Kitabı oxu: «EgreGor»


Editor Olga Ivanova

Translator Olga Ivanova

Illustrator Xenia Grey

© Firuza Akopyan, 2020

© Olga Ivanova, translation, 2020

© Xenia Grey, illustrations, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0051-2014-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Everyone draws inspiration from different sources. The idea for this book was born after reading the writings of Kryon, and the information presented here about DNA is based on his channelings. The information presented about DNA is more esoteric in nature and is based on both scientific data and the results of channelings, as well as my own reflections on this topic. In this regard, I ask readers to understand the difference between scientific material on Microbiology and genetics and fiction with elements of esotericism and in no case treat this book as a textbook.

Perhaps one day the material presented in this book will become scientific. Who knows, maybe someday… What today seems unthinkable and resolutely rejected, tomorrow may become a generally accepted truth.

In the meantime, I invite you to the unknown world of DNA, pyramids and human relationships between two people!

Enjoy reading!

Chapter 1

Our planet is inhabited by a huge number of different representatives of the fauna: insects, fish, birds, animals. But there is only one species, whose biology differs from other inhabitants. This is a human being.

Was it always like this? If not, what was happened? Was it possible, that at one time there were several species of human beings on the planet, which were gradually extinct until, there was only one species left? What is the Great Idea? Did the Earth have an exact plan to inhabit a Man? And how did we deserve the special treatment of the Creator?

Nature is cleverer than a man, who can’t understand, especially guess its uncountable mysteries. Shakespeare said: “Mother —nature is smart, but her son is fool”. Obviously, nature created a variety of fauna in order to provide survival. We have learned a lot during a long period of evolution, to clone animals, to replicate deficient organs and tissue with the help of 3D printers. We learnt to manage, in some cases, the weather, and we sent a Man into Space. Despite all modern achievements, we haven’t learned the main thing: we can’t guess the great mystery of a Man and understand what is so special about him that distinguishes him from all the inhabitants of our planet?!

Thoughts about human biology did not occupy me until a certain period in my life. My area of research and professional knowledge is the brain and everything related to it. False ego and male vanity have long been the only driving forces in my life. And the more I worked with patients, the more I realized that the human brain is a mystery that is unlikely to be solved even after hundreds of years. Nevertheless, I certainly wanted to be the first and only one to make this breakthrough in science. However, despite my own ideas about my future career, I was to make discoveries of a different nature later on, which exceeded all my expectations. Woman and disaster are synonymous. Both of them break your habitual way of life, destroying the old order and erecting something new on this ashes, unknown to you before. Apparently, nature created a woman so that men would not be bored to live with their basic needs. At least, that’s what she told me…

Could I know then, or even guess, what was in store for me in life? I could not. Nor did I know that if she broke into my world with her own rules, she would set her own rules. Did it make my life worse? No. Was it improved? I don’t know. But one thing I know for sure: the old life is still far away, and sometimes it flickers like a dream, reminding me of whom I was once and who I am now. And so the new me finally supplanted the old one, without regret or warning. That’s life.

We get rich at the expense of every person in our lives. As wild as it sounds. Everyone who has touched our hearts in any way has somehow enriched us with what we needed at the moment. You can understand who you are now by the people who surround you here and now. They are the best mirror. The main thing is to understand correctly what exactly they mirror in us. Everything happens on time, and all events are appropriate. Even if it seems that the world is going to hell, this is also appropriate. There is no effect without a cause. The desired scenario is always played out on time.

Chapter 2

Good afternoon! My name is Vita! -the girl held out her hand and gave me a firm squeeze that was more like a man’s handshake.

“Where does it get so much power? She doesn’t look like it”, -I thought.

A short girl with long dark hair stood in front of me. Faded jeans and a casual t-shirt made her look like a teenager. She was slender and neatly built. Her brown eyes, with a hint of malice in them, made a contrast between the girl’s figure and the bitchiness of an adult woman. She didn’t look like the type of girl who had a price list of future services on her face. Differences in appearance and passport age, apparently, often created all sorts of awkward moments in her life.

As a psychiatrist, I understand that small, fragile women sometimes have to become tough to be taken seriously, so I took it in stride that at first she looked at me like I was nothing. She looked boldly into his eyes, not averting them. Determined, she sat down on a chair, pulled her hair into a sort of bun, and then leaned her hands on the table, ready to talk. We created a contrast: she is a little joking, and I am very serious. I wondered what kind of problems she came to me with.

As a rule, before appointments, I give myself a few minutes to try to predict what is in the patient’s head and what will be in the anamnesis. But in this case I was completely baffled, to my surprise; I had not the slightest idea. You don’t come to a psychiatrist with a smile on your face – such patients are already in a well-known Department. “So now we’ll find out.”

– Good afternoon, Vita. Tell me, how can I help you? – I said, looking at my schedule.

– I need you to put me in a certain hypnotic state. I want my consciousness to find a way to interact with my cellular structure.

– What? – I thought I misheard.

– I want to understand how DNA works.

– I’ve never heard such nonsense before, – I literally blurted out, in response to this the girl very tactfully pretended not to hear my words.

– You mean you won’t help?

– Look, even if I put you in a state of hypnosis, I won’t solve the DNA problem. This is not my professional field.

– Don’t you have any DNA? – there was a reproach and surprise in her voice.

– What exactly do you want? I said in a tired voice. “What an eccentric woman at the end of a working day!” – I thought.

– Put me in a state where I can interact with my DNA.

– Are you serious?! – I asked.

“And how did she find me among all the other doctors? Why me?”

– So they were lying about you when they said that you were the best, – a clever female trick was put into action, provoking men’s self-esteem.

– Vitalina, I have been engaged in hypnosis for about twenty years, and during this time, believe me, no one has put a person into a hypnotic state to interact with their DNA! This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it! Who told you that? – my annoyance grew, but it was her attractiveness that saved me from being rude. Beautiful girls less hear rude words.

– Don’t you want to be the first?

– You are very stubborn.

– I’ve been studying DNA for a long time. Soon I will get my degree and become a microbiologist. But everything they teach me is just a drop in the ocean. In the field of DNA, science stands still.

– Be honest with me.

– Once I was no longer interested in the routine world with its cares and material values. Then I wondered: why is human DNA unique? What did a person do to deserve such a favor from the Creator? All we know is that DNA consists of three billion parts, most of which so-called (!) do nothing. Or rather, we think so. We know the work of 4% of them; the remaining 96% are a mystery. Only 3% of the chemical compounds in DNA perform various functions, this is the part of the DNA that encodes the protein. These 3% are involved in the production of genes. What do we know about life if we can’t even study our own DNA in a half-way? Hypnotism was a secret for society until the 18th century. Now it is available to everyone, so you are sitting in this chair. So why the study of DNA through hypnosis is nonsense and the hypnotism is not?

I was taken aback by her speech, but she spoke with such enthusiasm that I envied her. Yes, we must admit that her life is in full swing, her obsession with her idea is respected.

– Vita, please satisfy my curiosity first. Let’s suppose you find out what you are interested in. What’s next?

– Do you know the meaning of your name? she said abruptly.

– I have never thought about it. And what?

– Horus is the Sun. And it is also a mirror image of the word horn, which is a part of the word unicorn – that is, unity with the Sun. If you don’t even know that, you won’t understand me.

– Try to explain.

– DNA is a kind of a literary work, and like any work, it has a message that we have to decipher. This is where the universal humor is hidden. I want to decipher this message. I’m sure that DNA is a set of commands that defines tasks. What if we can set these commands ourselves? For example, to be cured of an illness? Or do you want to rejuvenate and extend your stay on the planet? It is possible that people were originally assigned a much longer period of existence on this planet.

– Let’s assume that this theory has a right to exist. However, it is practically impossible to prove it.

– Horus, I believe that a human being is not just pounds of meat and liters of blood with basic needs: to eat, drink, copulate and reproduce. Man is originally a spiritual being. I believe that we do not just live on our planet. I can’t live with the idea that a person is born, lives, and then disappears without a trace, as if he never existed. Then why are we given life if it is so meaningless?

– Vita, all you have to do is to find the meaning that you want to live for. Now you do not have this sense, so you rush from one extreme to the other.

– Tolstoy was depressed for three years, and he wanted to commit suicide only because he did not know what life was and why he lived. Understand, I have a need for answers to my questions, I can’t develop until… – she didn’t finish her thought. Either she didn’t know what to say, or she decided I shouldn’t talk about it.

She gave me two days to find a way to get her into the right state. She didn’t ask for my opinion, she just gave me time. When Vitalina left the office, I smelled a pleasant perfume. “I’ll have to tell her not to use them in sessions” – while she was talking about this unfortunate DNA, I sat and thought about how I want to undress her.

Yes, there are many ways of hypnosis, and they all lead to the same goal – to excite the nervous system of the hypnotized person, which will lead him to artificial sleep. But what does this girl want? I have a gift for getting into awkward situations. Although … it’s my job.

Another patient followed Vitalina. Her story was nothing new to me. A standard set of childhood traumas that any psychologist could handle, but I’ve made a name for myself, and now it’s considered prestigious to go to my appointments. I worked off my money, she left – everything as usual. She’ll probably come back a couple more times, then start a new life, and I’ll forget about her ever being in my office. I’ll forget as forget other patients.

Two days later, Vita arrived at the reception in the same excited state as the first time, but now there was hope in her eyes. I couldn’t think of anything else to do but perform a classic hypnosis session. We started the session. I washed my hands and face. Vita sat prepared for a hypnotic sleep, as if for a journey. It took her about ten minutes to get into the right state. I held her hand, feeling for her pulse. She was in a state of hypnosis for about ten minutes.

When I roused her from her hypnotic sleep, she was silent for several minutes.

– I imagined it in a different way, – she said, disappointed.

– But how? Did you think this would be a trip where you would find all the answers at once?

– I didn’t think so. Our consciousness is not so organized; otherwise it would be quite simple. But I thought I’d find a thread.

– Vita, first of all, your task… How to say it more correctly? Complicated!

– You mean impossible. You think so.

– It doesn’t matter what I think.

She was sitting at the table, twirling a pen in her hands, and then her eyes fell on a small pyramid of Cheops with a hole for the handle, which stood on my desk. This souvenir was brought to me by one of my patients. Vita rolled her eyes, took the pyramid in her hands, twirled it around and said:

– Pyramids! How? I was right! – said these words, she hurried out of the office without even saying good-bye.

After work, I went to Sveta. I had to relieve the pressure. Although I told myself many times that I have to end this relationship, I still kept it to myself for some reason. Probably, because she was always happy to see me. Human selfishness knows no bounds.

At night I went home, although Sveta insisted that I stay with her. But staying would have meant giving her hope, which was definitely not my plan. At home I got a bottle of rum; at present my drinking companion was my woolly friend. The cat rubbed my legs, reminding me that it was time to feed it. I performed the duties assigned to me by my furry roommate, then sat on the sofa and poured myself rum.

So, what do I have behind me? Military service, medical practice, two marriages and two children, three higher education, an apartment, a car, mistresses… Not much. Women… All the women in my life were the same type; I chose them on a simple principle – so that it was easier to break off relations with them later. I married on the same principle. And now I’m sitting in an empty apartment with a cat and rum in my hand, like a strong and independent man.

Vita… There’s something about her She’s crazy. Her DNA idea is bullshit, but she’s lovely in her desire and thirst to get to the bottom of it. And in her insanity, she stands out from my other patients. I wonder how she is with men. Or is she not interested in anything else besides DNA.

I worked like a bull all week, and there were plenty of patients. Even those I had long forgotten came. Today, in gratitude, one of the patients gave me a bottle of rum. This is one of a few pleasant moments in my work. For some reason, in our country it is customary to thank doctors with alcohol. I don’t know how this tradition came about, but I really like it. The higher the status of a doctor, the more elite alcohol is. My status allowed me to drink expensive alcohol. My patients are not easy people. Sometimes I don’t even know who they are. But sometimes I guess what place they occupy in our state. With some of them it is quite easy, with others; on the contrary, it is incredibly difficult. But, undoubtedly, they determined my importance among Moscow psychiatrists at the time.

At night, my rum ritual with the cat was repeated. Suddenly I got a message from Vita asking if I could see her tomorrow at lunch. “How did she get my phone number? If she didn’t sign up through reception, then she’s probably pursuing a personal interest.” I looked at my schedule, and there was a patient scheduled for lunch. I don’t know why, but I moved him to another day to take Vita. I developed friendships with many patients, so I could afford to shuffle them periodically.

She came into the office smiling broadly, held out her hand, and greeted me as before. She was wearing a black dress, the bottom of which swayed playfully as she walked. Vita lifted him up and sat down on a chair, crossing her legs, covering her knees with the hem of her dress. She body covers up, and her eyes are just as damn bright as when I first met her. And here is this little woman sitting in my office and smiling sweetly, which made me smile involuntarily. When she saw the coffee machine, she asked for coffee. “What impudence!” But I did make coffee.

– Doctor, you are a miracle! Do you have a subscription for sessions? I feel addiction on you.

“She’s too friendly… Is he flirting with me?”

For the first ten minutes I listened to the story of her trip to Egypt – this crazy woman flew to the pyramids after the session. Vita told about the amazing energy of those places, which cannot be felt if there is no intention to feel it. She seemed to be out of this world. She should only write fantastic books with such crazy ideas, and not study to be a microbiologist. In the first sphere, she would undoubtedly succeed, but in the second, she would definitely be ridiculed.

– But there are so many pyramids all over the world! You’re not going to visit everything, are you? I asked, hoping to get a negative answer so I wouldn’t think she was completely crazy.

– It all depends on my finances. Horus, listen, I just want to establish a connection between several pyramids, I don’t have to visit them all, – Vita replied, and looked out of the window, thinking about something.

– And what did you find in Egypt?

– All the pyramids on Earth are built in a strictly defined geometry. You know that the location of the three pyramids in Egypt coincides with the position of the three stars in the Orion belt?! The Egyptians worshipped Sirius, and the pyramids were their stairway to heaven. I’m sure the pyramids are inextricably linked to our DNA. Even more, they are a DNA repository. I’m not the first person to say this, but unfortunately, no one has yet proved it from a scientific point of view.

– Do you believe in Atlanteans?

– The Lemurians built the pyramids. The Atlanteans have nothing to do with it. The pyramids were built to stabilize Earth’s magnetic field. All of them are located at certain points on the planet and change the electrical flow, passing through them. Our ancestors built them in order to create a stable orbit.

– Why?

– Because, there was an accident that changed the orbit of our planet by more than twenty degrees. Think about why you had to build pyramids all over the world if they are not important for humanity.

– Perhaps you are right. Vita, I would like to ask you not to use perfume when you come to my session.

– Well. Shall we begin? What is it? – she asked eagerly.

We started a hypnotic session. I took her hand to perform the necessary manipulations, but in response received an electric shock. Vita sat with her eyes closed and laughed. It was only now that I realized what I liked about her. This is her cheerfulness, which I myself miss so much. She is full of life. And it’s not a mask.

After this session, she did not have a violent reaction, as last time, she was calm.

– Vita, let’s go for coffee? – the words came out of my mouth uncontrollably. I immediately regretted what I had said.

– Let’s go, – she said suddenly, switching to you.

The atmosphere in the cafe still creates very different conditions for conversation. I didn’t know what to say to her here, because in my office I am the king and God, and here I mumble like a boy. If women had any idea how shy and self-conscious a man can be in their presence, they would laugh at us for a long time and stop expecting much from us. We are bold only with those who do not like us very much, and we are shy of those who like us very much. My shyness at that moment was the first signal that I didn’t pay attention to at the time.

– Why do you do hypnosis? – Vita asked, sipping her coffee.

– Because I’m good at it, and it makes good money.

– To drink alone at night?

– Excuse me?

– You’re an alcoholic. And you don’t look the best. And in general you have the smell of loneliness. Don’t be surprised, I have the ability to read minds, – she said casually, with a playful wink.

– I’ve never been humiliated like this.

– I can, I can do this, – she was having a lot of fun.

– What else?

– That’s enough for the first time. I’ll tell you later, but in the meantime, I’ll watch a little more. And yet, why psychiatry? – she leaned back in her chair, and at that moment her face took on a serious, even haughty look.

– Since I was a child, I liked to analyze human behavior to find out where the root of their actions. So the decision to become a psychiatrist was born. I am fond of my work.

– How long have you been working? What kind of patients?

– I’ve been practicing psychiatry for more than twenty years. I have a lot of practical experience in the treatment of difficult teenagers, survivors of violence, military personnel who have been in hot spots, but most of my patients are neurotics with the most banal mental injuries.

After the coffee break, I treated the next patients with a more positive mood. Day went much well than usual, and I experienced a pleasant sense of satisfaction that I haven’t experienced recently. I felt something light up inside me, and I felt it. “The planets must have formed a favorable orbit for me.” The thought made me laugh.

On the way from the cafe to work, I thought about Vita. There is something interesting about her. Well, everything is moving towards a repeat of the standard scenario. The question is, how long will it last?

It’s been two weeks. Vita never showed up. Twice she made an appointment, but did not come without canceling the appointment. I was annoyed by this behavior, since I could have recorded other people who needed me more than she did. I worked on weekdays, spent weekends with friends, drank, ate, and degraded. Then I went back to my office and felt like a king. Yes, the moment between degradation and triumph is equal to two days off.

During the week, I met with my children. They cheated me out of money, as usual. When you are “dad for the weekend” – this is quite normal. The eldest son, at the age of fifteen, asked me for money for a gift to a girl. He had a girlfriend, even. Well, my daughter, at the age of ten, asked for money for cosmetics.

– I don’t understand. You’re only ten! What kind of cosmetics?

– Dad! All the girls in the class have their own makeup bag for a long time! Don’t be like mother!

– Daughter, you are very beautiful! You don’t need makeup!

– So you won’t give me any money? You’re like a mother!

– Do not compare me to her, – I said, pulling the money out of my purse and handing it to her.

– Dad, you just don’t tell a mother about the girl, or she will torment me with questions and begin to teach, – following the daughter, the son began to build a contractual relationship with me.

– Are you afraid to tell her? But she’s your mother!

– She’ll say I’m just like you! After all, I broke up with a girl a month ago, and now I have another one.

I literally opened my eyes wide. How difficult it is for a parent to see their children grow up. I understood that Kostya was no longer a child, but two girls in a month were cool even for me. Either I’m getting old or I don’t understand anything about life. Where are my fifteen years?

At the end of one working day, the office door opened and Vita came in. She didn’t have an appointment, but she came at exactly the right time, because the patient was canceled at that time. It had been three weeks since we’d last met.

– Maestro, good morning! Not waiting for? And I as an uninvited guest who is better than a Tartar! – she beamed.

– Worse than a Tartar, – I corrected her sullenly, but at the same time I was glad to see her.

– That’s what I said.

– Yes, of course.

– I have an idea. If you have time, we can do something, – she said with a wink.

Her idea was to find the object I had hidden while blindfolded. It’s an interesting idea, but she blindfolded will be more desirable. Still, I prepared everything for her whim, and we started. For some reason, I didn’t want to say no to her. I laid out geometric shapes on the table: a square, a ball, and a triangular pyramid. Then he stood behind her and blindfolded her, then took her left hand in my right and told her mentally to take the ball. Blindfolded, Vita picked up each item in turn, and then had to make a choice. Ten minutes passed, and she stood and hesitated, and I could see that she wanted to touch the triangular pyramid. Her hand touched the pyramid, and then abruptly changed the motion. And now she was holding the ball in her hand! Commendable! Having made her choice, Vita removed the blindfold from her eyes, walked over to me, and stood on tiptoe. Holding the ball in her hand, she raised it to the level of my eyes and pointed at it with a smile of triumph.

– Maestro, am I right?

– You guessed it, – I did not hide my surprise and pride. Usually patients guess four times, and she guesses the first time.

– In that case, I deserve a prize! – her eyes shone with self-pride.

I kissed her. Involuntarily, Vita let out a groan that defined everything. And now it’s done. When I came to myself, I saw that Vita was already dressing. Everything happened quickly, rudely, passionately. I suddenly found myself apologizing to her for what had happened. A few minutes later, as if on schedule, there was a knock on the door to announce that the next patient had arrived. Vita smoothed her hair, said a dry goodbye, and quickly left the office.

In the evening, when I got home, I tried to make sense of what had happened. I often have casual sex, in my life this is more the norm than the exception. I have also slept with patients, but usually they took the initiative and I was relieved of all responsibility. But in this case, I took responsibility.

During the next few days, we corresponded with Vita, and I suggested her to meet.

Walking in the park, we enjoyed the beautiful warm summer weather. She was wearing a light white dress, and she looked innocent.

– At what stage is your research?

– I’m analyzing the information. The connection between pyramids and DNA clearly exists. Pyramids are not just an encyclopedia of knowledge, astronomical observatories, a time machine, or a solar-lunar calendar. It’s a DNA repository, and I’m sure of it now. The pyramids in Egypt are a kind of “Egypt – Sirius” flight. But, in addition to Egyptian pyramids, there are many other similar structures in the world. Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Great Britain, Easter Island, Tibet, Japan, The United States, Australia, China, Ukraine, and Russia – there are pyramids everywhere. I’m already silent about the underwater pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle, which were discovered only in 1948! There’s a lot we don’t know. And, most likely, there are still pyramids that have not been found yet! Perhaps if you unravel the pattern they were built on, you can find all the others. When I imagine that people all over the planet, without any means of communication with each other, somehow built them, I get wild with delight! This is a real egregor! Although it is possible that early civilizations could communicate telepathically. That explains a lot, then. And if I’m right, it turns out that our existence has a secret meaning. This means that man did not appear on our planet by accident.

– Are there pyramids in Russia too? I’ve never heard of them.

– Yes, there are two mountains in Primorye: a Brother and a Sister. Initially, they were almost the same height, but in Stalin’s time, the Brother was shortened – blown up, perhaps trying to get to the inner chambers. All that could be found were the remains of ancient rooms.

– Why did you decide to use hypnosis?

– Because I feel a lot, but I can’t explain it. I look for answers everywhere and follow more than logic. In lectures we are often told to rely on logic. In recent times, logic has put me in a corner where there’s no lighting, if you know what I mean. We don’t know much exactly, because we always include logic, but it also becomes our basic prejudice. To study DNA you need something more than human thinking, you have to go beyond it. So what if our DNA is a navigation system that tells us where to go? Our entire evolution is a navigational journey. As in any navigator the DNA has its own settings, and we plot the road from a specific location to the end point. It is true that questions arise: where and when was the beginning of the path? And when and where, in this case, will the end point be? Is there an end point at all? I want to know how you can change these settings and create your own route.

– That’s what genetic engineering is for.

– I mean there must be a way to change the settings without interfering in the body!

– We’ll invent something.

I listened to her and thought that her words sounded like nonsense, but I didn’t dare tell her that she was wasting her time and was blind. There are things she must understand for herself.

I couldn’t wait to get to my place. At home Vita behaved strangely. She asked for a glass of water, then another. As if she was stalling for something. I thought she was uncomfortable and stiff. But everything changed as soon as we were in the bedroom. Not only her clothes, but all her tightness was gone. Yes, sex and the study of DNA are probably the only areas where Vita is herself, where she is real and where she is really good. I knew it the first time, but I was going to get to know her better and… was horrified.

Vita refused to stay at my place for the night, so she called a taxi and left. I got out the rum, poured myself a glass, and turned on the TV. She’s probably right – I’m an alcoholic.

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22 iyul 2020
160 səh. 1 illustrasiya
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