
Həcm 240 səhifələri


An Artist in Crime

3,60 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

This is a detective novel that follows the story of Jack Barnes, a shrewd detective from New York, who sets out on a mission to solve a large robbery case. He chases the suspect across multiple cities and finally apprehends him in Boston. But as he travels back to New York with the recovered funds, he overhears a conversation that piques his interest, leading him to another intriguing case.

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Kitabın təsviri

This is a detective novel that follows the story of Jack Barnes, a shrewd detective from New York, who sets out on a mission to solve a large robbery case. He chases the suspect across multiple cities and finally apprehends him in Boston. But as he travels back to New York with the recovered funds, he overhears a conversation that piques his interest, leading him to another intriguing case.

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Yaş həddi:
240 səh.
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