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Blue Jackets; or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., Among "the Heathen Chinee"

A Nautical Novel
4,56 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

"Blue Jackets; or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., Among 'the Heathen Chinee'" by Edward Greey is a nautical novel that immerses readers in the captivating maritime world. Through the experiences of protagonist J. Thompson, the author weaves a tale of adventure, cultural encounters, and navigational challenges. Greey's narrative transports readers to distant shores and introduces them to a vivid array of characters. Set against the backdrop of maritime life, this novel offers a riveting blend of seafaring excitement and cross-cultural exploration.

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Kitabın təsviri

"Blue Jackets; or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., Among 'the Heathen Chinee'" by Edward Greey is a nautical novel that immerses readers in the captivating maritime world. Through the experiences of protagonist J. Thompson, the author weaves a tale of adventure, cultural encounters, and navigational challenges. Greey's narrative transports readers to distant shores and introduces them to a vivid array of characters. Set against the backdrop of maritime life, this novel offers a riveting blend of seafaring excitement and cross-cultural exploration.

Kitab Edward Greey «Blue Jackets; or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., Among "the Heathen Chinee"» - kitabın fraqmentini onlayn olaraq pulsuz oxuyun. Şərh və rəylərinizi qeyd edin, sevimlilərinizi seçin.
Yaş həddi:
500 səh.
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