards. It is up to each individual to establish the relevant response and its meaning, as these can differ from person to person.
Once you have established the relevant pendulum reactions for ‘yes’ and ‘no’, you can ask the pendulum many questions. It can also be used to locate psychically active areas in much the same way as dowsing rods. It will swing or spin more and more rapidly as it comes closer to psychic energy or a spirit presence.
Not all investigators use dowsing rods or pendulums, but they can add an interesting element to paranormal investigations.
A Tape Recorder
A tape recorder is a definite must, both to record events during séances and to place at strategic points within the location in order to record possible spirit activity. Over the years there have been some very interesting cases of ‘electronic voice phenomenon’, where people have claimed that they have caught spirit voices on tape.
Cameras are another essential, though the choice of camera is of course a personal preference. There is an argument that people will only capture ‘orbs’ (the first manifestation of spirit presence), or ‘life lights’ as I prefer to call them, using a digital camera. I, however, have found this not to be the case. When my wife has accompanied me on investigations and has taken photographs using both digital and ordinary flash cameras, orbs have been captured with both camera types, together with many other examples of spirit activity.
At least one video camera together with a tripod really is a necessity. This may be placed in a locked-off position in a room in an effort to capture evidence of spirit presence. This may take the form of floating orbs, ectoplasm or, in rare cases, movement of furniture or other items. If two or three video cameras can be positioned in the same room, clearly surveying the whole area, so much the better. Should any movement take place, the fact that it is filmed from all angles can prove that there was no human interference. It is unfortunate that on certain occasions the movement of an object has been captured on film but because only one camera has been used there has always been the argument that ‘somebody moved it’—that ‘somebody’ being a solid and earthly person.
Man’s Best Friend
It has long been stated that man’s best friend is his dog. A ghost hunter’s best friend can be a dog too!
All animals are psychic. It is not by chance that a pet cat or dog will know exactly when its owner is due to walk through the front door. I have received numerous communications from people telling me that their beloved cat or dog ‘always knows’ when they are about to arrive home, even though they have not been following a regular pattern of behaviour. Gwen has often told me that she knows that I will be arriving home shortly because the dogs will walk over to the kitchen door and sit there waiting. I too have noticed that should Gwen be away from the home, I can put the kettle on when one of our cats stations himself on the window ledge to peer at the front gate.
Stories abound of animals who have alerted their owners to unseen presences in their homes. There have also been numerous tales of guard dogs refusing to enter certain parts of properties. One such story involves a security guard and his dog who used to regularly patrol St. John’s Centre in Liverpool. The dog was a large black German Shepherd named Sabre, who was known for his fearlessness when dealing with intruders. However, there was one part of the shopping mall that Sabre refused to visit. He would strain at his lead, bark and growl when encouraged to walk there. It was a spot where an unfortunate accident had taken place during the construction of the centre. A young builder had fallen to his death and his spirit was known to revisit the scene.
It makes perfect sense to me therefore that a dog would be an excellent companion when undertaking the investigation of an allegedly haunted location. Not every dog is afraid, of course. Some dogs may acknowledge a spirit presence by wagging their tail whilst looking towards something that they can see but that you cannot. Others may bark and run up to an area where nothing is discernible to you. Others may display fear, just like Sabre, by refusing to go into or past a certain area. But if you have a dog, take it along! It can only add to the fun and provide a warm furry body to snuggle up to during those long dark vigils.
These are my suggestions for equipment to use when conducting a ghost hunt. Of course if you are technically adept, you will be able to devise your own methods. These may include buzzers, bells and alarms which will sound if activity is detected, and infra-red rays (similar to the type used in security systems) which will sound an alarm when broken. There are many ingenious devices—the choice is yours. However, with the few simple items I have mentioned, a ghost hunt may be conducted quite satisfactorily.
Other Preparations
Once you have your kitbag together, there are a few other preparations to make before starting your investigation.
It is always necessary to rule out in advance the more worldly explanations for noises or movements which could in the excitement of the moment be attributed to a ghostly presence. I recall visiting one location where the chandelier was said to swing when ‘the spirits’ were around. An examination of the alcove in which the chandelier hung showed loose-fitting window panes which allowed quite a strong draught through. Needless to say, ‘the spirits’ only made their presence felt on breezy days!
Breezes are not the only thing to look out for. Loose floorboards are an extremely common source of ‘ghostly’ creaks and groans. Water pipes can create some unearthly noises in the wee small hours, especially in older properties. The noise created by a badly fitting door in a draughty old house can have the hairs on your neck standing on end. Even the scurrying of mice in an old house can be mistaken for something less worldly. The branch of a tree persistently tapping on a window or roof can cause the unprepared investigator to assume that they are not alone. The natural cooling down and settlement of a house at night can create a series of noises which sound very much like footsteps ascending and descending a staircase. If a fireplace has been used, the brickwork cooling can make slight creaking and cracking noises. All these eventualities have to be taken into consideration before an investigation can commence.
If you intend using a trigger object—a cross, coin, book, etc.—it should be placed on a sheet of white paper and a pencil outline drawn around its base before the investigation begins. It is preferable to train a video camera or cameras on the object to capture on film any movement that may occur. Make sure that the whole of the sheet of paper is clearly visible so that should any movement take place, it can be proved that nobody has interfered with the item. The room should then be sealed to prevent anybody entering and inadvertently (or purposely—it has been known!) moving the trigger object.
Also in advance of the investigation taking place, a thermometer should be used to determine the naturally occurring cold and warm areas of the location. Older houses commonly had ‘cold rooms’ where perishable foods would be stored. Also, it may be that a certain room is warmer than the rest of the house because of the hours that the sun shines there. All things have to be taken into consideration.
Lastly, make sure that you have a map of the location so that everybody involved has a clear understanding of how the rooms relate to one another. This will ensure that when people split off into groups to investigate different parts of the location, nobody will be confused as to where they are.
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