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Shakspere and Montaigne

An Endeavour to Explain the Tendency of 'Hamlet' from Allusions in Contemporary Works
3,60 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

"Shakspere and Montaigne" is a literary work by Jacob Feis that examines the relationship between Shakespeare's «Hamlet» and the works of the French essayist Michel de Montaigne. The book explores the influence of Montaigne's ideas on Shakespeare's writing and argues that «Hamlet» was shaped by the cultural and intellectual trends of its time.
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Kitabın təsviri

"Shakspere and Montaigne" is a literary work by Jacob Feis that examines the relationship between Shakespeare's «Hamlet» and the works of the French essayist Michel de Montaigne. The book explores the influence of Montaigne's ideas on Shakespeare's writing and argues that «Hamlet» was shaped by the cultural and intellectual trends of its time.

Kitab «Shakspere and Montaigne» - kitabın fraqmentini onlayn olaraq pulsuz oxuyun. Şərh və rəylərinizi qeyd edin, sevimlilərinizi seçin.
Yaş həddi:
200 səh.
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