The Damn Artefacts

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The Damn Artefacts
Şrift:Daha az АаDaha çox Аа

© Lana Gilman, 2016

© Vlad Zaborov, translation, 2016

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Chapter 1

The last day of June happened to be ferociously hot: the weather was quite favorable, suitable for bathing in the river or lying in the sun, especially if you lived in England where rain and fog prevail. Yet, one is forced not to pay attention to such nice weather; – after all, today is the last day of school. Another couple of minutes and the Third Master himself will be able to grant you the school certificate; as well as the portal-ring, through which magicians are able to move from place to place all over Great Britain within seconds.

Ted Spencer was awaiting his turn, stealthily casting glances at a girl who was sitting two rows ahead of him. «Alice…» – Ted whispered his sweetheart’s name. Were they not going to meet any longer, and is he not going to share the most important thing with her, unveiling his heart? Today both of them were finishing their studies at the School of Magic and Enchantment. Tomorrow students would leave this place for somewhere else. Ted was weighing a job offer in London. Actually, Alice is a Londoner. Well, their ways might occasionally get crossed somewhere out there.

«Spencer Ted», – he heard his name, got up and headed for the stage, in order to obtain the long-awaited certificate and the portal-ring.

«Congratulations from the bottom of my heart», – pronounced the Master, a scrawny man of an average height in his early fifties. His black greyish hair was cropped short and his grey eyes looked cold and emotionless. – «Please accept our special thanks for your aid in gaining the upper hand over the Black Wizard».

«Thank you, Master».

Ted took his certificate, put the ring onto his annular and returned to his seat. On his way back he once again cast a glance at Alice, a tall slim fair-haired and blue-eyed beauty, who was smiling at him and clapping her hands. Well, in fact, not only him, but the rest, too. This is it – he had just turned into an adult magician.

Issuance of certificates was over. Everybody got up in order to disperse to their rooms, pack their belongings and take off home right after lunch. Ted lingered for a while, for Alice to pass by, and then followed her. All of a sudden someone’s hand lay on his shoulder. Ted turned around and saw the Principal.

«Ted, could you please come to my office?»

«Sure, Mr. Sunrace. When?»

«In half an hour».

«All right, sir».

Ted looked back, but Alice had already left the assembly hall. He sighed and made up his mind to pass the time in their school cafeteria. It was almost empty. Ted spotted his friend Jeffrey sitting at one of the tables. They had been friends since Grade 1: Ted, a hazelnut-eyed boy with black hair, and Jeff, a grey-haired blond lad. Now both of them had turned eighteen and both had become tall, handsome and well-proportioned youths.

«Hi there, Jeff. Aren’t you getting your things packed?»

«I’m going to make it. Got a bad headache in this hall. I must have lost sight of you back there. Why didn’t you wait for me?»

«Sorry, bloke. Hold on, I’ll be right back…»

Ted bought a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, right opposite Jeffrey.

«The Principal detained me. Wants me to drop in at his office in half an hour».

«What for?»

«No clue».

«Well, maybe, he is willing to offer you some job?»

«A job? What kind of job?»

«Don’t you want to stay in here and teach the freshmen?»

Ted raised his eye-brows in surprise.

«Teach? Nope, this is not my cup of tea at all. Besides, one has to study a lot, in order to teach. As for me, I am a budding adult magician. What are you up to? Have you decided yet?»

«Not yet. Dad suggests that I go on a trip to seek brand new knowledge. He is even ready to allocate money for that. Although, to tell you the truth, my old folks have never denied me anything. They have been spoiling me, as it were…»

The two friends burst out laughing.

«I bet, this is not the worst thing.»

«Come along with me, eh? Treasure hunting, looking for adventures».

«I don’t even know yet. You see, I am willing to find a flat and a job in London, in order to start being self-sustainable. I mean, to become completely independent. I therefore doubt my participation in your journey, pal».

«It’s a pity. You may borrow from your parents and pay them back later on though».

«Let me give it a thought».

«Go for it. In a week I am planning to organize sort of a party».

«Jeff, you never change. Aren’t you sick and tired of all that?»

«Parties will never nag me. But this coming one will be dedicated only to you».

«Me? Why then?»

«I am giving you just one week, for you to gather all your courage, since I also intend to invite Alice to this party».

«Alice?» – Ted suddenly felt as if a bone had gotten stuck in his throat, and made a swallow. – «What does Alice have to do with all of this stuff?»

«Ted, only a blind person cannot notice that she has caught your fancy».

«Is it that obvious?»

«Nope, don’t worry. But being your best friend I do pay attention at the glances you cast at her from time to time. You like her, don’t you? So, why don’t you want to approach her? Not today though. Today everyone is packing. Do it at my party».

«All right. Are you positive that she will come?»

«I reckon, yes. I’ll tell her that our whole class is getting together there».

«Are you really going to gather the entire class?»

«I’m not sure it will be a success. But it’s worth having a try».

Ted looked at his watch.

«Oh, I must be off for the Principal’s meeting».

«Run. I’ll see you in the room».

Ted rushed out of the cafeteria and skipping stairs got to the second floor, where Mr. Sunrace’s office was located.

«I wonder, what the Principal needs from me? Perhaps, he will come up with some interesting and attractive job offer?» – thought Ted, knocking at the door.

«Come on in».

Ted stepped inside. Besides the Principal the Third Master was also present in the office.

«Hello, you’ve asked me to come, Principal».

«Yes, Ted, please have a seat. I won’t detain you for a long time».

Ted sat down.Mr. Sunrace, an already grey-haired man in his sixties, gave him a smile.

«You joined our school not long ago and now you are leaving us already. Time flashes past us at a rapid pace».

«Does he really want to offer me a teaching position at school?» – A thought flashed in Ted’s head. Meanwhile the Principal continued.

«I’d like to find out, whether or not you have any plans concerning your future?»

«Not really, Principal. I am going to get settled in London, find a job».

«Are you interested in anything definite?» – The Third Master put in a word.

Ted shrugged his shoulders.

«No. I have been thinking a lot as to what I would choose as my future career, yet I haven’t made up my mind by far. Therefore I decided to move to London first, get hold of some flat and… Guess, at some moment I’ll come across an opportunity».

«Who knows – maybe our conversation is this very opportunity? Please listen very attentively to the suggestion, the Third Master is going to come up with».

«I am all ears, sir».

«Are you familiar with the British Museum?»

«Certainly, sir. I have been there several times».

«The Museum contains a Theurgy and Enchantment Department. Formally it is considered property of the Museum, but, informally, on the other hand, it reports to the Magistrate. I would like to offer you a job in the Museum. In addition, you will get a tiny flat, at the Magistrate’s expense, of course».

Ted was surprised. That offer sounded too attractive.

«What will my job responsibility be like? Why did you choose just me?»

«Because you have displayed savvy and wit, bravery and courage while deciphering the Black Wizard’s mystery. It was you who brought him back to the dimension of the immortal. Undoubtedly, the access gate got closed afterwards, but, probably, this was for the better».

Ted nodded. The Master paused for a while and went on.

«I shall be sincere with you. A month ago our colleague from the Theurgy and Enchantment Department vanished into thin air. Searches were of no avail and have yielded zero results. We assume that something eerie is going on in the Department. Thus, we are in need of a person like you —someone who is fond of secrets; curious, bold and daring, yet at the same time careful and cautious».

«Do you want me to disappear?» – Ted smiled.

«No, of course, not! However, prudence and caution have never been redundant traits, have they? Your job description will be as simple as that. If indeed, you reveal something unusual and interesting, please contact me immediately. Oh, given that you agree to work there, of course».

Ted thought for a while. Well, why not? He did have a passion for riddles and puzzles. Here he had been offered both a job and a flat at the same time.

«If I don’t like it, may I refuse later on?»


«Then I agree».

«Excellent. Have a rest at home and then come to me to the Town Hall. I will hand you the keys to your new flat and give you a letter for the Deputy Head of the Museum – Mr. Merlegg. Please take this phone number and contact my personal assistant regarding the terms of the appointment».

The Master waved his hand and a piece of paper with the phone number appeared on the table. He passed it on to Ted.

«Thank you, Master!»

«Good luck!»

Ted got up.


«See you soon, sir».

«Bye, Ted. Good luck to you», – said the Principal.


Ted left the Principal’s office and headed for his room which he had been sharing with Jeffrey since these two pupils had met. It was then that the two boys had become friends. They would fight at times, but would quickly reconcile and entrust one another with their secrets. The only thing Ted had meticulously concealed had been his affection toward Alice. Despite Ted’s endeavors, Jeff, being his best friend, could easily guess about Ted’s feelings.

«What did the Principal want from you?» – asked Jeff the moment Ted stepped over the threshold.

«In part, you were right».

Ted sat down on his bed.

«Has he offered you a job? Is it interesting?»

«No, I was offered a job by the Third Master».

«In the Magistrate?»

«No, in the British Museum».

And Ted told his roommate about his conversation with the Master.

«Weird. Which kind of mysteries can be in the British Museum, I wonder? Did you say an employee disappeared there? Has he never ever been found? What if anything, like that, happens to you?»

«No way. It won’t happen to me. I will do my best to avoid it. But you’re right —what mysteries can there be in the Museum?»

«So, did you accept his job offer?»

«Yes, I did. But if I don’t like it, I can always quit».

«Will you share it with me?»

«Of course! All right, let’s go on packing».

The friends began packing their bags. Since every Friday night they were released home for the weekend only to return on Sunday, they therefore had few belongings to pack.

«God dammit! I haven’t returned all my books to the library!» – Jeff cursed.

«You may do it on your way to the dining room. I’ll help you out».

«Really? Thanks a million!»

«We must catch the train. Today my parents are unable to come and pick me up».

«Ted, what train are you dwelling about? Did you forget that we have our rings?»

«Exactly! I haven’t got used to it yet. I have never used the ring by myself though. So, why do we need to wait for the meal? Just press the gem and here you are at home, sitting with your family at your dinner table! From now on I will also be able to pick Lily up from school».

Ted’s junior sister was fourteen and she went to the same school. But, in spite of the fact that today was the last day of school, only the graduates were eligible not to study. Lily had to complete her full school day and only tomorrow morning would she be ready to come back home.

«Of course, you will. But we’d better stay for the dinner. This is our last feast. You know, I am going to miss all that. School was awesome!»

«Yeah, me too».

All of a sudden they heard the gong sound.

«Oh, it’s about time to go downstairs to dinner».

«Then let’s grab our books and run».

Ted and Jeff took their books and left the room. The library was located one floor up. Students were rushing along the hallway to the dining room from all the directions. That is why the friends found it quite a challenging mission to elbow their way through the crowd.

«Ted!» – Someone called from behind.

Ted looked back and saw his sister – a black-haired girl with a delicate face and big hazel eyes. The two siblings looked very much alike».

«Hi, Lily!»

«Hey, bro! Well, well, well… May I congratulate you?»

«Sure. Look here!»

And Ted showed her his signet-ring.

«Terrific! I will have to study in here for another four years…»

«Time will fly fast. It seems to me that only yesterday I was fourteen years old!»

«Aren’t you going downstairs to the dining room?»

«I definitely am, but first of all I need to get to the library, in order to return the books. Then I will immediately come downstairs».

«Well, see you around then!»

Lily ran downstairs, while Ted and Jeff proceeded further on. They were lucky, as the library was empty. They quickly returned the books and rushed to the dining room. Dinner had not started, so they found two vacant and convenient seats in an unhurried manner.

«We made it on time!» – Jeff gave a sigh of relief.

«Right. I don’t like coming after the second gong».

«Who does? Furthermore, we were given more than enough time to get here in a timely fashion. Wow, our last dinner in school… Who could think of it! Do you remember how back in Grade 1 we got lost and arrived here by the end of the meal?»

«Oh yeah! We thought we would stay hungry. How great was it that Professor Lengood took us to the cafeteria».

There sounded another gong and on the table, in front of each and every pupil there appeared a menu. The friends were hungry, so they got down to studying the list of dishes.

«A vegetable salad, mashed potatoes, chops, orange juice, apple pie and tea, – pronounced Ted and at the same moment all the meals mentioned emerged in front of him on the table».

«Hey, you are a fast chooser!»

«I always take what I prefer. It’s you who is a slowpoke. By the way, I’m also willing to part from Vega».

«You will. So… What should I choose? Well, an egg-plant salad, fresh vegetables, noodles with shrimps, salmon, orange juice, chocolate mousse and a cup of coffee».

All the enumerated items appeared on the table in front of Jeff at once.

«You know how to lead a good life!» – said Ted with a smile, sizing up Jeff’s order.

«Why didn’t you order such dinner for yourself?»

«I prefer what I’ve ordered. Bon appetite!»

«The same to you».

Before they hit the road home the young men went to the school stable.

«Did you come to say good-bye?» – The stable caretaker asked them.

«Yes, Mr. Weber».

«Come on in».

«Thank you».

«Ted, go alone. I’m going to wait for you here».


Jeffrey suffered from hippophobia – fear of horses. He had tried to get treatment for it, to overcome his fears, but to no avail. Even the magic medicine appeared to be powerless.

The school stable looked extraordinary: huge, spacious, and accommodated about ten horses. The most unusual thing about the stable was that all of its inhabitants were winged, and that all of them actively participated in regular school tournaments of magician knights. Ted came close to a black horse.

«My dearest Vega! It is high time for us to part…»

He petted her on her neck. The horse tilted her head.

«I promise that I will come to see you. After all, only due to you did I win the school championship».

«Did you say good-bye to her?» – asked Jeffrey, as soon as Ted left the stable.

«Yes, but I am going to come and see her again. I will do it for sure».

Ted and Jeff went in the direction of their school. A young boy, their fellow-student ran out their way.

«Ted, Jeff, where have you been?»

«I was saying good-bye to Vega. What’s wrong, Leo?»

«Everyone must be in the central yard with bags. The Principal will say his parting words to us. He will also explain to us how to use the signet-ring».

«Oh, I completely forgot! Thought everyone could go home all by themselves after dinner. Let’s hurry up!»

The graduates headed hastily to their room to pick up their things and then go to the yard. The majority of students from the three graduate forms had already gone down there. Everyone was holding their bags. Ted was desperately trying to see Alice.

«Don’t you worry, Ted! Remember? I told you – at my party».

«What if nothing will come out of it?»

«I always get it right! Wait for my phone-call. I’ll call you and tell you the exact time».

«All right. And I will let you know, as soon as I have moved to London».

«Certainly! Just fancy! At last we’ll live in the same city! Watch out, London!»

Ted laughed.

«I will be pressed for time, I’m afraid».

«But you won’t work all day long, will you? There will be weekends, evenings, after all…»

«Yes, right you are. Hush, here comes the Principal».

The school Principal Mr. Sunrace stood facing the line of his former students. He smiled and started his speech.

«Here you are leaving our school. No, please, don’t worry – I won’t detain you. All I wanted to say has already been said back in the assembly hall. I just want to say good-bye and to remind you that magic must serve good intentions. Do not invite evil to your hearts! Once you let at least one drop in, you souls will harden and get stale. Help each other, respect each other and never ever categorize others as magicians and non-magicians. If a man is devoid of the magic power, it does not necessarily mean that you can gain an upper hand over him. Each one of you has received today a magic portal-ring which symbolizes your entrance into the independent route. Utilize it wisely! You should only mentally choose your final destination and press the ring gem, and you will find yourselves there right away. Good luck to you all! Home safe!

«Thank you! Thank you!» – shouted the students.

Some of them pressed the ring gem right after the Principal’s speech and disappeared.

«So, what do you think, Ted, shall we follow their example?»

«Yes, even though I feel sad».

«So do I. So long, stay in touch».

«Once I am in London I will call you».

«And I will update you on the exact party time. See you around».

The two friends hugged each other and each one of them pressed his gem on the ring.

Chapter 2

Several days after graduation, Ted agreed to meet the Third Master. He was interested to find out which kind of job was awaiting him, as well as which flat he was supposed to get hold of.

The long-awaited day arrived. A quarter of an hour before the previously set appointment Ted had thought about the Magistrate and pressed the gem. Naturally, he had immediately found himself in front of the main entrance to the sanctum sanctorum of the magic world. The Magicians’ Magistrate was located and functioning in London. In clandestine times it would have been invisible to the rank-and-file citizen. Now that the top secret status had been cancelled and ordinary people had already learned about the magicians’ existence, and furthermore, had even put up with them, the notorious spell had been removed, and, as a result, everyone was able to see this huge building.

There were special tours around the building at certain hours. Lest people be bewildered, there was not a single clue, not the slightest hint of magic indoors. However, it only seemed so at first sight. There were lots of doors in the Magistrate, invisible for uninitiated visitors. Those doors led to the rooms where scientist-magicians were brushing up their magic mastery, inventing brand new potions, carrying out experiments, thinking up novel magic artifacts, storing their knowledge… There had been some rumors that some inmates had even been kept in dungeons.

Ted entered the Magistrate. A security guard met him at the entrance.

«Hello, who have you come to see?»

«Hello, I am Ted Spencer. I have an appointment with the Third Master».

The guard attentively looked through his diary entries.

«Pass on please. You are to go to the third floor. Turn to the right from here and you will see the elevator».

«Thanks a lot».

Ted crossed a large hall, where magicians and enchantresses were busily scurrying to and fro about their business. Turning to the right he ran into a tall man. Ted apologized.

«Oh, it is unnecessary!»

Ted went on, but the magician called him.

«Excuse me; you’re Ted Spencer, aren’t you?»

Ted turned around. He wondered who could know him here, in the Magistrate.

«Yes, it’s me. I am sorry, but I scarcely remember you, sir».

«Alfred Fortescue, your classmate’s father. Well, already your ex-classmate Alice. We have met before. It happened way back, about four years ago».

«Yeah, that’s right».

Ted was embarrassed. Well it must be – he had come across Alice’s dad in the Magistrate! How could he have possibly forgotten that Alfred had been working as the Second Master’s assistant? He wondered whether or not it would sound impolite to ask how she was doing. All these thoughts flashed through Ted’s head at lightning speed.

«May I help you, Ted? What are you looking for?»

«I have got an appointment with the Third Master».

«Ah, do you? What about, if this is not a secret?»

«About my employment».

«I wonder why he keeps bombarding me with questions,» – Ted thought and made up his mind to ask the man.

«How’s Alice? What are her plans?»


«Oh, Alice is doing fine! Well, good luck, Ted! Pleasure meeting with you. After all, Alice has told me quite a lot about you, especially after that case. Here is the elevator. The Third Master’s domain is on the third floor».

«Thank you, sir. Good-bye».

Mr. Fortescue went on about his business and Ted entered a hallway, where there were about ten elevators and a lot of people that were being herded in front of them. There was a sudden ring and one of the elevators opened up. It was empty and the magicians began filling in. In order to arrive at the meeting on time, Ted somehow managed to thrust himself into the elevator. The latter soared up, stopping by each and every landing.

«The third floor,» – pronounced the electronic voice and Ted stepped outside.

At the landing he looked around. There was a long hallway with plenty of doors where people were going in and out about their business… Ted was clueless as to where to go.

«Can I help you, sir?» – A young magician wearing a dark crimson robe asked him.

«Yes, sir. Thank you. I have an appointment with the Third Master. But I am here for the first time».

«Then please allow me to show you the way,» – The youth kindly proposed.

«Oh, I’m so grateful. This would be very nice of you, since I am afraid to be late. Thanks a million!»

«Do not mention it. It is my job. My name is John».

«Pleased to meet you».

The magician guided him along the hallway, and then they turned right and went through a door. That was the Third Master’s anteroom – a tiny place furnished with bookcases full of books and folders along one wall and with a desk by the other wall, at which another young magician wearing the same dark crimson cloak was sitting. There also were a few chairs for visitors in the room. There was another door in the anteroom, apparently, leading to the Master’s office.

John came up to the secretary.

«This young man is has a meeting with the Third Master».

The secretary looked at Ted with curiosity.

«You must be Ted Spencer, right?»

«Yes, it’s me».

«Have a seat. The Master will soon meet you. Thank you, John».

«Thanks,» – Ted in his turn expressed his gratitude to John.

«Always at your disposal!» – said John and left.

Ted sat down on a vacant chair, while the secretary was entering the Master’s office. A bit later he came out and nodded to Ted:

«Please come with me».

Ted got up and entered the office. The interior was pretty plain: a massive table, at which the Master himself was sitting, a couple of chairs and bookcases with books, three pictures hanging on the walls. Seeing Ted, the Master rose, gave Ted his friendly smile and lent him his hand, which Ted shook.

«Glad to see you, Mr. Spencer. Very glad! Have a seat. Anything to drink?»

«Coffee, please».

«Two cups of coffee,» – The Master nodded to his secretary.

The secretary left and a while later there appeared cups with coffee and cookies in front of the Master and Ted. The Master slowly sipped on his cup, nursing it. Ted followed his example, but the coffee happened to be too hot. He put his cup on the table.

«Why are you not drinking? You should wet your throat before the conversation. Or, maybe, you did not like the coffee, did you?»

«Oh, but I did. The coffee is very delicious. I cannot drink it hot though, sir».

The Master took another gulp and began his story.

«As I have already mentioned, there is a Magic Department in the British Museum. It was inaugurated four years ago after the top secret status had been removed. You were one of the key participants of those events, Mr. Spencer. For two years the Black Wizard had been terrorizing England, trying his best to subdue both all the local magicians and ordinary people. All that looked more than weird. After all, the Black Wizard had been known as an immortal conjuror that had never been interfered with, let’s say, mere mortal issues. Only you succeeded in pinpointing down his shelter and in rendering him helpless. It was you who managed to neutralize him. Right after the Black Wizard had been carried away to his world in sight of numerous magicians and non-magicians, and our existence had ceased being covert. Well, people accepted that fact quietly. Not all of them, of course, but let’s leave it at that. Then it dawned on us, the three Masters, to inaugurate the Magic Department in the British Museum. Many a magician has donated their supernatural artifacts for the sake of the Department. Apart from that, there are several rooms there that enable rank-and-file residents to feel as though they were true magicians. It resembles an amusement park, rather than a serious museum. Nonetheless, people are in raptures, henceforth, the Department was and still is a success. Roderick Steppen would have been the Department’s first tour-guide. As I have already told you before, he disappeared. Several days prior to his disappearance Roderick was here, in my office, and was inclined to share with me something. He then spoke about some cases of unauthorized penetration into the Museum, although nothing had been stolen. He also talked about some huggermugger. At parting he mentioned some idea that he had up his sleeve. However, he never shared it with me. After Roderick’s bizarre disappearance Merrill, the Fairy visited me. She claimed that thieves had attempted to get into her house. She does keep a great deal of artifacts. Now we are sharply in need of a new tour-guide to the Magic Department. Back in your School Principal’s office you agreed to become one, Mr. Spencer. Do you still agree?»

«Definitely, sir, I do. Only on condition that my work isn’t going to be boring».

«I can promise you that. Well, perhaps, retelling stories does not belong among the most interesting kinds of pastimes, but your primary mission is to clarify what happened to Roderick Steppen. In addition, you are to find out which secrets are hidden in the British Museum».

«I will do my utmost, sir».

«You have never told anyone about how you stopped the Black Wizard and what happened in the cave, have you?»

«No, I haven’t. Nor will I ever do it. I have sworn and cannot break my oath».

«I see. Here is the key to your flat and its address. Hopefully, you will like it there».


«When do you think you will be ready to start working?»

«Today is Wednesday. I can start tomorrow».

«Excellent. Then I will call Mr. Merlegg and inform him of your decision».

The Third Master called Mr. Merlegg and told him that Ted would start his work at the Museum the following day. Ted heartily parted with the Master and decided to head for the flat right away.

«Please keep me informed of all the incidents going on in the Museum, particularly, the mysterious ones. My secretary will automatically transfer every phone-call of yours to my telephone,» – The Master uttered at parting.

«All right, sir».

A few minutes later Ted was already approaching the house in which he would have to reside. He got to the second floor, opened the door and stepped inside. The flat was small: an entrance hall, a kitchen and a dining room, a bed-room and a living room, as well as a washroom, toilet, a laundry room and a tiny pantry. In general, Ted liked his new place of residence. Both the flat and its furniture caught his fancy. What else he had to do except bring his personal belongings and to buy foodstuffs. Ted made up his mind to act gradually, step by step. He therefore went outside and transported himself to his parents’ house first. Oh boy! We have neither met Ted’s family yet, nor explored his dwelling. So, let’s fill in this gap and give us leeway now.

Ted, his parents and sister lived in Scotland, in a magicians’ village, which had already been declassified, as of today. Its name was Slitrent. Ted’s father, Mr. Francis Spencer, was a general practitioner. He was a tall, swarthy, black-haired forty-three-year old man with hazel eyes. His patients were both magicians and simple people. Ted’s mother, Mrs. Jane Spencer, was a forty-year old petite blonde woman with blue eyes. She was a chemist by profession. There was quite a big parcel of land at her disposal, where she could grow various magic plants and herbs, and then would brew potions out of them. It had been her hobby ever since her youth. Her husband highly appreciated her abilities and was constantly implementing the fruit of her labors in his medical practice. We have already met Ted’s sister Lily. As it has been previously observed, both Ted and Lily looked more like their dad, than their mom. It was a friendly, caring and loving family.

Ted came into his house. The whole family were sitting in there and watching television. Lily was the first one to spot him.