
Həcm 190 səhifələri


Don't Worry He Doesn't Bite!

Tales of a Country Postman
15,35 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

Liam Mulvin loves his job as a country postman. For decades he has crossed farmyards, fields and hills to deliver the mail to his appreciative rural customers.Liam shares here, in a series of short essays, the country characters he comes across, the unexpected dilemmas and dramas he encounters as he goes about his work. He muses about the unusual wildlife behaviour he observes, he battles with the weather – and he delivers the mail, come what may.This is a refreshing celebration of a rural community which functions best when knitted together by those cheerful workers, like Liam, who go that extra mile. 
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Kitabın təsviri

Liam Mulvin loves his job as a country postman. For decades he has crossed farmyards, fields and hills to deliver the mail to his appreciative rural customers.Liam shares here, in a series of short essays, the country characters he comes across, the unexpected dilemmas and dramas he encounters as he goes about his work. He muses about the unusual wildlife behaviour he observes, he battles with the weather – and he delivers the mail, come what may.This is a refreshing celebration of a rural community which functions best when knitted together by those cheerful workers, like Liam, who go that extra mile. 

Kitab Liam Mulvin «Don't Worry He Doesn't Bite!» - kitabın fraqmentini onlayn olaraq pulsuz oxuyun. Şərh və rəylərinizi qeyd edin, sevimlilərinizi seçin.
Yaş həddi:
190 səh.
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