
Həcm 38 səhifələri


The Bee Is Not Afraid Of Me

A Book of Insect Poems
10,06 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

Can you imagine a world without bees? Did you know that dung beetles are awesome recyclers? Insects pollinate, recycle and are an important food source for many animals – they're tiny but mighty superheroes of the animal kingdom. This is an anthology of wild and wonderful children's poems which will educate and excite youngsters about the fascinating world of insects. With factual notes alongside the poems, and black line illustrations.
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Kitabın təsviri

Can you imagine a world without bees? Did you know that dung beetles are awesome recyclers? Insects pollinate, recycle and are an important food source for many animals – they're tiny but mighty superheroes of the animal kingdom. This is an anthology of wild and wonderful children's poems which will educate and excite youngsters about the fascinating world of insects.

With factual notes alongside the poems, and black line illustrations.

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Yaş həddi:
38 səh.
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