Kitabı oxu: «The Laws of Life», səhifə 2


Why can faith get in the way?

A person accumulates knowledge, and due to this accumulation, we form two important concepts about ourselves, about other people, about life in general and about God – faith and understanding (persuasions). In childhood, it did not matter to us, whether our faith and understanding were true or false, because we simply believed in it, this was the requirement of the environment, and as we grew older, they became our reality (life principle). Since childhood, we strive to know everything, as much as possible, and have become slaves to information from the environment, through the five senses. The environment – which shapes our faiths and understanding (persuasions), speaks the scientific language of Epigenetics. The fate of a person, depends not only on the genus, but also on the environment, which is higher than the concept of the genus.

Law: Everything, depends on the time of our stay in this life. What is our environment, such is our life.

Another Law: without the inner word (thought), the outer word (language) does not come out. What we always say (be it a monologue, a conversation with ourselves, a dialogue, with someone else), that is, what we think, determines our true image, our thoughts and attitude towards ourselves, towards others, and within time, our consciousness will become free or slave, consciousness has no other choice. In many countries, there is a tendency, to form a «slave consciousness», because we ourselves do not understand who is the owner of our consciousness, we ourselves, or the environment.

Are our persuasions true or false? Because the answer to this question determines our destiny. Deception, the adoption of a false idea for the truth, begins to form, false persuasions and delusions, and no external forces prevent this, but rather support it. There are no obstacles to what you really want from external forces, everything depends on ourselves, and the right relationship with the Creator, and his laws.

We can have an idea in our head about our own shortcomings, then this faith will begin to lead our life in the wrong and negative direction. By changing faith, correcting understanding, healing the mind (consciousness), we can change direction in the right, and positive direction at any time in our lives.

Let’s imagine, that you have lived a lot of life, and you say that you have changed your mind, but you think, that it will no longer be possible to live life somehow differently, you think, that you are late, and no matter, how much you think positively, you will not be able to turn back time, but you can start life anew right now. If you are breathing and reading this book, then you are still alive. I will give an example of the Law of Time: Life will not change its mind, but this does not mean, that it will not pity us, so note that, while we are alive, it is never too late.

However, life will not spare us if we have immunity against the Laws of Life. Even if all of humanity has immunity against the Laws of Life, they will not change, and will forever exist with humanity. That is, no matter how much you like the Laws of Life, you will see the consequences only after the creation of the cause. Therefore, before doing the cause, it is necessary to think about the consequences. We need to listen to the warnings of the Creator, and his Laws of Life. This is the truth. This is the science of happiness.

Think of the belief and understanding (persuasions), upon which is based on, what you consider, and call Truth. Each person has his own invented Truth. All of us have been collecting information from the environment since childhood, and now days, months, years have passed, since we were born, and the question arises, why are we different, that is, our character and behavior, etc.? We grew up in different conditions, circumstances, there were different rules and requirements from the time of existence, and place of residence, therefore people are not one hundred percent alike, and therefore there are many different views, concepts and beliefs, etc. But the most important thing, is that our faith, does not destroy us, in the end.

Not many like buzzwords!

There are a lot of people who say, «I’m smart enough, so don’t be smart!», and I think their persuasions and values are:

1) I don’t need smart words.

2) I have my own views on life, and no one has the right to change them.

3) I’ve been doing well with myself all my life, don’t tell me that my persuasions and system of thought is wrong.

4) I don’t want to hear, see or read people, who give advice, and pose as a smart person.

Therefore, one must be careful when trying to convince anyone of an ideology, especially the truth about oneself, the universal truth. Smart people say, that you need to think carefully, before demanding, that others hear, or read our «big words», and advice.

Each of us, has our own persuasions, about life, religion, politics, and the environment, in which we live. Having attacked someone else’s faith, you will return from the campaign defeated.

We force ourselves to believe lies, in order to save our faith, by saying, that life is interesting, pleasant and attractive to us. Egoism, and dependence on false beliefs are detrimental, that we turn life into a game, compose our own laws and norms, and believe with all our heart, that this is the truth. But in fact, this is a made-up lie, even if for you it is the truth. The source of truth can only be the Holy Books, and Evidence-Based Science, which proves, that religion and science, are not enemies, but allies. The basis of science is religion, because it was religion, that contributed to the emergence of science. Law: Without science there is no use for religion, without religion there is no use for science.

Gaining the trust and understanding (persuasions) of people, who have nothing to do with us, will eventually lead to the Slave Mind. Unfortunately, the people around us, often form delusions, and think far from the truth. In general, a negative environment interferes with a person. Happiness in this life, not only depends on us, but also depends on our environment, on our loved ones, but most importantly, it depends on our FAITH in ourselves, in others, in God, etc.

Without justice, there is no trust. To establish justice in society, we must first establish justice within ourselves. False promises to oneself, to others, do not convince a person of the truth.

Get rid of erroneous self-hypnosis

Happiness = true confidence and useful actions (increase) / stupid mistakes and invented flaws (decrease)

Do I understand correctly from the sources (Quran and Holy Books before it), this life (temporary) is the cause, and eternal life is the effect. The chances of happiness in this life, and in the eternal world, depend on the growth of true confidence and the willingness to let go of wrong persuasions. Unhappiness, is the absence of truth and boundless certainty in everything. Instead, a false confidence that believes in its ability, but nothing works. Why don’t these people achieve anything? Because repetitive mistakes, and invented restrictions that need to be reduced, and generally eliminated from life.

Unfortunately, in some cases, it is not possible, to change, or improve oneself, because life is not, what we want to see it, the reason for this, is false beliefs and delusions, that are deeply rooted through suggestion, and which will resist the Laws of Life with all their might. For example, if you cannot read this book to the end, then you do not want to change your reality, then you do not want to admit, that there is another truth that is different from your persuasion system (who and what to believe?).

We are looking for profitable, comfortable territory, where no one will bother us, and teach us how to think, and act correctly, but we do not know the consequences of such erroneous self-hypnosis. An effective method to get rid of distorted faith, and delusions about yourself, about others, about life, and about God, is to recognize the truth about yourself and the truth of the Creator, which may be uncomfortable, and unpleasant for someone, but this is only the case at first. Hiding the truth about yourself, running away from the truth of the Creator is the cause of slavery and dependence in the twenty-first century, well, it was before us, and most likely will be after us. Once upon a time, people believed, that universal progress would finally establish heaven on earth, and there would be no unfortunate people left. Is this what is happening now? The truth needs to be spread, and the truth about oneself cannot be hidden, it will still be revealed someday, perhaps in the future, eternal life, but this is not the problem. Instead of running away from truth, we should work on ourselves. The main thing is to have the right, true faith. This is the ability to regulate the balance and achieve harmony between the soul and the body, which everyone can learn. That is, to maintain a peaceful relationship between this and eternal life, and of course not to be afraid of death. In general, what do I mean? Our freedom is directly related to hiding the truth or avoiding the truth. This is erroneous self-hypnosis.

1) We need to stop deceiving others, admit that if we are in a difficult situation, we don’t need to wear a fake mask, they will help us, if not, then we can help ourselves.

2) We should not blame others for our own difficulties and mistakes.

3) We must intentionally avoid negative and unacceptable decisions and choices. Do something thoughtfully.

4) We must recognize that our self-hypnosis can be deceptive, and it is the CAUSE of all that we call unhappiness.

These four paths are not about replacing the negative, with the positive, but about learning to accept, and obey the Laws of Life.

Inner peace, stress-free life, purity of blood, is the basis of the stability of the soul and body. But this path, causes great resistance within us and possibly even a war between the soul and the body, but the correct way of thinking, based on understanding the true state of oneself, life, and other people in any life situation, is to understand, and accept the true properties of the Creator and his laws. Wise people have always tried to rely only on the Truth of the Creator, and the Truth about themselves, whatever it may be.

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Litresdə buraxılış tarixi:
09 fevral 2022
Yazılma tarixi:
38 səh. 1 illustrasiya
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