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Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts

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Kitab haqqında

"Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts" MolièreThis French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. This dramatic play is full of humor and heart as it recounts the story of the titular prince. It harkens back to the heroic tales of previous generations in a fun and exciting way that translates just as well on paper as it does on stage.
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Kitabın təsviri

"Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts" Molière

This French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. This dramatic play is full of humor and heart as it recounts the story of the titular prince. It harkens back to the heroic tales of previous generations in a fun and exciting way that translates just as well on paper as it does on stage.

Kitab Molière «Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts» - kitabın fraqmentini onlayn olaraq pulsuz oxuyun. Şərh və rəylərinizi qeyd edin, sevimlilərinizi seçin.
Yaş həddi:
70 səh.
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