Kitabı oxu: «The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town», səhifə 8


Chapter 16: April

When Vlad woke up this April morning, he saw his wife hurriedly dressing and smartening Larisa up, and he was surprised. It was Saturday, and his daughter had no school.

«Count-Mart is having a special event,» Nina explained to her husband. «They offer free breakfast for kids, and afterward they take a photo of the children. Do you want your picture taken with the Easter Bunny?» she asked her daughter, and the girl nodded.

Leaving the house, the Lapins heard the siren reminding the residents of the Cold War, as it was 10 a.m. The Russians laughed. «We are coming, we are coming!»

* * * * *

Vlad drove to the local supermarket, kissed his wife and daughter, and dropped them off.

Arriving, Nina received a coupon from the smiling organizer, and went into the indoor café. Larisa quickly ate the breakfast. She liked pancakes, and her mother watched the girl with happiness in her heart. Afterwards, Nina thoroughly cleaned her daughter’s face, and touched the bows on her pigtails.

«My beauty.» She smiled. «Let’s take a picture with the Bunny.»

Obediently, Larisa got up, but when she saw this creature, and stood still.

It was not the rabbit the girl was prepared to see. It was a monster, a furry horrible monster. It was bigger than Mom, and probably even taller than Dad. The giant motionless eyes stared at her. His long fangs, glistening from above, appeared capable of biting her through with one bite, and the huge stomach seemed to already contain some eaten up children.

«All the better to eat you with, Little Red Riding Hood,» Larisa recalled and she grabbed her mother’s clothes.

Unaware of what was going on in the mind of her daughter, Nina wanted to move Larisa to the actor in the Easter Bunny costume. The girl only hid her face and clung to her mother.

«Look, what a cute Bunny!» Vainly Nina tried to tear her daughter away. Larisa started sobbing, and her panicked mood spread to the other children. When the organizer tried to take another boy to the head of the line, the child screamed, and all the kids began to cry and cling to their parents.

Embarrassed, Nina saw the irritated glance from the organizer and the parents, and she thought with vexation, «I bet, they’re all thinking, „Stupid Russians only bring troubles!“ Oh God, what if they ask me to pay for the breakfast? I didn’t bring any money. Oh, what shame. How stupid.»

«Come on, Larisa.» She tried to persuade her daughter again. «Say thanks to the Bunny.»

The girl did not reply, and the woman felt despair, but suddenly she saw a police officer and a new idea came to Nina. She waved him over.

The policeman went close, and Nina was happy to see it was Jeff Menard.

«Officer Jeff!» Nina exclaimed, and he involuntarily smiled, as it sounded like «Uncle Jeff.» «Officer Jeff, we have a problem, could you help us?»

She explained, and Jeff squatted next to Larisa. «Are you afraid of the Bunny?»

The girl nodded.

«I’ll protect you, do you want me to?» Jeff asked in a very serious voice. The girl glanced at him and back to the Bunny with doubt. This monster looked very, very big.

«What if the policeman has no time to save me before the Rabbit swallows me?» thought the girl.

She saw a golden retriever next to an old man with a walking stick. Larisa recognized them, her thoughts changed, and she ran to the dog and petted it.

«Mom.» she addressed Nina. «Do you remember, this doggie had horns on Halloween and antlers on Christmas?»

Bill Thompson heard that and smiled, and the other children also started to pet the animal. Jeff told Thompson about the problem and asked for his assistance. Then Bill suggested to Larisa, «Goldy can be next to you for your protection.»

Hesitating, Larisa took the arm of the policeman, the retriever went beside her, and all together they neared the actor. Nina carefully seated her daughter on the lap of the Bunny. Everybody stepped back, Larisa still sat, and the cameraman took the photo quickly.

The organizer sighed with relief as the event took its normal course. Children were coming one by one to the Bunny, and everything was fine now.

«Thank you so much,» Nina said to Bill Thompson. «I saw an advertisement about cleaning back yards after the dogs, and I was shocked with the prices. If you want, I can clean your yard for free.»

«No.» Bill shook his head. «I’ll be glad to pay you. You can use the money to buy something for your daughter.»

«Wow.» Nina clapped her hands. «It’s a deal.»

A smiling Jeff Menard came close, and Nina said to him, «Thank you so much for your help. You know, Vera talks a lot about you.» The woman did not notice the eyes of the policeman flash with joy and confusion.

«Mom!» Nina heard, looked back and was surprised, as Larisa held a huge toy rabbit almost the same size as the girl. «Look what I won.»

«Really?» Amazed, Nina glanced at the organizer. Smiling, she nodded confirmation, and Nina hugged her daughter. «Do you see how it’s good to be a good girl?»

Larisa laughed and allowed another picture to be taken with the prize and the Easter Bunny without any persuasion.

* * * * *

The house of Bill Thompson was in the same block as the police station, and when Jeff passed by, he noticed a woman cleaning the yard. He recognized Nina Lapina and went close, as he was glad to find a reason to talk about Vera.

The woman heard his footsteps, and looked back.

«I’m a volunteer,» she said hurriedly, and Jeff realized that Lapina had no work permission, and that she was afraid there would be trouble.

«I just wanted to say hi.» He smiled, and Nina calmed down.

«Oh…» she murmured. «Hi.»

Confused, they both fell silent for a while not knowing what to say to each other. Jeff dared not ask about Vera, and a naive Nina did not understand the reason for his coming.

Sighing, Jeff nodded and walked back to the road. Nina continued her work.

Suddenly she sensed something under her right foot, but she had no time to react. The awful sharp pain struck her through her entire body to the top of her head, and squealing, Nina collapsed.

Jeff had taken just a few steps when he heard a scream that turned into a moaning cry. He whirled around and ran back to the woman who was weeping, sitting on the grass and squeezing her shoe.

«Oh…» She swung her foot as if it was a baby. «Oh God, how it hurts.»

«What’s the matter?» Jeff asked, squatting next to her. In the same moment he saw a small board stuck to her shoe, and he realized that the woman had stepped on a nail.

Jeff took her leg and pulled the board off. Nina gasped, her face lost color, and he thought she was going to faint. But she made an effort and stayed in control.

«Thank you,» she breathed out.

Jeff looked at the nail and shook his head in view of the size.

«You have to go to a hospital,» he told her. «I’ll drive you.»

«No.» Nina tried to get up, and Jeff helped her. «No hospital.»

«Don’t worry.» Jeff understood her concern. «They will give you aid even if you can’t pay immediately.»

«No hospital,» resolutely objected Nina. «I’m a Russian woman. I’ll be fine.»

She tried to walk, but she could not, and she cried again.

«What happened?» Seeing them, Bill Thompson called from the porch.

«I’ll be okay.» Helped by Jeff, Nina limped towards the house.

«The lady stepped on a nail in your yard,» the policeman told him, and an anxious Bill thought: `Damn! What if she sues me for that?»

«Thank God it was not Goldy!» Nina heavily sat down on the armchair in the anteroom and petted the snuggling retriever. «I’m almost done, could I finish tomorrow?»

Bill understood she was worried about the payment, and, confused, he felt pity for her.

«You are done,» he said, smiling. «My yards never were so clean.»

While they talked, Jeff took Nina’s shoe off and checked the wound. It was not bleeding, and Jeff became even more concerned, as it meant all the dirt and infection had stayed in her body. The injury required medical treatment.

«You have to go to a hospital,» he told her again.

«I’ll drive her,» murmured Bill Thompson.

«I have to call my husband.» the woman said hesitantly.

Bill moved a phone close to her, and Nina dialed the number.

«Marina?» she said in the receiver. «Is Vlad there? Can I talk to him? Thanks.» She waited for a while. «Vlad, don’t laugh, but I stepped on a nail… No, I’m okay! Vlad, I… Mr. Thompson’s house, but…»

Confusedly glancing at Bill, she put down the receiver. «He’s coming. Oh, who’s going pick Larisa after the school?» Nina dialed the number again. «Busy…»

Nina gazed at Jeff. «Did you say you can drive me to a hospital? Does it mean you have some time to spare?»

«Want me to pick up your daughter?» asked Jeff. «I’ll be glad.»

«No, I don’t want to scare her.» Nina sighed. «But maybe you can tell Vera about this? She’s done it a few times.»

«That’s even better.» Jeff barely restrained himself from saying it aloud and just nodded. Nina explained how to find Vera. They heard a car stop near the house.

«It’s Vlad.» Nina smiled as the loud impatient tap confirmed her phrase.

Jeff opened the door. Vlad stormed into the room and rushed to his wife. Falling on his knees, he checked her foot out and started nervously, «Stupid little girl. I told you to stay home.»

«But I made money,» she justified herself.

«Hell with all money in the world!» he shouted at her, and Nina cried. He hugged and rocked his wife, then he took her into his arms with one motion. Jeff and Bill were surprised at how strong this skinny guy was, because, despite her short height, the plump Nina was very heavy.

«Your payment,» Bill said timidly, involuntarily becoming scared under the mad glare of Vlad’s blue eyes, glowing like the flame of a cutting torch. Carrying his wife with one arm, Vlad shoved the check into his pocket and left without saying a word.

* * * * *

Jeff Menard found the room and knocked as he went in. He saw a professor with a model explaining how to draw four-legged objects. All the students looked at the police officer, but he saw only Vera gazing at him.

«I’m sorry,» Jeff addressed to the professor. «Can I talk with Vera Grach?»

He saw her eyes go round with surprise as she quickly walked to him. They went into the corridor, and Jeff explained to her the reason for his visit.

«Are you sure she will be okay?» Vera asked with concern. He nodded and she returned to the room, closing the door in front of him, not saying even goodbye.

The excitement from the meeting with her left the policeman.

«What did you expect?» he thought with vexation. «That she would fall onto your chest? Well, she did it in the police station, but she was drunk, upset, and angry with her husband. Now she has recovered her wits, and you are just nobody to her…»

He turned and slowly plodded away.

Suddenly he heard the door slam, and a soft voice called out to him. «Jeff!»

Not believing his ears, he spun to the sound, and next he did not believe his eyes. Smiling, Vera walked toward him quickly, almost running. She leered at him.

«Gosh!» she noticed. «What long legs you have… you big black wolf. All the better to run after you, my child!» She snorted at those thoughts and neared the recovered policeman.

«Sorry, I didn’t say thanks,» she uttered, sensually looking at his beaming face. A hot surge of happiness passed through the policeman. She lifted her arm and touched his mouth, adoring his plum lips. He held his breath, frightened of scaring off this fantastic feeling.

«See you,» she said in a whisper, and ran back. An enchanted Jeff did not even remember how he left the building.

Outside he looked around at the blooming nature, and laughed with euphoria. Closing his eyes, he lifted his face to the drops of the soft spring rain, and the tender streams ran down onto his neck, tickling his skin.

He heard singing and chirping birds and the usual noises of the campus. Everything harmonized with his spirited mood. Jeff was in love and he knew it, and did not feel sorry that this love was forbidden.

He heard a car fail near him, and Jeff turned to the sound. It was a light blue car. A slender blonde girl with fluffy curly hair got out, opened the hood, and stared at the engine.

Jeff walked to her. «Problems, ma’am?»

«Yes, officer.» She nodded. «My friend asked me to pick up his daughter after the school, and this stupid piece of junk ruined all my plans.»

Accustomed to Russian accents, Jeff guessed who she was, and asked just to be sure. «Do you mean Vlad and Larisa Lapina?»

«Yes.» Marina looked at him in surprise.

«Don’t worry, Vera Grach will pick her up,» said the police officer. «I’ve just talked with her. Nina Lapina asked me, so I did.»

Marina gazed at his jocund smiling face and suddenly understood that there was a stronger reason than just a wish to help.

«Impossible!» she thought, astonished. «I would believe that the Sun goes around the Earth before I’d believe that Nina has something going on with that man. Or it’s Vera? That shy gray mouse? No way! But Nina? Give me a break! Maybe he felt something for her, without her responding? Poor him, then. Nina’s crazy about her hubby. But what if I’m wrong?»

This episode caused Marina to think about her own love, and absurd, pointless hope revived in her heart.

Chapter 17: Cheating

It was the final exam. David, Vlad, Marina, and some other monitors were walking between tables, watching the students working.

Suddenly David noticed a girl was cheating, and he addressed her. "The exam is over for you.»

The girl blushed and tried to make excuses. But Vlad took her papers, and the student got up and quickly went to the exit. Before leaving, she hissed, not looking back, «Anyway better to cheat on an exam than on a spouse.»

Despite that she spoke very quietly, it reached David’s ears. No one else heard it, and the professor pretended he had not noticed. But Marina saw how his face clouded and understood everything, and depressing pity squeezed her heart.

Vlad Lapin involuntarily recalled a similar incident. It had happened in Moscow many years ago, but he still clearly remembered it. It was also a final exam and Vlad was the first to finish it. He had not married Nina yet, but they were engaged, so he lived with her in her room, and helped her to study.

Now she was sitting two desks away from him, and was working hard at the test. Worrying about how she was doing, Lapin decided to wait for Nina, and he pretended to still be working.

All students had already left. Nina and Vlad were the last.

«Haven’t you finished yet?» wondered the professor.

Sighing, Vlad got up and gave his papers to the professor. The educator went to Nina, and stood next to her desk. «Time’s up.»

Feeling nervous, the girl looked at her watch. Though Nina had a few minutes left, she dared not argue, and without a word held out her paper.

Taking it, the educator went to the others, and Nina had started packing her stuff when she heard the professor address his colleagues. «It’s against the rules, but one time is okay. I suggest we check Nina’s test right now. Some people claim I nag her, so I want to have witnesses that I’m objective.»

Standing still, Nina looked at Vlad. He smiled, trying to support her.

The pedagogues checked Nina’s test and whispered to each other.

«She passed it,» one of them said in a surprised voice. «She has enough points.»

Nina laughed gleefully and Vlad hugged her.

«It’s impossible.» The professor grabbed her paper and re-checked it.

«You cheated!» he shouted at Nina, and she flinched as though he had slapped her face.

Next Vlad flung himself at the educator.

«Apologize right now,» he uttered very quietly, however in such a frightening voice that everybody was still with terror. Nobody who knew Vlad could ever imagine this shy, restrained guy was able to show this kind of emotion.

Blushing with anger, his tender face showed resolute fearlessness. His blue eyes were glowing like the flame of a gas stove burner, and the professor, looking at him in amazement, realized that if he did not do it, Vlad would hit him.

«I’m sorry, Nina,» the scared pedagogue barely squeezed out. «You did everything great. Congratulations.»

Shaking, Vlad went to his desk, took his bag and left. Nina followed him with trepidation and trust in her heart, as other females have followed their protectors and defenders through the centuries.

* * * * *

Tired after the exam, Lana left the building and near the entrance she saw the girl that had been caught cheating. Smoking and sniffing, she was talking with some other girls, and feeling pity for her, Lana went close.

«Damn VanStein!» The girl nervously inhaled. «He’s so honest, eh? I’m sure if I allowed him to pinch my butt, he would have pretended he didn’t see my crib.»

«Don’t worry.» Lana tried to support her. «Next time…»

«What next time?» the girl suddenly yelled at Lana. «My parents are not so rich that I can take the same course again and again like someone does.»

«What do you mean?» Lana murmured. «I didn’t repeat any courses.»

«But you can!» The girl was still shouting. «Your damn money allows you to study whatever you want, and for as long as you like. They allow you to have fun with that handsome playboy despite his wife’s studying here. Of course you’re supporting that damn VanStein. Because you’re acting the same.»

Gasping, Lana ran to her car.

Inside she cried, and on her way home she recalled a dialogue she had with Marina a few weeks ago, when Lana was working in the laboratory.

The process was underway. She checked the time, and found that she had a few minutes to spare. She glanced at Marina walking between the tables and called her. The teaching assistant neared her with the usual emotionless look on her face. «Problems?»

«Yep.» Lana glanced around to be sure no one else could hear her. «I wanted to ask you… How does it feel to love a married man?»

Struck by such a frank question, Marina kept quiet, but, then a sarcastic smile curved her scarlet lips.

«It’s awful,» she answered calmly. «It’s a painful, shameful, and hopeless condition. It’s a damnation of Fate. Yes, I do love a married man. You’re welcome to make fun of me. But as I know, you’re in the same situation.»

Lana gaped at the assistant, as the girl did not expect that anyone noticed her relationship with Oleg.

«What are you talking about?» She tried to face it out, but the hypnotizing glare of Marina’s icy eyes paralyzed the will of the girl, and she hung her head. «And what should we do?»

«I don’t know.» Depression sounded in the tired voice of the teaching assistant. «If you have questions about the process, I’ll be happy to help.» And she quickly went to another student who called her.

* * * * *

«Yes, yes.» Driving home, Lana whispered, gulping tears. «What should we do? I do study psychology. Why don’t I use my knowledge in my own case, in my own life? Why? I have to break up with Oleg, but I love him. I do love him, don’t I?»

But suddenly she thought about Ruslan Grafinsky.

Because of his control, this finals week had been easier for her than any previous one, and Lana was sure she would have at least all B’s this time.

«I have to say thanks to him.» The girl became confused, thinking about his caring with gratitude.

Lana wanted to talk with Ruslan right away, and she drove to his apartment. He rented it in her block. So she parked her car in her parking lot and walked to the apartment building.

She looked around and drew in deep breaths.

Joy and a peaceful feeling reigned in her heart. Retaining drops of water after a short warm rain, the emerald new-sprung grass and leaves glittered brilliantly under the rays from the sun slowly moving down to the horizon. The hot day hours had already abated, and a fresh wind was bringing evening aromas.

She knocked at Ruslan’s door, but nobody answered, and Lana became upset again. She found her cell phone and called her father.

«Honey,» he said in gladdened tone. «How was your exam?»

«It’s fine, Daddy.» She sighed, and asked, hesitating. «Do you know where Ruslan is?»

After a pause, Mr. Limpson slowly replied, «We are at the plant. He’s next to me. Do you want to talk to him?»

«Yes please, Dad.»

She heard the voice of Ruslan and smiled. «Thank you for supervising me.»

«You’re welcome,» he answered coldly and hung up, and Lana looked at the dead phone with vexation.

She heard a honk, turned toward the sound, and saw Oleg stopping his car near her.

«What are you doing here, my love?» he asked tenderly, but Lana sensed an irritation in his voice, and she glanced at Ruslan’s door.

«Are you jealous?» She winked. Oleg smiled.

«You betcha.» He sighed. «But I love you. How could I not be jealous, if you are my sunshine and the breath of my life?»

Lana enjoyed his words, but he continued, and anxiety was aroused in her soul.

«I’m just worried about you. Because Ruslan abandoned his child in Russia. I’m afraid to trust such a person.»

Lana stood still, then walked to her house. Oleg slowly moved his car after her.

«Lana?» he asked with concern. «Sweetheart? Are you all right?»

She went to his car and kissed Oleg. «Sorry, honey, I’m just tired. I’m going home, okay?»

«See you.» He answered with such an upset voice that Lana felt pity, kissed him again, and smoothed his beautiful red hair that seemed like a flame colored with a saffron sunset’s light.

She went home and sat by the window looking outside. She admired the magic hues of the twilight. Lana wanted to talk with Ruslan, and the awful thing that Oleg had said about him only increased this wish.

Mechanically eating the dinner served by her housekeeper, Lana was waiting, keeping her eyes on the street.

* * * * *

At the end of the exam day, when everybody left, and David VanStein was the last one there, Marina timidly went close to him.

«I’m sorry,» she whispered, trying not to cry.

David looked at her haggard face, and he saw transparent streams run down her cheeks. It seemed as if her eyes were melting, and, feeling pity, David hugged her.

Marina stood still for a second, enjoying the moment, then gently pushed him away. «Enough, professor.» Her voice gave a squeak. «Somebody can see us… Again.»

«Marina,» David said with effort. «My chief told me to fire you if I don’t want to lose my job.»

The teaching assistant drooped with his words. «Okay,» she pressed out.

«I refused,» David continued, and she stared at him with surprise.

«Don’t worry. "He managed a smile. «We are old friends, we compromised. I’ll help you find a position in some other University. But if you can find another job outside the University it would be great. Just for a couple of months, eh? While I’m looking for the position. I’m sure I can do it very quickly.»

«Thank you, David,» she answered softly, her tears dried.

«Well, that’s all,» she thought. «Good bye, my love, good bye! Finally, this is the best solution to the situation

It was the voice of her mind, but her heart was screaming and crying, suffering with the anguish of unrequited love.

* * * * *

It was getting dark when Lana finally saw Ruslan Grafinsky riding his bike, and she called him out. He stopped and went close.

«It was not nice to hang up,» she started.

«Sorry, I thought it was all that you wanted to say,» he replied calmly.

«I wanted to ask you,» carefully choosing words, Lana said to him. «Is it true that you left a child in Russia?»

Ruslan intently looked at her. «A child?» He rubbed his forehead. «Yes, true, five or six of them.»

Lana gaped at him.

«No, I didn’t just leave them,» continued Ruslan very seriously. «I killed them, and hid their bodies in the forest. Ah, sorry, I forgot. First of all, I boiled them alive, then ate them up. I hid their fleshless carcasses only.»

«Are you insane or what?» shouted Lana.

«I don’t know.» He made a foolish face. «It’s you who are a professional psychiatrist, not me.»

«Why are you talking to me like I am a stupid little girl?» asked a perplexed Lana.

«Because you are,» he answered without pause, and Lana simply choked on his phrase.

«I’ve never met such an ill-mannered fellow,» she finally squeezed out.

«Sorry.» He grinned. «I’m just a boorish Russian bear. I only studied, and worked, and had no time for lessons of how to please some rich bored dolls.»

«I’ll tell my father and he’ll fire you, stupid!» screamed Lana, growing crazy under his self-assured smirk.

«I’m scared to death.» He pressed his palms to his chest. «I lived thirty years without you and this job. Can I live another thirty without that?» He took the handlebars of his bike and finished confidently, «Yes, I think I can.»

«Thirty?» wondered Lana. «I thought you were younger than me.»

«Females usually like their partners older, eh?» He screwed up his eyes, and she blushed, understanding his hint.

«Are you jealous?» She giggled, being curious about how he would reply. She hoped he would say something like Oleg did.

But he looked at her with sincere bitterness in his eyes.

«I can’t be jealous,» he voiced gently. «I just pity you.»

«Why?» Lana murmured.

«Because,» he whispered quietly, coming close to the building. He lifted his arm and touched the mosquito screen. «You are a beautiful princess, locked up in a palace, and a huge dragon guards you…»

«Wait.» Lana rushed outside. When she reached the street, she saw how Ruslan slammed the door entering his apartment, and she knew it would be stupid to start to knock. Lana was one hundred percent sure Ruslan would have not opened.

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28 may 2020
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