America's Betrayal Confirmed

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America's Betrayal Confirmed
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Elias Davidsson

America’s Betrayal Confirmed

9/11: Purpose, Cover-Up and Impunity

Author: Davidsson, Elias

Title: America's Betrayal Confirmed

Subtitle: 9/11: Purpose, Cover-up and Impunity

Subjects: 1. Terrorism - False-Flag

2. Psychological operations

3. Human rights - investigation

© Elias Davidsson, 2020 All Rights Reserved

Tonar-og-steinar (Toost) Publishing (Reykjavi, Kirchen)

Layout by Fabio Biasio

ISBN: 978 9979-889-86-1

Before reading this book

Reading this book may entail a risk. It may anger you. It may make you sad. It may shatter your beliefs. It will undoubtedly raise questions. Whatever feelings it may cause in you, don’t blame the author. He merely presents facts. Feel free to communicate to him your impressions, point out deficiencies, mistakes of fact, flawed reasoning; ask questions; recommend improvements. You’ll reach him through his web site.

About the author

Elias Davidsson was born in Palestine in 1941. His parents were German Jewish refugees/immigrants. He settled in Iceland in 1962 and retired with his wife to Germany in 2008.His professional life was divided into two distinct periods. In the first period (1961-1983), he worked as a computer expert, thereof 13 years with IBM. In the second period (1983-1999), he worked as music teacher, organist, choir master, arranger and composer. His works for musical education are used in numerous countries and are available commercially.

In parallel to his professional life, Davidsson devoted substantial time to the struggle for peace and justice. He co-founded the Association Iceland-Palestine, spent several years researching the economic sanctions imposed on Iraq and published several papers in law journals denouncing this unprecedented crime. It took more than a year for Davidsson to discover that the official account on 9/11 was not true. His first book on 9/11, “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11” was published in the U.S. in 2013. Davidsson also published critical books about the London Transport bombings of 2005, the Mumbai attacks of 2008 and the Berlin incident at the Christmas Market of 2016.

© Elias Davidsson, 2020 All Rights Reserved


Foreword by Dr. Andreas von Bülow


Some Methodological Observations

A Practical Note for Readers

Chapter 1: The Road to 9/11 (the decade 1990-2001)

(1) The loss of the Soviet Threat

(2) Restating the rationale for U.S. global military supremacy

(3) Unique opportunities

(4) The benefits of an external threat

(5) Searching for a new adversary

(6) The ideal threat perception: Focused, durable, credible, useful

(7) Building up Osama bin Laden as a global threat

(8) The need for a traumatic event

Chapter 2: Establishing the official account of 9/11

(1) The official account of 9/11

(2) Fox News launched the five memes of the official account within minutes

(3) Bush determined within twenty minutes that "America is under attack"

(4) The “collapse” of the WTC was explained within four hours

(5) Main "facts" were established by Congressional vote within 24 hours

(6) FBI releases the names of “identified” hijackers

(7) FBI releases photographs of “believed” hijackers

(8) 9/11 as the birth of a new era

(9) Counter-Terrorism as the organizing principle for foreign policy

(10) No evidence for an Islamic attack from Afghanistan

(11) No evidence for bin Laden connection to 9/11

Conclusion to Chapter 2

Chapter 3: No evidence of Muslim hijackers


(1) No authenticated flight manifests

(2) No one witnessed the hijackers at the security checkpoints

(3) No one witnessed the hijackers boarding the aircraft

(4) Dubious security videos

(5) “Hijackers” without bodies

Conclusions to Chapter 3

Chapter 4: The “hijackers” preferred worldly delights to paradise

(1) Getting drunk at Shuckum’s

(2) Enjoying America’s sex life

(3) Gambling

(4) The “hijackers” did not intend to die on 9/11

Conclusions to Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Were the “hijackers” secretive?

(1) Multiple encounters with police

(2) ‘Atta’ visited an FAA installation

(3) ‘Atta’ showed a keen interest in crop dusters

(4) ‘Atta’ said admiring Osama bin Laden and recruiting Al-Qaeda members

Conclusions to Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Were the “hijackers” sophisticated?

(1) Hani Hanjour’s exploits

(2) ‘Atta’s mysterious Portland detour

(3) Islamic terrorists who love to visit U.S. government offices

(4) Hijackers who don’t know how to order airline tickets

(5) Hijackers who lose their flight tickets

(6) Hijacker who has ticket but wants to buy one

(7) Hijackers who need an Arabic translator at the airport

Conclusions to Chapter 6

Chapter 7: How was the wreckage linked to specific aircraft?

(1) Crash debris must be identified and linked to a particular aircraft

(2) The identities of the aircraft were not determined

Conclusions to chapter 7

Chapter 8: Can aircraft engines vaporize?

(1) The strange crash site at Ground Zero


(2) The stranger crash site at the Pentagon

(3) The strangest crash site at Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Conclusions to Chapter 8

Chapter 9: Can aircraft continue flying past crash time?

(1) Operation Northwoods

(2) Flight UA93 flew past crash time {408}

(3) Flight UA175 flew past crash time

Conclusions to Chapter 9

Chapter 10: What was reported in phone calls from the aircraft?

(1) Puzzling conduct reported

(2) Inexplicable omissions

(3) Serious contradictions

Conclusions to Chapter 10

Chapter 11: What caused the disintegration of the Twin Towers?

(1) Unique events in the history of high-rise, steel-reinforced buildings

(2) The early birth of the official theory

(3) The destruction of the criminal evidence

(4) The first official investigation{506}

(5) The second official investigation

(6) The cover-up by FEMA-BPAT and NIST

(7) The “dustification” of the Twin Towers

(8) Foreknowledge of the Twin Towers’ disintegration

Conclusions to Chapter 11

Chapter 12: Was the collapse of WTC-7 a smoking gun?

(1) The official explanation for the collapse of WTC-7

(2) The Office of Emergency Management

(3) The evacuation of WTC-7

(4) The destruction of the crime scene at WTC-7

(5) The development of fires at WTC-7

(6) No firefighting efforts in WTC-7

(7) Damage to WTC-7 from falling debris

(8) Evidence of explosions at WTC-7

(9) The free fall of WTC-7

(10) Was the fire alarm system in WTC-7 disabled?

(11) Foreknowledge of collapse

(12) Suspect Larry Silverstein

Conclusions to Chapter 12

Chapter 13: How was public fear amplified on and after 9/11?

(1) Bomb scares all over the United States in September 2001

(2) Bomb scares around the world in September 2001

(3) Bomb scares against aircraft in September 2001

(4) Scaring the President

(5) Scaring U.S. legislators

Chapter 14: How was 9/11 investigated?

(1) International norms of adequate investigations

(2) No rush in investigating 9/11

(3) No investigations of aircraft crashes

(4) Sham investigation of the Pentagon damage

(5) Presidential opposition to a Congressional investigation

(6) A Congressional Commission grudgingly established

(7) Thwarting the work of the Congressional Commission

(8) The Congressional Commission’s own sins

(9) No prosecutions of 9/11 planners and facilitators

Conclusions to Chapter 14

Chapter 15. How were victims’ families induced to ask no questions?

(1) Conditionalities

(2) The quest for truth and justice thwarted

(3) Honors bestowed

(4) Inducing 9/11 victims to blame Saudi Arabia and Iran

Conclusions to Chapter 15

Chapter 16: Terrorism in the shadow of military exercises

(1) Evidence of a huge confusion in American skies

(2) The reason for the confusion

(3) The simulated hijackings on 9/11

(4) Did the phone callers participate in the exercises?

Conclusions to Chapter 16

Chapter 17: The revolutionary potential of 9/11 truth

(1) An unprecedented propaganda coup

(2) The dereliction of academia

(3) The dereliction of the Left

(4) A superfluous and futile demand

(5) The revolutionary potential of 9/11 truth

Select Bibliography

List of acronyms

End Notes

Foreword by Dr. Andreas von Bülow

The excellently researched book by Elias Davidsson deals with the events of 11 September 2001, events that stirred and shocked the whole globe. Elias Davidsson’s book is comprehensive, penetrating, fact-rich, thoroughly researched and easy to read, using the best available sources. An admirable and compact reference work about 9/11.

Davidsson presents us with an unbelievable mass of inconsistencies, cover-ups, incongruities; the secrecy and the suppression and destruction of evidence; and the intimidation of witnesses. Those responsible in government and Congress, whether Republicans or Democrats, and to this day also the courts, have prevented for almost 20 years a flawless criminal investigation of this monstrous crime attributed to a small group of Islamic fundamentalist youth. The alleged mastermind: Osama bin Laden, said to have masterminded the events in the United States from a cave in Afghanistan.

Davidsson addresses in detail the background that led to 9/11, namely the collapse of the Soviet Union. With its collapse, the former arch enemy of the United States vanished. The military-industrial-intellectual complex had to find a replacement-enemy in order to prevent the threat of a shrinking military budget. The enemy was found in the guise of what was designated as internationally organized Muslim terror. Up to 60 states which allegedly promoted terrorism thus came into the crosshairs of American foreign and military policy. The states are located at geostrategically significant locations, and most of them are home to economically interesting raw material deposits.

The attacks of 9/11 belong to the category of false flag operations by one or more secret services. The attacks were planned to have a catalytic effect on the public mind in such a way that they could be convincingly blamed on an enemy. In this way, the planners procured themselves a justification for what they presented as a just campaign of revenge and robbery against the diabolical enemy. This war ruse is actually thousands of years old.

On the basis of Davidsson's analysis, one can see how a false flag operation can be directed against one's own people. In the months leading up to 9/11, the many hints and warnings about the impending attack were ignored and rudely suppressed. The purported cluelessness before the crime was followed within minutes of the attack by the U.S. media trumpeting worldwide the culprits’ identities, including a detailed description of the modus operandi and even the background of the alleged mastermind bin Laden. Day after day, the U.S. government, operating in crisis mode, dominated public perception with its alleged findings. The feeding troughs of the mass media were filled hourly with the components of the script. Any journalist who expressed doubts about the official narrative was pushed aside and risked dismissal -- committing what Americans call “career suicide.”

What then followed was the obstruction of the criminal investigation by the removal and destruction of evidence; the disregard of witnesses who might have disturbed the official narrative; conditions imposed on the investigative committees in both houses of Congress; and generous compensation lavished on 9/11 victims in exchange for waiving their right to initiate court proceedings against the government or the airlines.

Those who doubt government narratives are up against a tactic invented years ago by the CIA, the allegation of “conspiracy theory.” This term has been used to slander all those who expressed doubts about the official account of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, namely the theory of Oswald as a lone perpetrator. Meanwhile, seventy percent of U.S. citizens doubt that official account. By labelling doubters as conspiracy theorists, they are in fact classified as mentally deranged. As no one relishes being viewed as a loonie, people refrain from expressing doubts about government narratives. Those who have been labelled by the media as conspiracy theorists are excluded from mainstream dialogue. As a result, facts and arguments presented by the mainstream media regarding 9/11 and similar events are one-sided and cannot be taken at face value. The use of this label harms not only the targeted person but the democratic debate.


Davidsson will undoubtedly be called names by those who prefer slander to rational debate. This will not deter him or his readers from pursuing the truth. The factual strength of the book will constitute for a long time a formidable challenge to those who have profited and continue to profit from the official account of 9/11.

Dr. iur. Andreas von Bülow served as secretary of state in the German Federal Ministry of Defence and as Minister of Research and Technology. As a member of the German Parliament (Bundestag), he served on the parliamentary committee on intelligence services. He is author of several books.


The American people were hit hard on 9/11. The perpetrators did not only kill 3,000 people, mostly Americans, bringing tragedy to their families, but provided justifications for restrictions to liberties and endless wars that have affected millions of people worldwide. The American people have paid dearly in money and blood as a result of this horrendous crime. And so have others.

I feel it my duty, as a veteran defender of human rights, to share with my American friends my knowledge and findings about rights and responsibilities ensuing from the crime against humanity committed on 9/11.Victims and their families possess the right to know the unvarnished facts.The U.S. government and its allies bear the moral, political and legal responsibility in establishing the truth about this crime and ensure the identification and conviction of its perpetrators and accomplices.

The victims of 9/11 and the American people have been denied their rights. This book is intended to empower 9/11 victims, their families and ordinary Americans to demand their right to the truth and to justice. If it advances this cause, it has accomplished its purpose.

* * * * *

For almost two decades the United States and its allies have succeeded in suppressing popular efforts to expose the deceptive account of the events of 11 September 2001 (hereafter 9/11). Attempts to challenge the official account have met with stiff resistance from governments, academia and the media. Researchers who question the official account are vilified, mobbed and fired from their jobs. Yet despite massive and systematic efforts to denigrate such investigative efforts, public awareness is seeping through that the U.S. government and its allies are covering up the facts. The ranks of those who question the official narrative on 9/11 are growing by the year and may possibly cause a political crisis corresponding in vehemence to the doggedness with which the truth is being suppressed today.

The events of 9/11 were a crime against humanity as the term is defined under international criminal law.{1} The crime of 9/11 has been invoked by governments to justify a bombing campaign against one of the poorest nations on earth, Afghanistan, and the erosion of liberties in numerous countries under the pretext of combating terrorism. Yet none of the plotters and participants in the crime of 9/11 have been prosecuted by the United States government. The U.S. government claims that 19 Muslims, inspired or directed by Osama bin Laden, committed that crime and died in the attacks. But the government has produced no evidence that these men even boarded the planes that they allegedly hijacked. Nor did it produce evidence that they possessed the skills, means and motive to execute this crime. As of this writing, the U.S. authorities have failed to formally identify the real perpetrators of 9/11.

Apart from those whose livelihood depends on covering-up the truth (who will not concern us here), many honest people may wonder why 9/11 is relevant to the problems humanity faces today.

It may not be obvious to everyone that major assaults on democracy, the rule of law, human rights and international peace are directly related to the maintenance of the official 9/11 legend. A partial list of such assaults justified by the 9/11 narrative suffices to demonstrate the relevance of revisiting the 9/11 evidence:

• The war against Afghanistan was originally justified by 9/11, and Afghanistan is still occupied by U.S. troops 19 years later.

• Current efforts by the United Nations to extend the counterterrorism ideology to all UN bodies and agencies undermine international law and the reputation and integrity of the organization as a whole.

• The establishment of dystopian mass surveillance by governments is predicated on the supposed need for intelligence services to detect dormant terrorist cells, a claim that relies in turn on the official 9/11 narrative, which falsely claimed that a terrorist cell in Hamburg had prepared the attacks.

• Democratic rights, such as the Right to Information, are being curtailed by the U.S. authorities because of the alleged need of state institutions to keep secrets from potential terrorists.

• A huge industry of fear-mongering has emerged thanks to a counterterrorism ideology based on the 9/11 narrative. Millions of people now earn their living by stoking the fear of terrorism.

• The failure to identify and arrest the mass murderers of 9/11, the deadliest terrorist attack in modern times, presents an ongoing security risk for the American people and for the world.

In writing this book, I was guided by two ethical values: truth and justice. This does not shield me from factual mistakes, the use of unreliable sources or errors in reasoning. Readers, acting as a jury, will ultimately judge whether this book reflects such ethical values. I will be grateful for readers’ critical comments.

Numerous excellent books have been written from a critical perspective on the events of 9/11. I wish first to cite two remarkable individuals, who already early on recognized the deceptive nature of the official account of 9/11: Thierry Meyssan, the French director of, who published two important eye-openers in 2002 and 2003 that have been translated into 26 languages.{2} The other is Andreas von Bülow, former German Minister of Research and Technology, who while being a member of the German Bundestag (Parliament) served on the parliamentary committee that supervises German intelligence agencies. Von Bülow made waves in Germany in 2002 after stating in a TV interview that “planning [and executing] the attacks was a master deed, in technical and organizational terms,(…) unthinkable without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry."{3} He later published a book about the role of secret services in international terrorism.{4} Both von Bülow and Meyssan were vilified by mainstream media for daring to question the official account of 9/11 and ultimately excluded from media coverage.

David Ray Griffin, who only became a 9/11 skeptic a couple of years after the event, has become the leading scholar in 9/11 critical studies. He has written more than ten books on this subject, each with a different slant. Some of his books focus on particular aspects of 9/11, such as the dereliction of the 9/11 Commission, while others contain a heterogenous collection of articles on important facets of 9/11. His first book, The New Pearl Harbor, served and continues to serve as an excellent introduction to critical studies of 9/11. I concur with Professor Richard Falk's assessment of this book:

David Ray Griffin has written an extraordinary book. If carefully read with even just a 30-percent open mind, it is almost certain to change the way we understand the workings of constitutional democracy in the United States at the highest levels of government. (...) It is rare, indeed, that a book has this potential to become a force of history.{5}

Other authors, such as Webster Tarpley,{6} Michael Ruppert,{7} Peter Dale Scott,{8} and David MacGregor,{9} shed light on covert aspects of U.S. governance that help explain the rationale for the mass-murder of 9/11. These authors contend that there exists a deep and hidden structure ensconced within the official state apparatus of the United States, which wields far greater power than is generally suspected. Their view has been partly vindicated by revelations made in Europe concerning similar structures operating during the Cold War under the name of Stay-Behind Armies or Gladio.{10} Tarpley has also sketched a theory of synthetic terrorism, including a taxonomy of the actors involved. Other authors, including Barrie Zwicker, a veteran 9/11 researcher and producer of one of the best early documentaries on this issue,{11} have focussed on the role of media in covering-up the crime of 9/11 and that played by leftist gate-keepers in maintaining the belief in the so-called blow-back theory.{12} Specific aspects of 9/11 have been dealt in depth by several authors. Rowland Morgan, for example, provides an excellent critical analysis of the facts and myths surrounding flight UA93.{13} Political scientist Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed provided a fresh and critical evaluation of the al-Qaeda network and its covert links to Western intelligence agencies.{14} Aidan Monaghan has elicited important information by persistently and judiciously using Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests.{15}

I wish to give also credit to four bloggers, who remain largely unknown but whose contributions to 9/11 truth have been original, relevant and significant: Aidan Monaghan, killtown, shoestring and Woody Box (the last three being pseudonyms). I am deeply indebted to their groundbreaking research. My sincere thanks also go to Dr. Ansgar Schneider of Bonn, Germany, for having meticulously reviewed the original manuscript and recommended numerous improvements, to Dr. Michael Morrissey, who critically reviewed the manuscript both regarding contents and language and to Dr. Pétur Knútsson of the University of Iceland for his critical comments and encouragement. Any remaining errors are mine. I also thank the numerous journalists, who wittingly or unwittingly revealed facts that help to better understand the complex 9/11 operation. I wish finally to acknowledge the excellent work of the international review panel investigation, summarized in the recent book 9/11 Unmasked. It represents the consensus of 23 eminent scholars regarding many of the aspects of 9/11 that are also discussed in that book.

In this book I argue that the official narrative of 9/11, resting on a hijacking scenario, is pure fiction, or more accurately the most successful deception in known history in terms of the number of deceived people.{16} The success of this propaganda operation is not due to the compelling nature of the official narrative, but to the systematic manipulation of the public on and after 9/11 by official sources and the media despite the factual implausibility of that narrative. An open mind, however, can easily see through the deception, as I hope to show.

Some readers may wonder why I do not discuss here the alleged role of Osama bin Laden in the attacks, if only to refute the claim of his responsibility. As will be shown, even the U.S. authorities did not accuse and charge him for 9/11. Accordingly, examining his verbal output would serve no purpose in this study.

Readers may wish to know who, in my opinion, perpetrated the crime of 9/11. I leave this question to other authors. One author, Kevin Ryan, has already made a substantial contribution in this direction with his recent book Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects.

This book is organized in a modular manner which is designed to serve as a reference work on 9/11 for journalists, politicians, lawyers, researchers and libraries. Unlike most books and articles on this subject, which merely include links to internet sources – often no longer available – I have taken pains to provide easy and permanent access to most source documents by posting them on my personal website. This allows readers to easily verify the accuracy and relevancy of the facts that I present.

The modular structure of the book means that the chapters can be read in any sequence. Each chapter provides independent evidence substantiating the charge of a government cover-up and/or complicity in the crime of 9/11. This modular architecture provides not only for structural clarity but strengthens the overall conclusion.