
Həcm 280 səhifələri


The secret years of a childhood

Novel of a growing child's soul
27,40 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

When the old man goes to the cemetery to say goodbye to his childhood sweetheart, he meets her grandson at the grave of the deceased. When the boy asks him if he knew his grandmother, he leaves him his written story in a folder. The grandson sits down on the bench next to the grave and begins to read.

The story tells first of the brutality in the boarding school and at the same time of a false love, which leads Jonas to flee from the boarding school and his parents' home and to Norway. There he meets Runa, who makes him a new person with her love and understanding. A journey to himself in Canada is to free him from the rest of his injuries before he returns to his true love.

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280 səh.
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