Kitabı oxu: «Tarzan of the Apes / Тарзан – приёмыш обезьян»
© Загородняя И. Б., адаптация, сокращение, словарь, 2022
© ООО «ИД «Антология», 2022
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Chapter 1
I heard this story from a man who showed me a yellow manuscript, and dry official records of the British Colonial Office to support many of the striking features of his remarkable narrative.
I do not say the story is true, for I did not witness the events which it portrays, but the fact that in the telling of it to you I have taken fictitious names for the principal characters evidences the sincerity of my own belief that it MAY be true.
The pages of the diary of a man long dead, and the records of the Colonial Office fit together perfectly with the narrative of my friend, and so I give you the story as I made it from these several various sources.
If you do not find it credible, you will at least agree with me that it is unique, remarkable, and interesting.
From the records of the Colonial Office and from the dead man's diary we learn that a young English nobleman, whom we will call John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, was commissioned to make an investigation of conditions in a British West Coast African Colony. It was known that another European country was recruiting soldiers from the simple native inhabitants for its native army, used only for the aggressive collection of rubber1 and ivory from the savage tribes along the Congo and the Aruwimi.
The natives of the British Colony complained that many of their young men were attracted by fair promises, but that few of them returned to their families.
The Englishmen in Africa even said that these poor blacks were held in virtual slavery, since after their terms of recruitment expired, they were told that they had yet several years to serve.
And so the Colonial Office appointed John Clayton to a new post in British West Africa, but his confidential instructions centered on a thorough investigation of the unfair treatment of black British subjects2 by the officers of a friendly European country.
Clayton was a strong man – mentally, morally, and physically.
He was above the average height; his eyes were gray, his features regular and strong; his good health was influenced by his years of army training.
Political ambition had caused him to seek transference from the army to the Colonial Office and so we find him, still young, with a delicate and important commission in the service of the Queen.
When he received this appointment, he was both excited and appalled. The promotion seemed to him a reward for painstaking and intelligent service; but, on the other hand, he had been married to Alice Rutherford for three months, and the thought of taking this fair young girl into the dangers and isolation of tropical Africa appalled him.
For her sake3 he was ready to refuse the appointment, but she insisted that he accept it and take her with him.
So on a bright May morning in 1888, John, Lord Greystoke, and Lady Alice sailed from Dover on their way to Africa.
A month later, they arrived at Freetown where they hired a small sailing vessel, the Fuwalda, which was to bear them to their final destination.
And here John, Lord Greystoke, and Lady Alice, his wife, vanished from the eyes and from the knowledge of men.
Two months after they cleared from the port of Freetown, a half dozen British war vessels were looking for trace of them or their little vessel. Almost immediately, the wreckage was found upon the shores of St. Helena which convinced the world that the Fuwalda had gone down with all on board, and therefore the search was stopped.
The Fuwalda was a vessel of the type often seen in coastal trade4 in the far southern Atlantic. Their crews were composed of unhanged murderers of every race and every nation.
The Fuwalda was no exception to the rule. Her officers hated their crew and were hated by their crew.
The captain, while a competent seaman, was a brute in his treatment of his men. So from the second day out from Freetown John Clayton and his young wife witnessed scenes upon the deck of the Fuwalda such as they had believed were only in printed stories of the sea.
On the morning of the second day two sailors were washing down the decks of the Fuwalda, the first mate was on duty, and the captain had stopped to speak with John Clayton and Lady Alice.
The men were working backwards toward the little party who were facing away from the sailors. Closer and closer they came, until one of them was directly behind the captain.
Just that instant the officer turned to leave Lord and Lady Greystoke, and, as he did so, tripped against the sailor and fell upon the deck, overturning the water bucket so that he was drenched in its dirty contents.
For an instant, the scene was comical; but only for an instant.
With awful oaths, the captain regained his feet, and with a terrific blow knocked down the sailor to the deck.
The man was small and rather old, so that the brutality of the act was obvious. The other seaman, however, was neither old nor small – a huge man, with fierce black mustache, and a great bull neck set between massive shoulders.
As he saw his mate go down, he sprang upon the captain crushing him to his knees with a single mighty blow.
The officer's face went white, for this was mutiny; and mutiny he had met and subdued before in his brutal career. Without waiting to rise, he took a revolver from his pocket, and fired at the great mountain of muscle towering before him. But Lord Greystoke had struck down the captain's arm as he had seen the weapon flash in the sun, so the bullet which was intended for the sailor's heart stuck in the sailor's leg instead.
Words passed between Clayton and the captain. Clayton said that he was disgusted with the brutality displayed toward the crew, and that he was not going to tolerate such behavior while he and Lady Greystoke remained passengers.
The captain was about to make an angry reply, but, changing his mind, turned on his heel and strode aft5. He did not want to antagonize an English official, for he feared England's far-reaching navy.
The two sailors got up – the older man assisted his wounded comrade to rise. The big fellow, who was known among his mates as Black Michael, turned to Clayton with a word of thanks and then limped off.
They did not see him again for several days.
They took their meals in captain's cabin, as they had before the unfortunate occurrence; but the captain was careful to see that his duties never permitted him to eat at the same time.
The other officers were coarse, illiterate fellows, and were only too glad to avoid social intercourse with the polished English noble and his lady, so that the Claytons were left very much to themselves.
This in itself accorded perfectly with their desires, but it also rather isolated them from the life of the little ship so that they were unable to keep in touch with the daily events which were to culminate so soon in bloody tragedy.
One day the little old sailor, who had been hit by the captain a few days before, was on the deck, polishing brasses6, and as he came close to Clayton, he said, in a low voice:
“He will pay, sir, mark my words7, sir. He will pay.”
“What do you mean, my good fellow?” asked Clayton.
“Why, can't you see what's going on? The captain and his mates are knocking lights out8 of the crew? Two men yesterday. And three today. Black Michael's as good as new, he's not going to stand it; and mark my words, sir.”
“You mean, my man, that the crew contemplates mutiny?” asked Clayton.
“Mutiny!” exclaimed the old fellow. “Mutiny! They mean murder, sir.”
“Hit's coming, sir; hit's coming but I'm not saying when, and I've said too much now, but you were a good man the other day9 and I wanted to warn you. But keep a still tongue in your head10 and when you hear shooting, get below and stay there,” said the old man and went on with his polishing, which carried him away from where the Claytons were standing.
“You should warn the captain at once, John. Possibly the trouble may be prevented,” said Alice.
“I suppose I should, but if they find that I had betrayed them there would be no mercy shown us, Alice.”
“John, if you do not warn the captain you are as much a party to whatever follows as though you had helped to plot and carry it out with your own head and hands.”
“You do not understand, dear,” replied Clayton. “It is of you I am thinking.”
“Duty is duty, John. I realize the danger which must follow, but I can face it with you.”
“Have it as you will11 then, Alice,” he answered, smiling. “But there goes the captain to his cabin now. I am going to warn him.”
So saying, he strolled carelessly in the direction of the companionway12 through which the captain had passed, and a moment later was knocking at his door.
“Come in,” growled the deep tones of that rude officer.
And when Clayton had entered, and closed the door behind him:
“I have come to report the gist of a conversation I heard today. In short, the men contemplate mutiny and murder.”
“It's a lie!” roared the captain. “And if you have been interfering again with the discipline of this ship, or meddling in affairs that don't concern you, you can take the consequences13, and be damned. I don't care whether you are an English lord or not. I'm captain of this ship, and from now on keep your meddling nose out of my business.”
The captain shrieked the last words at the top of his voice, emphasizing his remarks by a loud thumping of the table with one huge fist, and shaking the other in Clayton's face.
Greystoke never turned a hair14, but stood calmly looking at the excited man.
“Captain Billings,” he said finally, “if you will pardon my frankness, I might remark that you are something of an ass.”
Then he turned and left the captain with the same indifferent ease that was habitual with him.
So, the last chance of their working together for their common good was gone.
“Well, Alice,” said Clayton, as he rejoined his wife, “The fellow proved most ungrateful. He jumped at me like a mad dog.
“So I will spend my energies in looking after our own welfare. And now I am going to our cabin to look over my revolvers.”
They found their cabin in disorder. Clothing from their open boxes and bags spread the little apartment, and even their beds had been torn to pieces.
“Evidently someone was more anxious about our belongings than we,” said Clayton. “Let's have a look around, Alice, and see what's missing.”
A thorough search revealed the fact that nothing had been taken but Clayton's two revolvers and the small supply of ammunition he had saved for them.
“Those are the things I most needed,” said Clayton, “and the fact that they wished for them is most sinister.”
“What are we to do, John?” asked his wife. “Perhaps you were right in that our best chance lies in maintaining a neutral position.
“If the officers are able to prevent a mutiny, we have nothing to fear, while if the mutineers are victorious, we may stay alive only because we didn't antagonize them.”
“Right you are, Alice. We'll keep in the middle of the road.”
As they started to straighten up their cabin, Clayton and his wife simultaneously noticed a piece of paper protruded from beneath the door.
Clayton picked it up. It was a bit of paper folded into a square.
Opening it, they found a warning to the Claytons to keep from reporting the loss of the revolvers, or from repeating what the old sailor had told them – if they wanted to be alive.
“I suppose we'll be good,” said Clayton with a sad smile. “About all we can do is to sit tight and wait for whatever may come.”
Chapter 2
They didn't have to wait long, for the next morning as Clayton was walking on deck before breakfast as usual, shots rang out.
The sight which met his eyes confirmed his worst fears.
Facing the little group of officers was the entire crew of the Fuwalda, and at their head stood Black Michael.
Before the officers had taken a dozen backward steps, the men were upon them. An ax in the hands of a strong Negro split the captain from forehead to chin, and an instant later the others were down: dead or wounded from dozens of blows and bullet wounds.
As the last officer went down he thought he should returned to his wife until some members of the crew find her alone below.
Clayton feared for his wife's safety at the hands of these ignorant, half-brutes into whose hands fate had thrown them. As he turned to descend the ladder, he was surprised to see his wife standing on the steps almost at his side.
“How long have you been here, Alice?”
“Since the beginning,” she replied. “How awful, John. Oh, how awful! What can we hope for at the hands of such as those?”
“Breakfast, I hope,” he answered, smiling bravely in an attempt to reduce her fears. “At least,” he added, “I'm going to ask them. Come with me, Alice. We must not let them think we expect any but polite treatment.”
The men had by this time surrounded the dead and wounded officers, and without compassion threw both living and dead over the sides of the vessel. With equal heartlessness, they got rid of their own dead and dying.
Soon one of the crew noticed the approaching Claytons, and with a cry of: “Here's two more for the fishes,” rushed toward them with an ax.
But Black Michael was quicker, so that the fellow went down with a bullet in his back before he had taken a half dozen steps.
With a loud roar, Black Michael attracted the attention of the others, and, pointing to Lord and Lady Greystoke, cried:
“These here are my friends, and they are to be left alone. Do you understand?
“I'm captain of this ship now, and what I say goes15,” he added, turning to Clayton. “Just keep to yourselves, and nobody'll harm you,” and he looked threateningly on his fellows.
The Claytons followed Black Michael's instructions so well that they saw very little of the crew and knew nothing of the plans the men were making.
On the fifth day following the murder of the ship's officers, land was sighted by the lookout16. Black Michael announced to Clayton that if investigation showed that the place was habitable17 he and Lady Greystoke would be put ashore with their belongings.
“You'll be all right there for a few months,” he explained, “then I'll see that your government's notified where you are and they'll soon send somebody to take you out. It would be hard to land you in civilization without a lot of questions.”
About three o'clock in the afternoon they approached a beautiful wooded shore.
No signs of habitation were visible but that the land might easily support human life was evidenced by the abundant bird and animal life of which the watchers on the Fuwalda's deck caught occasional glimpses, as well as by the shimmer of a little river with fresh water.
Clayton and Lady Alice still stood by the ship's rail in silent contemplation of their future abode. From the dark shadows of the mighty forest came the wild calls of savage beasts – the deep roar of the lion, and, occasionally, the shrill scream of a panther.
Clayton was a strong, athletic man, and alone, he might hope to survive for years. But what of Alice, and that other little life within her?
The man shuddered as he meditated upon the fearful helplessness of their situation. But it was a merciful Providence which prevented him from foreseeing the dreadful reality which awaited them in the grim depths of that gloomy wood.
Early next morning their numerous chests and boxes were put into small boats for transportation to shore.
There was a great quantity and variety of stuff, as the Claytons had expected a possible five to eight years' residence in their new home. Thus, in addition to the many necessities they had brought, there were also many luxuries.
Black Michael was determined that nothing belonging to the Claytons should be left on board. He even insisted upon the return of Clayton's revolvers to him by the sailors in whose possession they were.
Into the small boats were also loaded salt meats and biscuit, with a small supply of potatoes and beans, matches, and cooking vessels, some tools, and the old sails which Black Michael had promised them.
Black Michael accompanied them to shore, and was the last to leave them when the small boats, having filled the ship's casks with fresh water, were pushed out toward the waiting Fuwalda.
As the Fuwalda was out of sight, Lady Alice threw her arms about Clayton's neck and burst into uncontrolled sobs.
“Oh, John,” she cried, “What are we to do? What are we to do?”
“There is but one thing to do, Alice,” and he spoke as quietly as though they were sitting in their cozy living room at home, “and that is work. Work must be our salvation. We must not give ourselves time to think, for in that direction lies madness.
“We must work and wait. I am sure that relief will come, and come quickly. Hundreds of thousands of years ago our ancestors of the distant past faced the same problems which we must face, possibly in these same forests. That we are here today evidences their victory.
“What they did may we not do? What they accomplished, Alice, with instruments and weapons of stone and bone, surely that may we accomplish also.”
“I only hope you are right, John. I will do my best to be a brave woman.”
Clayton's first thought was to arrange a sleeping shelter for the night – something which might serve to protect them from beasts of prey.
He opened the box containing his rifles and ammunition, that they might both be armed against possible attack while at work, and then together they sought a location for their first night's sleeping place.
A hundred yards from the beach was a little level spot, free of trees; here they decided eventually to build a permanent house, but now they both thought it best to construct a little platform in the trees out of reach of the larger of the savage beasts in whose realm they were.
Clayton selected four trees which formed a rectangle about eight feet square, and cutting long branches from other trees he constructed a framework around them, about ten feet from the ground, fastening the ends of the branches securely to the trees by means of rope, which Black Michael had left him from the hold of the Fuwalda.
Across this framework, Clayton placed other smaller branches quite close together. This platform he paved with the huge leaves, and over the leaves, he laid a great sail folded into several thicknesses18.
Seven feet higher, he constructed a similar, though lighter platform to serve as roof, and from the sides of this he suspended the sailcloth for walls.
So he had a rather cozy little nest, to which he carried their blankets and some of the lighter luggage.
It was now late in the afternoon, and the rest of the daylight hours were devoted to the building of a ladder by means of which Lady Alice could mount to her new home.
During the day, the forest about them had been filled with excited birds of brilliant plumage, and dancing, chattering monkeys, who watched these new arrivals and their wonderful nest building operations with every mark of keenest interest and fascination.
Both Clayton and his wife kept a sharp lookout but they saw nothing of larger animals.
Just before dusk Clayton finished his ladder, and, filling a great basin with water from the near-by stream, the two mounted to the comparative safety of their aerial chamber.
As it was quite warm, Clayton had left the side curtains thrown back over the roof, and as they sat, like Turks19, upon their blankets, Lady Alice, straining her eyes into the darkening shadows of the wood, suddenly grasped Clayton's arms.
“John,” she whispered, “look! What is it, a man?”
As Clayton turned his eyes in the direction she indicated, he saw silhouetted dimly against the shadows beyond, a great figure standing upright upon the ridge.
For a moment, it stood as though listening and then turned slowly, and melted into the shadows of the jungle.
“What is it, John?”
“I do not know, Alice,” he answered, “it is too dark to see so far, and maybe it was a shadow cast by the rising moon.”
“No, John, if it was not a man, it was some huge and grotesque mockery20 of man. Oh, I am afraid.”
He gathered her in his arms, whispering words of courage and love into her ears.
Soon after, he lowered the curtain walls, tying them securely to the trees so that, except for a little opening toward the beach, they were entirely enclosed.
They lay down upon their blankets to try to sleep.
Clayton lay facing the opening at the front, and a rifle and revolvers were at his hand.
Suddenly the terrifying cry of a panther rang out from the jungle behind them. Closer and closer it came until they could hear the great beast directly beneath them. For an hour or more, they heard it sniffing and clawing at the trees which supported their platform, but at last it roamed away across the beach, where Clayton could see it clearly in the brilliant moonlight – a great, handsome beast, the largest he had ever seen.
During the long hours of darkness they slept very little, for the night noises of a great jungle full of myriad animal life kept their nerves on edge21, so that a hundred times they were startled to wakefulness by piercing screams, or the quiet moving of great bodies beneath them.
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