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Kitabı oxu: «Lone Star Protector»



When dog trainer Kaitlin Mathers is attacked, Texas K-9 Unit captain Slade McNeal is determined to keep her—and what’s left of his family—safe from harm. But soon Slade realizes nothing’s safe, including his dogs, his son or the beautiful woman who’s opening his heart. When Slade realizes the enemy might be closer than he ever dreamed possible, he vows to see justice served. But can he save Kaitlin before it’s too late to tell her he loves her?

Slade felt the rush of air as she moved away from him. “Hey, wait a minute.”

“You seem to want to be alone,” Kaitlin said, her voice a sweet whisper.

“Not tonight,” he replied. “C’mon and sit with me awhile.”

She stood there, hesitating. He could almost feel the conflicting thoughts rushing through her head. He felt the same kind of warning each time he was around the woman.

But she moved, finally. She went to the kitchen and

put the glass in the sink and stood there for a minute staring out the window. Then she let out a gasp. “Slade?”


“I…I think there’s someone out there.”


has written more than forty books for three different publishers. Her career with Love Inspired Books spans close to fifteen years. In February 2011 her Love Inspired Suspense novel Body of Evidence made the New York Times bestseller list. Her very first Love Inspired title, The Wedding Quilt, won Affaire de Coeur’s Best Inspirational for 1997, and Logan’s Child won an RT Book Reviews Best Love Inspired for 1998. With millions of books in print, Lenora continues to write for the Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense lines. Lenora also wrote a weekly opinion column for the local paper and worked freelance for years with a local magazine. She has now turned to full-time fiction writing and enjoying adventures with her retired husband, Don. Married for thirty-six years, they have two grown children. Lenora enjoys writing, reading and shopping…especially shoe shopping.

Lone Star Protector

Lenora Worth


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Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbor in secret. And all the people shall say, Amen.

—Deuteronomy 27:24

To K-9 officers and their canine partners. Thanks for your hard work and willingness to serve. It was a joy to learn more about what you do every day.

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Lenora Worth for her contribution to the Texas K-9 Unit miniseries.



























“Don’t make a sound.”

K-9 trainer Kaitlin Mathers felt the cold nozzle of the gun sticking into her rib cage, shock and fear pouring through her system like a hot, blowing wind. The man holding her had a raspy voice and wore silky black coveralls and a black ski mask, even though it was June in Southwest Texas. She could feel his sweat breaking through the lightweight material of his clothes, could smell a musky scent that probably came from the heat and high adrenaline. When she tried to squirm away, something cold and metal pressed against her backbone. A zipper, maybe? Determined to keep it together, Kaitlin didn’t move or try to speak. She had to stay calm so she wouldn’t be killed. So she could get away.

Across the K-9 training yard, Warrior barked and snarled from his vantage point inside his mesh kennel porch. Thankfully, she hadn’t put the young trainee inside for the night yet. Someone would hear the barking and come around the corner, wouldn’t they? Please, Lord, give me courage, she prayed, memories of her mother’s death playing through her head.

That’s what you get for working late all by yourself. You’re more like your mother than you realized. But it had never occurred to Kaitlin that someone would be hiding in the bushes right outside the doors of the Sagebrush K-9 Training Facility. Especially since the building and training yard were located inside a locked fence directly behind the Sagebrush Police Department.

The man holding her must have known the risks, but he’d somehow managed to get through that gate. He hurriedly shoved her toward a waiting van, the same dark van she’d only minutes before noticed parked underneath an old oak near the back parking lot.

“I need you to come with me,” he said, his whisper like a knife slicing through her nerve endings.

“Why?” She had a right to ask.

“I’ll explain that later, sweetheart.”

Kaitlin looked at the van, then tried to look back at her attacker. She caught a glimpse of strange, black eyes, another shock wave jolting through her system. Before she could see anything else, he jerked her back around and pushed the gun hard against her side. “Let’s go.”

Kaitlin didn’t think about being silent anymore. If she got in that van, the chances were very good that she’d be dead by nightfall. Just like Mom. But unlike her too-trusting mother, Kaitlin didn’t intend to become a victim. She screamed and started fighting for her life.

* * *

K-9 captain Slade McNeal was halfway to his vehicle when he heard barking. Excited barking. Whirling toward the kennels, he wondered which dog had been left inside them.


He’d just watched trainer Kaitlin Mathers putting the newbie, a strong Belgian Malinois that reminded him of his own missing German shepherd, Rio, through his paces. They’d spoken briefly, and he’d gone back to his office.

But where was Kaitlin now? It wasn’t like her to leave a dog unattended, even kenneled. Warrior was sure upset about something.

The dog kept on barking, the sounds growing more urgent. Something was up. Slade hurried toward the building, his weapon drawn. He passed the kennels but didn’t see anyone. Since Warrior would have a close bond with Kaitlin, it made sense that the dog was trying to warn her about something. Or alert someone else.

“Good job,” Slade said when he passed the pacing, snarling animal. He didn’t try to stop Warrior’s barking.

Then he heard a scream, followed by grunts and shouts.

Slade stood at the corner of the building, then pivoted around the side, his weapon still drawn. About twenty yards away, a man in a dark mask had Kaitlin by the arm, trying to drag her across the asphalt toward an open black van. And he had a gun pointed at her head.

Slade’s heart rushed ahead, pumping adrenaline right along with realization. He recognized this man. The Ski Mask Man, they’d labeled him around headquarters. Slade had been gunning for this guy for five long months. This criminal had some nerve, trying to kidnap a trainer right out of the training yard.

A multitude of angry memories raced through Slade’s head, followed by the taste of victory. Could this case finally get a break? He glanced back at Warrior, then turned his attention back to the scene in front of him. He’d never make it to the locked cage to let the dog out, and he didn’t have time to dig for his keys or call for backup. He could shoot the lock, but what if he hit the dog?

He’d have to do this on his own. “Drop the weapon!” Slade shouted. “Now!”

* * *

Kaitlin gulped a breath of relief. Slade was here. She kept telling herself that over and over. She also kept telling herself that she could handle this because she’d been trained as a police officer. She might be a little rusty since becoming a full-time trainer, but she’d find a way out of this. Somehow. She wouldn’t end up like her mother.

Surprised at Slade’s command, the man holding her pivoted toward Slade, his gun still aimed at Kaitlin. She pulled away, but he held her tight against him, his low whisper a warning. “Do you want to live?”

She did want to live, but Kaitlin wasn’t going without a fight. She’d rather take her chances right here in the training yard with Slade McNeal than go anywhere with this man. Captain McNeal knew his job, and he was good at that job. He’d get them both out of this, and she’d find a way to help him.

Slade advanced a few steps. “Drop the weapon and let her go.”

The man tightened his hold, but Kaitlin could feel the apprehension and indecision in his actions. Did he know the captain? She used the brief distraction to dig in her heels, kicking and hitting and screaming. Taking a chance, she elbowed the man in his side, then wrapped her leg behind his to trip him, causing him to lose the grip on his weapon. The gun slipped out of his grasp and hit the hot pavement. He cursed and grabbed Kaitlin again, holding her like a shield in front of him, his strong grip twisting her shoulders back so hard she cried out in pain.

“I’m taking her with me,” the man shouted.

Behind Slade, Warrior was going wild against the confines of his big wire-front cage, his barks frantic and snarling. Kaitlin watched, afraid for Slade. The K-9 captain held his gun on her attacker and kept advancing, inch by inch.

“Let her go,” Slade shouted again over the barking dog, his finger on the trigger of his Glock 22 service revolver. “Don’t make me shoot you!”

The man stopped tugging and glared at Slade. Holding Kaitlin with one hand, he tried to reach down and scoop up his gun with the other. He seemed to know Slade wouldn’t take the shot with her shielding him.

Kaitlin glanced at Slade, then using all of her strength, kicked the weapon out of her abductor’s reach and, with a grunt, yanked herself away. She fell, the concrete scraping through her khaki pants to tear at her knee. But she scrambled to her feet and did a quick run toward some shrubbery near the building. That left the culprit in full view and diving for his gun. Slade could take the shot and kill the man right where he stood. Kaitlin went on her knees behind the shrubbery, watching as Slade pulled off a round, hitting near where the gun lay, causing the perp to jump and roll.

“Don’t move,” Slade shouted as he starting walking. “I will hit the mark next time.”

Kaitlin held her breath, praying Slade wouldn’t get shot. She should have picked up the gun. But the attacker took his own chances. He grabbed for his weapon, then pivoted and rolled into a ragged hunched-over zigzag toward the van, firing behind himself as he ran.

Helpless, Kaitlin watched from the bushes, her heart caught in her throat. But while she watched, she tried to memorize everything she could about her attacker.

She held a hand to her mouth, watching as Slade dived to the ground to avoid being hit, but got off a couple of rounds before the man returned fire. One of Slade’s shots hit the side of the van, but missed the moving target. The suspect did a nosedive into the open vehicle and the van spun around in Reverse and took off. Two of them. He’d had a getaway driver.

Slade took one more shot, but the van swerved and skidded out onto the side street, then the driver gunned it and disappeared into the burnt dusk. Slade squinted into the sunset, trying to see the tag numbers. All he saw was a temporary tag with smeared letters and numbers. He couldn’t get a read on it.

Nothing to do there. He got on the radio and alerted the switchboard operator. “McNeal, K-9 Unit 601, 207-A averted, back parking lot behind the training yard. Suspect got away. All clear.”

Holstering his weapon, he hurried to where Kaitlin still sat pressing her entire body in between the prickly shrubbery and the building bricks, her eyes bright with fear and relief. This whole event had lasted a couple of minutes, but it sure felt like a lifetime.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked, placing a hand on one of her arms. With a gentle tug, he pulled her out of the shrubbery.

She jerked away, then looked up at him. “Slade?”

“Yeah, it’s me. They’re gone. You’re safe now.”

She nodded and then plowed into his arms and held on for dear life. “Thank you.” Her voice was shaky but getting stronger with each inhale of breath. “Thank you.”

Slade allowed her to hug him close, his fingers hovering in the air before he put his arms around her shoulders and patted her on the back. “You’re all right now. It’s over.”

The woman in his arms clung to him for a while longer.

Slade didn’t try to pry her away. Her whole body seemed to tremble against him. His own heart echoed that trembling, but maybe for an entirely different reason. It had been a long time since he’d held a woman so close. But it hadn’t been so long that he could get past the image of his wife walking out the door and getting in that car.

He wanted to hold Kaitlin and comfort her, but bitter memories tinged with regret pulled him back.

Besides, he knew if anyone saw this, they’d both have some explaining to do. And with a K-9 dog barking and shots fired in the back of police headquarters, the entire department would be rushing around the building any moment now.

He backed up, took her by her arms and set her a few inches away. “Kaitlin, listen to me. You’re okay. I need to ask you a few questions.”

Her shock changed to embarrassment, her face blushing pink against the pale white of her skin. Shimmying out from under his grip, she bobbed her head. “Before I give a statement, I have to check on Warrior.”

Slade stopped her from bolting by standing between her and the fussy dog. “Warrior will be fine for a few more minutes. Listen to me, okay?”

She exhaled, called a command to the animal, then glanced back at Slade. “You need a description?”

“Yes, but first what happened?” He scanned the perimeter of the practice yard and the parking lot. Nobody. But he heard doors opening in the distance and voices echoing out over the headquarters’ parking lot. Maybe someone else had seen something.

Kaitlin glanced toward the sound of running feet. “I heard Warrior barking. He alerted me.”

“I heard him, too,” Slade said as he grasped her wrist. “Let’s move toward the kennels so we don’t get shot by one of our own.”

She let him guide her until they were a few feet from Warrior’s kennel. Then she pulled away and ran to the dog, her key ring jingling as she quickly opened the mesh-wire door.

Warrior bounded out, his frustrated whimpers echoing over the yard. The dog paced toward where Kaitlin had been snatched, then glanced up at his trainer.

“Sit. Stay.”

The order wasn’t as commanding as in the practice yard, but the dog did as Kaitlin said.

Slade saw two uniformed officers push around the building, guns drawn. He held up his hands. “Hey, over here. We had an intruder’s okay now.”

As the officers gathered around, Slade explained what had gone down. “I exited my office and heard a K-9 officer barking. Someone tried to abduct Miss Mathers. He held a gun to her head, but she managed to get away. I pursued the attacker and called for him to halt. He refused and fired back. We both shot off a few rounds, but he managed to make it to the getaway car. Black, late-model van, old with a dent in the front passenger-side door. Temporary tag, smudged and unreadable. Vehicle headed west on Trapper Street. I got off a shot that hit the right back side of the van.”

“We’ll put out a BOLO.”

Slade nodded on that.

“Get a good look at the attacker?” one of the officers asked.

Kaitlin spoke up. “He was wearing a dark mask like a ski mask. His eyes black, an eerie black. He must have been wearing special contacts because even the whites of his eyes looked dark.”

Slade saw the shudder moving down her body. And felt the hair on his neck rising. This wasn’t the first time he’d had a run-in with a man fitting that description. Last month, he’d glimpsed a masked gunman with blacked-out eyes fleeing Melody Zachary’s hotel suite after a tense standoff that left K-9 detective Parker Adams with a gunshot wound. However, he didn’t let on in front of Kaitlin that this suspect had to be the hooded man who’d been wreaking havoc on his entire department. The body count kept rising due to the heavy-handed work of a local crime syndicate run by a mastermind known as The Boss. And now someone within this criminal’s organization had made a bold attempt right here on police grounds. Five months ago, his K-9 partner Rio had been stolen and now this. Someone was deliberately taunting him.

He wanted this case over and done with before someone else got killed.

Turning to the officer, he said, “That’s an apt description. He was average height, maybe a hundred and seventy pounds, medium build. He wore black coveralls.” Slade stopped, a shiver of familiarity moving down his spine. He shook it off, figuring things had happened so fast he still had a lot of images running through his head. Especially the one of Kaitlin being held a gunpoint.

“There was a wide silver zipper down the front,” she added, her voice becoming stronger. “He had a...raspy voice. He kept telling me I had to go with him.”

Kaitlin kept her hand on Warrior and petted the dog over and over. She was scared but was clearly putting on a brave front. Slade’s heart still thumped against his chest. The image of that masked man holding her at gunpoint would stay with him for a long time.

After the officers took their statements and along with the crime scene unit, covered every inch of the area where the van had been idling, Slade finally told the others he needed to get Kaitlin home.

“I can drive myself,” she insisted tersely, her pupils settling into a stubborn dark green. “Warrior always goes home with me. I’ll be fine.”

“I’m taking you home,” Slade said in his best captain voice. “So don’t argue with me.”

She stared him down, then shrugged. “Then let’s get out of here.”


Word of the attack spread quickly.

Kaitlin’s cell rang the minute Slade pulled the car into her driveway. The first call came from fellow trainer Harry Markham. “Kait, are you all right? I got a call from Callie.”

“I’m fine,” Kaitlin said, her eyes on Slade. The man was so solid and sure she couldn’t help but feel safe, yet she worried that he’d take this kidnapping attempt to heart since he didn’t take down the culprit. “It wasn’t any fun, but I’m okay, really. Tell Callie—”

Her phone beeped another call. “That’s Callie right now. I’d better talk to her.”

She quickly told her supervisor, Callie Peterson, what had happened.

Slade got out and looked around her yard, then opened the car door for her.

“I’m home and Captain McNeal is here with me. He insisted on giving me a ride. Yes, I have Warrior. He warned me but...the masked man...he grabbed me from behind.”

As she tightened her grip on the phone, Slade tightened his glare on her. “I have to go, Callie. Captain McNeal needs to get home to his family.”

She hung up and let the next call, from her trainer friend Francine Loomis, go to voice mail. “They’re all concerned,” she told Slade. “We’re all close. Like family.”

“You left out the part where you tripped him up and jabbed him in the ribs. Or how you managed to kick that gun away like it was a soccer ball.”

She blinked at the mention of her ordeal. “I went into automatic response, I think. Self-defense and officer training from years ago kicked in.”

“You took a big risk. He could have killed you.”

“He didn’t. Because I knew you’d take him down before he ever reached that gun again.”

His jaw hardened. “Yeah, well, I somehow managed to let him get away.”

Was he implying that she had distracted him? Hard to say. The captain’s expression was a study in frustration. But then, the man was hard to read on a good day. And this had not turned out to be a good day.

“You didn’t let him get away. The perp was returning fire so you had to protect yourself.”

He grunted, his silver-blue eyes doing an intimidating sweep of the neighborhood. When they reached her front door, he turned to her. “Give me your keys.”

Kaitlin did as he asked, figuring it would save time and save her from arguing with him. The man was like a steamroller. He rolled right along doing his job without hesitation, but he sure didn’t like to engage in chitchat. Slade McNeal was always focused and intent on getting the bad guys.

Except earlier, when he held me in his arms.

Or rather, when she’d clung to him like he was the last Kevlar vest and she had dibs. Looking at him now, seeing that coiled bundle of strength and determination in his body language, she tried to put the memory of his solid chest out of her mind. She’d think about Slade McNeal and his silvery eyes and quicksilver moods later when she was alone and couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t thought of him before and often. Her heart went out to him and his little boy, Caleb.

Slade’s wife had been killed two years ago in a car bomb that, according to word around the yard, had been intended for Slade. Then five months ago, his K-9 partner, a beautiful German shepherd named Rio, had been taken from his backyard. That attack had left his elderly father Patrick McNeal—a retired police officer—injured and in a coma for weeks. Top that with a five-year-old son who had withdrawn after his mother’s horrible death.

No wonder the man was grumpy.

Slade opened the door and stepped through, one hand gesturing at her. “Stay behind me. We’ll send Warrior in first.”

She glanced back. “Good idea.”

Kaitlin called the command and willed the still-green animal to do a good job. Since she was purposely training this particular canine officer to help find Rio, she wanted Warrior to impress Slade. The Belgian Malinois, eager to let go of some of his own pent-up energy, hurled past Slade and danced across the hardwood floors of the living room, his nose moving from the floor to the air.

“C’mon,” Slade said, reaching behind to grab her hand.

His touch shot through Kaitlin like a sizzling dynamite fuse. She’d always had a little thing for the captain, but she wasn’t so needy that she’d play this for all it was worth. If the man ever had a lightbulb moment and turned interested, she wanted him to come to her on better terms than her playing a damsel in distress.

She’d never be that woman. Not since the day she’d watched her mother being put in the ground. Kaitlin had learned the hard way to take care of herself. And she needed to remember that Captain McNeal was as tightly wound as a ticking clock. The man lived and breathed his job, especially since whoever had taken Rio kept coming after people they both knew.

He let her go once they were in the living room. “Kitchen looks safe.”

She glanced across the hallway to her tiny efficiency kitchen. “It is, except for my cooking.”

He almost smiled. “I’ll take that under consideration.”

Warrior rushed back, eager for a treat and a good rubdown.

“Didn’t find anything, boy?” Slade asked, his tone softening toward the dog. He looked down at a basket by the door and found a chew rag, then held it out for Warrior. “He might have saved your life today.”

Kaitlin went to her knees on the floor and tugged Warrior close, giving him a gentle hug. “Good boy. What a hero. Your barks warned me.”

The captain looked really tall from this angle. “Yep. And what did you do? You walked right into a trap.”

She stood so he wouldn’t seem so intimidating. “I went around the building to see why Warrior was barking. I saw the van and thought someone might be lost or hurt. That’s when the attacker came up behind me.”

Slade didn’t move a muscle, but she could see the throbbing pulse in his clenched jawline. “You could have called me.”

“I really didn’t have time to call anyone. Besides, I thought you were gone.” She shrugged, tossing her ponytail. “You know what...I didn’t even think, okay? I just acted on impulse, and I wasn’t expecting any kind of danger.”

He stepped back, his cold, blue gaze freezing its way around her tiny house. “Well, you need to think about it now. Whoever that was will probably be back. I don’t think this was a random kidnapping attempt. They waited for the right moment and managed to get through a controlled gate to get to you.”

Seeing the concern etched on his face, she said, “You’re not making me feel very safe.”

“You’re not safe.” He walked to the bay window in her living room. “Your attacker fit the same description of the man who’s been harassing my whole team for months now. I’m pretty sure he or someone working with him is behind the recent string of attempted kidnappings we’ve had. And the string of murders we’ve racked up since the first of the year.”

Shocked, she pushed at her hair. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. You said he had strange eyes, right?”

“Yes. They were all blacked out. Honestly, they didn’t look real.”

Slade seemed to go on alert after that comment. “They probably aren’t real. He’s using a mask and other methods to disguise himself.”

“Why?” she asked, worried now that the crime syndicate might be targeting her. “Why would he come after me?”

He didn’t answer her questions. “You might need protection 24/7.”

Kaitlin almost laughed out loud. “Are you willing to do that?”

“I have to work on this case.” He kept right on staring out the window. “But it might be a good idea to keep Warrior by your side at all times. And maybe you have a friend who can come and stay with you?”

“I won’t endanger any of my friends,” she said, shaking her head. “Warrior will do his job. That’s what he’s trained for.”

“But is he ready?” Slade asked, staring down at the resting dog.

“He seemed ready today. We’ll have to hope so,” Kaitlin replied. “I’m not the type to live in fear, Captain McNeal.”

He came close then, his face inches from hers. “And I’m not the type to let a woman think she’s safe when it’s obvious she’s not, Miss Mathers.” He stepped back. “Get your stuff. You and Warrior are coming to my house tonight.”

Kaitlin couldn’t believe the man. “No, we’re not.”

His tone brooked no argument. “Yes, you are.” Then he held up his hand. “Look, I have a young son and my recovering father there. And two shifts of around-the-clock nurses. You won’t be alone. We won’t be alone.”

Kaitlin thought it over, still reeling. “I don’t want to impose on you.”

“You won’t be imposing. Caleb will be glad to see you. He’s been asking about you...since the last time you babysat him. And it’s just for tonight. Just until I can figure out the next piece of this puzzle.”

Five-year-old Caleb had been traumatized when his mother had been killed in the car bomb. The quiet little boy suffered from nightmares and other issues. Kaitlin had worked a lot with Caleb, using her dogs to bring the boy out of his shell. But it had been a while since she’d seen him.

Wanting to understand what she’d be up against, she asked, “What do you know, Captain? About that man’s creepy eyes?”

He hesitated, almost shut down. But she saw a flare of trust shifting through his expression. “I don’t think they’re his real eyes.”

She let out a gasp. “Contacts? That’s what I thought, too.”

His nod was curt and quick. “I think so.” His gaze moved over her, then he looked toward the big windows. “Call it a hunch, but I’d just feel a whole lot better if you’d come home with me.”

“Isn’t that highly unusual? I mean, do you always invite people in danger home with you?”


“Why start now?”

He took a step forward then stopped. “Because this case has me by the throat and...I’m almost certain your attempted kidnapping has something to do with this crime syndicate. I couldn’t live with myself if...something happened to you.” He inhaled, rubbed a hand down his face. “And...because you mean a lot to my son. He feels comfortable with you since you’ve babysat him a few times and allowed the trainee dogs to befriend him. Truth is, he’s been through too much tragedy already...and he’d be devastated if something happened to you.”

Kaitlin couldn’t catch her next breath after that comment. “I can’t stay at your house forever...”

“No, but I can keep you alive if you’ll listen to me.”

She couldn’t argue with that. He’d scared her with his bold words and all this talk of a crime syndicate and a masked criminal. He’d scared her with that tormented need she’d seen hooding his eyes, too. He didn’t want his little boy to suffer anymore.

However, going with Slade would be like stepping across that forbidden line she’d put up between them. She didn’t like mixing emotions and business together. Things could get really messy.

But when she thought about that man’s eyes, she got the shivers. And given the choice of staying here alone or being with Slade and his family...well, there wasn’t a choice.

“I’ll pack a bag,” she said finally. Then she turned and hurried out of the room before she changed her mind.

* * *

Well, now he could add stupid to the list of traits he needed to refine. He had a feeling he’d regret bringing a woman home, kind of like sailors used to avoid having a female on their ship. Nothing good could come of it.

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