Kitabı oxu: «Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks!»
First published in Great Britain in 2018
by Egmont UK Limited
The Yellow Building, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN
Text copyright © 2018 Katie Tsang and Kevin Tsang
Illustration copyright © 2018 Nathan Reed
Additional interior illustrations copyright © 2018 Egmont Ltd
ISBN 978 1 4052 8752 4
eISBN 978 1 4052 9364 8
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library
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TO OuR SIblIngs:
Jack, janE aNd StepHanIE
-Katie & Kevin Tsang
CHaPter 1:
my HIStory AS A
CerTIfIEd, DefInItely nOT
afraId ghost-HUNTER
CHaPter 2:
one FISH,
Two FISh
CHaPter 3:
alIen eNcountER
CHaPter 4:
EVIL sHaRk lords
CHaPtER 5:
a dangerous
ChaptER 6:
Sharks don’t lIVE
ChaptER 7:
BUtterButt ThE
Beach cat
ChaptER 8:
ChaptER 9:
Prawn cRackerS
anD PYjamas
ChaptER 10:
chapter 11:
attack IN
the pool!
chapter 12:
can’t gEt
chIcken pox twIce
chapter 13:
the eI ht senses
of doom!
chapter 14:
a party . . . for sharks!
chapter 15:
cake for heroes
My name is Sam Wu and I am NOT afraid of sharks. Or ghosts. Or anything else, no matter what a certain someone – that someone being Ralph Philip Zinkerman
the Third – might tell you. And whatever anyone tells you, I am NOT Scaredy-Cat Sam.
You might have heard about my
adventures with some ghosts. They started
in the
Space Museum
and then everything snowballed from there.1
Anyway, I’ve established that I’m NOT
afraid of ghosts. NOT even the Ghost
King, who is the number one bad guy in
the entire universe. I know this from my
favourite show,
There was a ghost in my house and we –
that’s me and my friends Zoe and Bernard –
had to find it and chase it out of my house.
1 I recently realized that when people say ‘snowballed’ they don’t
really mean an actual snowball like you’d throw at an enemy. They
mean an AVALANCHE. Which sounds terrifying. NOT that I’m
afraid of avalanches.
True story.2 We even have the
ghost-hunter certificates to
prove it.
Back to me being brave.
2 This story might NOT be 100 per cent true, but don’t tell Ralph
Philip Zinkerman that. Or his twin sister Regina.
I’m so brave that my sidekick is an actual,
genuine, man-eating snake named Fang.3
I thought that by proving I
wasn’t afraid of ghosts nobody
would call me Scaredy-Cat Sam
any more. I was wrong.
It was just the beginning of
proving how NOT afraid I am.
3 Fang doesn’t actually have fangs, and I’ve also
never seen him eat a man, but that isn’t important.
The important thing is that Fang is an actual snake
and he’s my very scary sidekick. NOT scary to me,
scary to everyone else. Except to my little sister
Lucy, who is apparently not afraid of anything.
Because aftEr tHe
CAme tHe
one FISH, Two FISH
After the INCIDENT at the Space Museum,
which won’t be spoken of (it involved me, an
Astro Blast Simulator
and a change of
trousers), I had to
prove my bravery
by getting a snake
sidekick and
becoming a certified
It’s kind of a long story. All you need to
know is that I proved how BRAVE I am.
But apparently, bravery is something you
have to prove over and over again.
I thought everything would go back to
normal and I’d never have to hear the words
‘Scaredy-Cat Sam’
again. But then we had a school trip to
the aquarium. And that was when things
really went wrong.4
It should have been a perfect day. I wasn’t
100 per cent sure what to expect at the
aquarium, but my best friend Bernard swore
it was going to be
4 But not quite as wrong as they went at the Space Museum.
Maybe I should stop going on school trips.
Up until this point I’d had exactly three
experiences with the deep sea:
1. On my favourite show,
there was once an episode where they flew
to a water planet and met a flying space
sea turtle named Stephanie. There was
also an Evil Shark Lord
who was in cahoots with the
Ghost King5. It was a great episode. Most people would have found it TERRIFYING, but I was only a little bit scared.
5 He’s the number one-enemy in the universe, according to Captain Jane, Spaceman Jack and ME. But Evil Shark Lord is probably enemy number two.
2. The beaches in Hong Kong (where my family
is from) very sensibly have shark nets. To
keep out the sharks. My little sister Lucy
wondered what would happen if a shark
got IN the shark net, but I told her that
was impossible.6
3. When I asked Na-Na (that‘s my grandma –
she lives with us) what an aquarium was,
she told me it was like the big fish tanks
at the seafood restaurants in Chinatown,
which we go to on special occasions.
Na-Na always picks out a fish that is STILL
SWIMMING in a fish tank for us to have
for dinner. One time I named the fish, but
then it came out on a plate, so I don‘t name
the fish from the tank ANY MORE.
6 It actually sounded very possible and EXTREMELY scary. But I didn‘t
want to worry her so I put on a brave face. All part of being a big brother.
So I thought that the aquarium was
going to be like a giant fish tank where you
picked out your dinner. When I told Bernard and Zoe that their mouths dropped open.
‘EW!’ said Zoe.
I frowned. ‘Zoe, you eat fish. Just
yesterday you had fish fingers for lunch,’
I said.
‘That’s different!’ she spluttered. We were
on the bus on our way to the aquarium.
‘How?’ I said.
‘It just IS! Tell him, Bernard,’ she said.
Bernard frowned and
then took out his thinking glasses. He only wears them when he is thinking VERY HARD.
‘Well,’ he said. ‘Fish fingers come in a box.
So obviously it is a completely different
‘Yeah!’ said Zoe. ‘And fish
don’t even have fingers.’
‘Exactly! Why are they
called fish fingers?’ I said,
wiggling my own fingers.
‘I don’t know,’ Zoe said loudly (the more
unsure about something she is, the louder she gets). ‘They just are. But I do
know you don’t eat the
fish at the aquarium.’
I shrugged. ‘Try telling Na-Na that.’
And then we arrived at the aquarium.
alIEn eNcOUNter
From the outside, the aquarium looked a
lot like the Space Museum. It was a BIG
building and we had to queue up to go inside.
‘Hey, Sam Wu-ser,’ someone further
back said with a snort. ‘Do you
have a stupid outfit for the
aquarium too?’
It was Ralph. Only Ralph thinks
it’s hilarious to call me Sam Wu-ser
because it rhymes with loser. And only Ralph
snorts like that. I took a deep breath and
tried to remember what my dad had said
to do about Ralph. His
advice was:
‘Just ignore
that easy!
Ignoring Ralph is
Ralph pushed
his way up through the
queue until he was right
behind me. He started poking
me in the back. ‘Hey! Hey!
Sam Wu-ser! I’m talking to
you! Hey! Hey!’
This was, as you might
imagine, very hard to ignore.
‘He doesn’t have his
outfit on because we’re going to the
aquarium not the Space Museum!’ said Zoe.
I was, in fact, wearing a
T-shirt, because it is the best show ever.
I made it myself. And in honour of the
aquarium trip, I’d even drawn on space
turtle Stephanie. I didn’t feel
the need to point this
out though.
Ralph was
quiet for all of
But then he
barrelled on.
‘Hey. Hey, Sam. I heard there is a submarine simulator in there. Bet you are too scared
to get in it. Especially after what happened
at the Space Museum.’ He started
laughing, but it wasn’t a real laugh, it was some sort of pretend villain laugh. Then
he pushed past me, because Ralph always pushes in queues, and went to the front.
‘I’d like to put him in a submarine
simulator,’ Zoe muttered. ‘And send it to the BOTTOM OF THE SEA!’
‘Yeah!’ said Bernard. Then he patted me on the shoulder. ‘Don’t listen to him, Sam. Everyone has forgotten about—’
‘Don’t say it!’ I said. ‘We don’t talk about it,
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