Kitabı oxu: «In search of Nikita. Summer adventures of children»



Евгений Александрович Соловьев

© Evgeny Solovyov, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0059-8422-7

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

This story either happened in my imagination, or it actually happened, but one thing I can say for sure is that all the names are real, as well as some of the events, but there is also a large portion of fiction, and it’s up to the reader to decide what is true and what is made up.


The summer was sunny and hot. Evgeny loved spending time outdoors, especially playing soccer with his friends in the park near his house. He was a real ball of energy, always full of enthusiasm.

Tina, on the other hand, loved reading books and enjoying peace and quiet. She was a girl who loved to dream and invent different stories. Tina often spent her time in the park reading books by her favorite writers, indulging in her fantasies and musings.

One day, while Evgeny and his friends were playing soccer, Tina heard their laughter and merriment. She put her book aside and went to see what was happening. As she approached the boys, she immediately noticed one boy whom she had seen before and had already liked him then.

Evgeny noticed Tina and smiled at her. Tina smiled back and approached closer.

Tina told Evgeny that she had always dreamed of taking a car trip somewhere far away, seeing different cities, and enjoying the beauty of nature. She also dreamed of having a kitten. In turn, Evgeny shared that he had the same dreams and how amazing it was that two seemingly different people could dream and think of the same things.

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