Kitabı oxu: «Shall we develop the speech skills? Учебное пособие по английскому языку»
© Елизавета Хундаева, 2019
ISBN 978-5-4496-5999-6
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
Part 1
The pronouns (местоимение) «this», «that»
1. Please, do the following:
a. Recall (вспомните) the following demonstrative (указательный) pronouns (местоимение), please.
This (этот), these (эти)
That (тот), those (те)
b. Will you think of (придумать, составить) the sentences using (используя) the patterns (образцы) below (внизу):
This is a good picture. These are good pictures. (Предметы находятся в непосредственной близости от вас).
That is a nice picture. Those are nice pictures. (Предметы находятся на некотором расстоянии от вас).
2. Please, translate.
Use either (либо) this, these or (либо) that, those.
a. Это – конец игры (This is the end of the game).
Это – наш стол.
Это – твое место (seat).
Это – наши чашки (These are our cups).
Это – ваш поезд.
Это – хорошие шутки (These are good jokes).
Это – их часть отчета (This is their part of the account).
Это – их термины (These are their terms).
Это – моя комната.
Это – их книги.
Это – страницы (page) нашей книги.
Это – стадии (stage) нашей работы
(These are the stages of our work).
Это – высокая (high) степень (degree) качества (quality).
Это – под его ответственностью (is in/under his charge).
Это – красивое море.
Это – хорошие вещи.
Это – была наша цель (aim).
b. То яблоко для вас (That apple is for you).
Те вещи – их (Those things are theirs).
Та коробка – наша (That box is ours).
Та книга – наша.
Тот город – очень красивый.
Тот дом – их (theirs).
Та пьеса (play) довольно (rather) интересная.
То был счастливый конец (a happy end).
Те книги весьма (quite, very) интересны.
Те города далеко отсюда (far away from here).
Та пробка (fuse) – неисправная (not OK, out of order).
Та книга – её.
Та ручка – его.
Те вещи – их (theirs).
Тот багаж (baggage) – их.
То письмо – её.
Те дома – их.
Та картина с пейзажем (landscape) – его.
Те доклады (talk) – их.
Та чашка – моя.
Тот платяной шкаф (wardrobe) – ваш.
Та линейка (ruler) – моя.
Те журналы (magazine) – наши.
То место – их.
Та книга – её (hers).
Тот журнал – его
Те дома – их.
Та реплика (remark) – её.
Тот алгоритм (algorithm) – его.
Те тетради (notebook) – их.
Та пуговица (button) – его.
Тот проект – их.
Те платья – её.
Та сорочка (shirt) – Петина. That shirt is Pete’s.
Тa футболка – Макса. That T-shirt is Max’s.
То кольцо – Ленино.
Те галстуки – Витины.
Та блуза (blouse) – Катина.
Тот компьютер – Анин.
То предложение (предложение) – Руслана.
Те проекты – Сашины.
3. Will you please say in the plural?
This is а map. – These are maps.
That is a scanner. – Those are scanners.
Is this a pencil? – Are these pencils?
This is а room.
That is а tap (водопроводный кран).
This is а pencil.
This is not а belt (пояс).
That is а watch.
Is this а camera?
Is that а building?
Is this а dog?
Say in the Singular (ед. ч.), please.
Mind (иметь в виду, обратить внимание) the indefinite (неопределенный) article in the Singular ((ед. ч.).
These are letters. This is а letter.
Those are books. That is a book.
1. Those are balls.
2. These are bookcases (книжный шкаф).
3. These are wardrobes (гардероб).
4. Those are pens.
5. These are pictures.
6. Those arе bags.
7. These are crayons (цветной карандаш, мелок).
8. These are lectures (лекция).
Say as questions (вопрос).
This is а desk (письменный стол). Is this a desk?
These are our tickets. Are these our tickets?
1. These are watches (наручные часы).
2. This is a spoon.
3. This is а portrait (портрет).
4. These are glasses (стакан, бокал, фужер, рюмка).
5. This is his box.
6. This is a plate (тарелка).
7. These are knives (нож).
8. These are our trunks (чемодан).
9. These are pictures on the wall (стена).
10. These are forks (вилка).
Say with not, please.
Example: This is а desk. This is not a desk.
These are tables. These are not tables.
1. This is a cupboard (посудный шкаф).
2. This is a cat on the chair (стул).
3. These are saucers (блюдце).
4. Those are rings (кольцо).
5. Those are ear-rings (серьги).
6. This is a car in the street.
7. These are sauce-pans (кастрюля).
8. These are bags (сумка, чемодан).
Please, look through the following examples.
Pattern 1 (Образец 1): My – mine
Differentiate (различать) between «my’ and «mine’. The pronoun «my’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: my book. «Mine’ is used with no noun after it: a book of mine.
This is my box. This box is mine (мой).
These are my bохеs. These bохеs are mine.
That is my umbrella (зонтик). That umbrella is mine.
Those are my umbrellas. Those umbrellas are mine.
Translate, please
Это моя шляпа. Эта шляпа моя.
Это (these are) мои билеты. Эти билеты мои.
Тот – мой шейный платок (scarf). Тот шейный платок мой.
Те – мои теплые шарфы (muffler). Те теплые шарфы мои.
Это мой дом. Этот дом мой
Это мои отметки (mark). Эти отметки мои.
Тот – мой стол. Тот стол мой.
Те – мои принадлежности (belongings). Те принадлежности мои.
Pattern 2: Your – yours
Differentiate (различать) between «your’ and «yours’. «Your’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: your book. «Yours’ is used with no noun after it: a book of mine.
This is your box. This box is yours.
These are your books. These books are yours.
That is your umbrella (зонтик). That umbrella is yours.
Those are your parasols (зонт от солнца). Those parasols are yours.
Translate, please.
Это твой кофр (trunk). Этот кофр твой.
Эти кофры твои. Это твои кофры.
То – твой рюкзак (back bag). Тот рюкзак твой.
Те – твои сумки. Те сумки твои.
Pattern 3: His – his
These pronouns are the same (одинаковый) outwardly (внешне, снаружи). «His’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: his book. «His’ is also used with no noun after it: a book of his.
This is his watch. This watch is his.
That is his bag. That bag is his.
These are his memo books (записная книжка). These memo books are his.
Those are his notebooks. Those notebooks are his.
Translate, please.
This is his trunk (чемодан, кофр). This trunk is his.
That is his phone. That phone is his.
These are his bags. These bags are his.
Those are his notes (запись). Those notes are his.
Pattern 4: Her – hers
Differentiate (различать) between «her’ and «hers’. «Her’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: her book. «Hers’ is used with no noun after it: a book of hers.
This is her purse (дамская сумка). This purse is hers.
That is her finger ring (кольцо). That finger ring is hers.
These are her purses. These purses are hers.
Those are her shopping bags (хозяйственная сумка). Those shopping bags are hers.
Translate, please.
Это – её сумка на колесиках (shopping trolley). Эти сумки на колесиках – её.
Та – её сумка (handbag). Та сумка – её.
Это – её сумки (purse). Эти сумки – её.
Те – её сумки на колесиках (shopping trolley). Те сумки на колесиках – её.
Pattern 5: Our – ours
This is our account (отчет). This account is ours.
That is our bookcase (книжный шкаф). That bookcase is ours.
These are our bags (чемодан, сумка). These bags are ours.
Those are our back packs (рюкзак). Those back packs are ours.
Translate, please.
This is our electric stove (печь). This electric stove is ours.
That is our TV-set. That TV-set is ours.
These are our notes (запись). These notes are ours.
Those are our shopping trolleys (сумка на колесиках). Those shopping trolleys are ours.
Pattern 6: Your (ваш) – yours
Differentiate (различать) between «your’ and «yours’. «Your’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: your book. «Yours’ is used with no noun after it: a book of yours.
This is your phone. This phone is yours.
That is your cloakroom (гардеробная). That cloakroom is yours.
These are your enterprises (предприятие). These enterprises are yours.
Those are your shopping bags (хозяйственная сумка). Those shopping bags are yours.
Translate, please.
This is your keyboard (клавиатура). This keyboard is yours.
That is your cloakroom (гардеробная). That cloakroom is yours.
These are your enterprises (предприятие). These enterprises are yours.
Those are your shopping bags (хозяйственная сумка). Those shopping bags are yours.
Pattern 7: Their – theirs
Differentiate (различать) between «their’ and «theirs’. «Their’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: their book. «Theirs’ is used with no noun after it: a book of theirs.
This is their venture (затея, рискованное предприятие). This venture is theirs.
That is their keyboard (клавиатура). The keyboard is theirs.
These are their processors (процессор). These processors are theirs.
Those are their desks (письменный стол). Those desks are theirs.
Translate, please.
Это (this is) их решение (decision). Это решение – их.
То было их предложение (proposal). То предложение было – их.
Это были (these were) их решения. Эти решения были их.
Те (those) были их гаражи (garage). Те гаражи были их.
Translate, please.
This is my suitcase (небольшой плоский чемодан). This suitcase is mine.
That is your frock (платье). That frock is yours.
This is his scanner. This scanner is his.
Those are her printers. Those printers are hers.
This is our computer. This computer is ours.
This is your (ваш) house. This house is yours.
That is their office. That office is theirs.
That is my muffler (теплый шарф, кашне).
These are your scarves (шейный платок, косынка).
That is his venture (предприятие).
This is her purse (дамская сумка).
This is our beach umbrella (пляжный зонт).
Those are their parasols (зонт от солнца).
Say as in the example, please.
Is this pencil yours? Is this your pencil?
Is that desk his? Is that his desk?
Are these printers yours? Are these your printers?
Are those discs theirs? Are those their discs?
Now give your own examples.
Will you translate, please?
Was that book yours? Was that your book?
Was that scanner ours? Was that our scanner?
Were those bags hers? Were those her bags?
Is that scanner yours? Is that your scanner?
Will you be so kind as to read, please?
Is that picture yours?
Are those pens hers?
Are those batteries (батарея, аккумулятор) yours?
Are these bracelets hers?
Are these hats theirs?
Are these slides mine?
Is that fashion magazine (журнал мод) his?
Are those glossy (глянцевый) magazines yours?
Is that illustrated (иллюстрированный) magazine hers?
The adjective (прилагательное) «the same»
I would like to ask you to translate the following, please.
Те же (the same) факты
Те же люди
Те же слова
Та же игра
Тот же стадион (stadium)
То же слово
То же предложение (sentence; proposal)
То же упражнение (exercise)
Тот же номер (room)
Та же улица
Та же дорога (road)
Те же люди
Тот же фильм
Тот же мультфильм (The same animated cartoon)
Та же муштра (drills)
Та же скукота (utter boredom).
The pronoun (местоимение) «the same»
If it were possible, they would do the same. – Если бы было возможно, они сделали бы то же самое.
Just tell them the same.
You must do the same.
They all said (говорить) the same.
Please, do the same.
They all wanted to repeat (повторить) the same.
You shouldn’t (не следует) purchase (покупать) the same.
The adverb (наречие) «the same»
Adverb (наречие) «the same» – таким же образом, так же, одинаково
They are pronounced the same – Они произносятся одинаково.
You should not dress (одеваться) the same (так же) as he does.
Do not behave (вести себя) the same (таким же образом) as they all do.
You stared (уставиться) at the people around (вокруг) the same (так же) as your girl-friend (подруга) does.
You walked (шагать, ходить) the same as your coach (тренер) does.
Don’t lie (лежать) on the couch (кушетка, диван) the same as some old men generally (обычно) do.
You stoop (сутулиться) just the same (так же) as my grandma (бабушка) does but she’s an old person and you are a pretty (хорошенький) young girl.
Like this
Please, try to memorize (запомнить): Like this – вот так (таким образом)
Делай это вот так (Do it like this).
Произноси вот так (Pronounce like this).
Ходи вот так (Walk like this).
Танцуй вот так (Dance like this).
Говори вот так (Speak like this).
Веди себя таким образом (Behave like this).
Пой вот так (Sing like this).
Пользуйся (Use) пультиком (joystick) вот так.
Whistle like this (свисти вот так)
Explain (объяснять) like this
Write like this
Read like this
Walk (ходить, шагать) like this
Speak like this
Clap your hands (хлопать в ладоши) like this
She explained (объяснить) it like this.
He began his story like this.
The phrase was translated like this.
He manages the affairs (руководить) of our lab like this.
The head (руководитель, глава) of our department (отдел) began the conference (совещание, конференция) like this.
She begins the experiment like this.
I process (обрабатывать) the data (данные) like this.
We make the computations (расчет, вычисление) like this.
Do you process (обрабатывать) the data (данные) like this?
We make measurements (проводить измерение) like this.
You take note (записывать, регистрировать) of the initial (начальный) and the final (конечный) data (данные) like this.
He makes the experiments like this.
The supervisor (руководитель) consults his workers like this.
They formulate (формулировать) the working hypothesis (рабочая гипотеза) like this.
The warrantor (финансовый поручитель) gave a reference (дать рекомендацию) praising (хвалить, превозносить) the borrower (заемщик) or the debtor (должник, дебитор) like this.
She sang like this.
He spoke like this.
The actor recited (декламировать, читать) the poem (стихотворение, поэма) like this.
The girls danced like this.
The children played like this.
The ballerina danced like this.
The actor sang the song like this.
She spoke (говорить, выступать) like this.
They helped each other like this.
They learn the foreign languages like this.
He learnt to drive the car like this.
Ann expressed the main idea like this.
Peter condemned (осуждать) their behavior (поведение) like this.
Pulsuz fraqment bitdi.