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I want my product to be a sort of motivation for younger IB students and an example of achieving goals.

Communication and working with supervisor and mentor

The main idea about communicating with my mentor is that it was not complicated. In fact, I decided to recognize my father as my mentor because he did a lot to help me with my project. He also believed in me, but I said that I was going to do all by myself. He is not a professional, but from the time my father was a student, he has enjoyed taking photographs and has a good understanding of working with camera, scenes and editing. My supervisor, without any doubts, plays one of the main parts in my work. It is not my first personal project, but the first English one. When I did a social project, I had a whole team, and now it is obligatory to do my product and research on my own. It was hard for me to write an essay perfectly and answer the questions, connected with the process journal and the timeline. The role of a supervisor is to go over my global context and product, giving advice and meeting me to control the process. Instead of information, my supervisor gave me the most precious thing – motivation to continue, to reflect and to think about something new and original. She taught me how to think out of the box. I have got some reflections from my process journal included.


The final product and its response to criteria

My product took a lot of time to make from filming to editing, but it was a great experience which I believe taught me how to do many things by myself. I made a great effort in order to respond to my evaluated criteria and standards of quality of videos on YouTube. Of course, comparing with some professional TV channels or films, my work is not ideal. And the whole process still has got some weaknesses which I want to moderate in future. But I tried to think about myself at the start of the project and of my personality in the end – I have made a great progress! I have upgraded my tech part, informational part and self-development part. I have also made plenty reflecting-pages in my process journal. I have achieved my goal and my project has made the whole theme much wider.

The topic, the global context and self-development

I have developed so many important must-have skills for the human of the 21st century that I could not even imagine! I have learned a lot about personalities and differences between opinions of people from non-similar parts of society. Now I feel more confident in my inquiry question and I hope that my product will help others to better understand the topic and its influence. I have worked with books of famous and not so famous authors. I think that while reading every book I become more complete as a person and every single one has surprised and amazed me by its originality. Studying human nature really makes me think out of the box.


Managing my time and interviewing people was the hardest part psychologically, but editing videos also was a great challenge – of course, I wanted them to be better and better and finally I had learned everything by heart, but there were still a lot of adjustments to do. In my opinion, overcoming difficulties is obligatory while creating the final product. If it was too easy, it would not be such an experience!

Future updates and continuing my work

Why would not I become a blogger? I have asked this question many times. I have already started this process of creating video-content and learned how to work with editing, filming and planning. The point is there is no need to do something stupid without any informational value I have already found some channels where I can find motivation and useful lifehacks or ideas. I am sure that in the near future I will try to continue my work. I have a lot of information and personal experience to share, for example, my background in MYP or interviewing, film-making, learning English, etc. I feel really proud of myself in case of overcoming a great deal of challenges and developing a new part of me!


1. Middle years programme. URL: http://www.ibo.org/programmes/middle-years-programme/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

2. The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IB_Middle_Years_Programme (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

3. Sakshi Agrawal. Top 10 Skills everyone mast have // Listdose. 11.04.2014. URL: http://listdose.co/top-10-skills-everyone-must-have/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

4. What is Utopia? Definition. URL: http://www.utopiaanddystopia.com/utopia/utopia-definition/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

5. Use the basics of Pinnacle Studio. URL: https://software-tips.wonderhowto.com/how-to/use-basics-pinnacle-studio-314140/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

6. Skills and Must Have Qualities of a Team Member. URL: https://www.managementstudyguide.com/skills-and-qualities-of-a-team-member.htm (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

7. Leonardo da Vinci. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

8. Iblearnerprofile. URL: http://iblearnerprofile.com/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

9. Cfmunesco. URL: https://cfmunesco.it/home/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

10. Academic honesty. URL: http://byui.edu/student-honor-office/ces-honor-code/academic-honesty (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

11. Self-development quote. URL: https://goodreads.com/quotes/tag/self-development (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

12. Dale Carnegie. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Carnegie (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).