Kitabı oxu: «The Labyrinth of Inter-Time»


© Juriy Tashkinov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-2850-4

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Part 1. The Mystery of the Order of the Vernikov

Chapter 1. The world behind the mountain

A lonely mountain broke away from a huge mountain range reaching to the very horizon. The seemingly endless blue sea eagerly caught the reflections of the tired sun, which was trying with its last strength not to drown.

– How long can you endure! – the girl shouted, breaking away from the guy’s embrace.

– Well, go! – he said, trying not to show emotions, so as not to escalate the already tense situation. Although everything was boiling inside. – Is someone holding you?

She sobbed a couple of times and walked away, muttering something under her breath. And he, without turning around, walked in the other direction.

They came here to mend relationships that were falling apart at the seams like an old shirt. But you can’t make a broken vase new. It seemed like this was the end.

He walked a little more, and one could already see the last reflections of the dying Sun on the surface of the sea. He always dreamed of watching the sunset at sea. And finally, the romantic’s dream came true, but did this make my soul warmer?

He lit a cigarette to drown the ghost of a lost feeling in tobacco smoke. And then he took out a flask to drink some bitter whiskey. And don’t care about the Highway Patrol. Today he can do anything!

– Dorian! – he heard the echo of a well-known voice. Former grievances immediately evaporated, and he rushed to the side where his beloved’s voice came from.

Twenty steps. Two hundred. Five hundred.

– Angel! – he shouted, and the mountains echoed him with a long echo. – Angel, where are you?

Only an echo was the answer.

He stopped only for a few seconds to catch his breath, and then began to run further. When he had no more strength, he shouted again:

– Angel!

And again silence.

– Angel, my love! Where are you?

How often do we realize that we have lost a loved one when he is no longer around.

Dorian looked around and realized: something was wrong! It seems like the same mountain, the same sea on the horizon. The air is not like that at all. Oh yes! How could he not notice right away: the sun was on the other side. He didn’t remember the night at all, but during his run the evening gave way to morning, and somewhere behind the mountain the first rays of sunshine flickered.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

– At least I’ll take a swim in the sea!

He had to walk for quite a long time: he never found the car. Angel probably left without even saying goodbye. Dorian stripped naked, because there was no one to be shy in this wilderness, and rushed into the cool water. It was his first time at sea. And for the first time I saw such crystal clear water!

– We need to buy a house on the beach.

What clean air, there is no familiar smog that was a constant companion of megacities. Having got out of the water, the guy lay down on a stone to dry off. And then he pulled on his trousers. He wrapped the shirt around his waist, because the sun was already starting to get hot.

An unfamiliar sound was heard nearby, and Dorian walked in its direction. Behind a small ledge stood… He didn’t immediately remember the name of this creature. Locker? Curl? Oh yes, a horse. I once saw these in Cinema. But this is an almost extinct species! Where does the horse come from here? They say there are no more than a hundred of them left, and they live in the Reserve.

There was a bag nearby. He opened it, seeing a lot of food items. Ah, that’s what was missing for so many hours!

The dried lamb filled my empty stomach with a pleasant lump. But it’s real lamb! Not the usual meat substitute, but a completely natural product! The last time he ate meat was as a child, while his father worked as a Guardian. They had direct supply of first-class products. Dorian was envied by everyone in the class when he brought a fresh apple, and not jam from a tube, like everyone else, or a raw potato, and not custard mashed potatoes made from starch. But then my father was taken away, accused of participating in a conspiracy.

He continued to lie there, reminiscing about old times when something cold pressed against his neck. A tall young albino stood next to him, his sword pressed to Dorian’s throat.

– Thief! What do you need here? How long have you been spying on me? Who sent you? – the stranger’s eyes glowed with anger and irritation.

– Nobody sent me! I came myself. Is this your place?

– You lie next to my horse, faithful Dolt, eat my food, and dare to say that you ended up here by accident? I haven’t believed in coincidences for a long time! Speak! Who are you?

– My name is Dorian. And you?

– As if you don’t know yourself! – said the stranger.

– Nobody sent me! How many times should I tell you? Calm down, guy! Let’s put down your weapon and we can talk in a peaceful atmosphere. I have some whiskey, we can drink to meet you. And I’ll pay for your food, if necessary. Don’t be so angry about it.

The albino lowered his sword and sat down on a stone.

– Sorry if I offended you in any way. I have no one to trust, life disappoints people. Call me White Wolf,» with these words he extended his hand. Dorian shook it hesitantly.

– A wolf? What a strange name?

«I took this name for myself when a white wolf saved me from a pack of fellow tribesmen. You know that it is better not to reveal your real name to anyone, so that demons and magicians do not take over your mind.

Dorian glanced sideways at the stranger’s sword, so he did not make comments about «demons and magicians.» Fate sends him strange friends after all!

The wolf rummaged in the bag and took out an apple. Then he pulled out another one.

– Will you? – he handed the fruit to Dorian.

They sat like that for a while in silence and chewed the delicacy.

– Where are you going? – the albino interrupted the silence.

– We need to go home, to Stelton. I just don’t know how to get there! The girl took the car, and the wallet was in the glove compartment. You’ll have to hitchhike.

– Are you seriously from Stelton?! – the stranger rose to his feet, again pointing his sword at Dorian. – I told you that you are a spy! How did you know the name of my hometown? Who sent you?

– Will you ever calm down! You need to treat your paranoia, White Wolf. What spies!

– A person from my hometown couldn’t be here!

– Yes, the world is not a small place, but you should never rule out the possibility that fellow countrymen can meet a couple of thousand miles from their home!

– I haven’t been home for more than ten years. Ever since I came into this world.

– You know, by your appearance we can say that you came into this world more than twenty years ago. And not like all the children, but that the aliens forgot about you when they left the planet!

– How long have you been here?

– Here – at the sea? Or how long ago did you «come into this world»? I’m twenty-five, if that, and I came into this world at birth!

– It looks like you’ve been here quite recently. I want to make you happy – you crossed the portal.

– What?! Fuck you! Psycho! Abnormal!

Patience comes to an end sooner or later. First, the girl with her «corrals». Now this one. Dorian turned to walk away from his strange acquaintance. But a huge dragonfly suddenly appeared before his eyes, which the White Wolf cut in half with his sword.

«What the…» said Dorian, and fainted.


He opened his eyes when the sun was at its zenith. The White Wolf poured water on him.

– Looks like you’re not a spy. My real name is Eleon. What area did you live in?

– Near White Square. What was it? This is huge,» Dorian suddenly remembered the strange creature.

– Strekkil. These are often found in these parts. You may or may not believe me, but you ended up in Seisil.

– What?

– This is what the locals call this world. I came here completely by accident when I was fourteen. I was running from the gang, and didn’t even notice how I crossed the portal. And there was no turning back. It’s okay, it’s also quite good here, I was able to find a home here.

Then Dorian remembered how he walked around the entire area and did not see a single trace of a car. This clean air, the sun, which turned out to be on the other side. Dragonfly. Horse! So many coincidences.

Although, you shouldn’t even communicate with him, so as not to become infected with madness.

– What is the year now? – Dorian asked.

– One hundred and thirtieth era of the eighty-fourth King Henry.

Okay, it’s worth going with this weirdo. At least until the first traces of civilization. After all, he won’t get far without a car, but at least the psycho has a horse.

– So where are you going?

«To the House of the Sorcerer, the great royal castle,» answered the White Wolf.

The sorcerer’s house… Okay, the main thing is not to be too surprised. For Eleon these are quite normal words. Never mind, civilization is very close, you won’t have to endure it for long!

– Can I go with you?

– My path is not close and is full of various dangers! I can’t involve others in my problems!

– Don’t leave me here alone! – said Dorian.


Riding a horse together with another guy is a dubious pleasure. Cinema usually showed a brave adventurer carrying a beautiful lady on a horse. But it’s time to get used to the fact that life is not Cinema.

Half an hour – and Dorian rubbed his crotch, sat on his leg, a complete «bouquet».

When the sun began to sink below the horizon, they decided to stop at a nearby village on the outskirts of the forest. With every mile, Dorian’s hope of meeting civilization became less and less. Are there really still places untouched by Megacities?

Chapter 2. Execution at sunset

Every self-respecting gossip has at least once been to a tavern called the Old Magician. And today the hall was filled with guests, and old Halfrid’s treasury was filled with gold. The beer flowed like a river, and the out of breath young beauty only had time to bring more and more mugs of foamy drink and take away the empty ones.

– Suzanne, three more mugs! – one of the guests shouted.

«Teddy… hmm… Maybe… hmm… that’s enough?.. hmm,» said his comrade, with difficulty overcoming a hiccup.

– Why, Dil? Ali, aren’t you having fun on this beautiful fine evening?

– I… hmm… to be honest… hmm… not very good with gold…

– Don’t worry, buddy! I’m treating you! Suzanne, three more mugs and fried lanels with maize sauce! – Teddy said, slapping the innkeeper’s helpful daughter on the thighs.

– Hands off! Otherwise I’ll tell my father everything! He will definitely throw you out onto the street! – the girl squealed offendedly.

– It’s good for you that you shouted! Bring the beer, I tell you!

The girl hurried to fulfill the order, mincing through the dense rows of tables in the room saturated with the smell of beer, just to quickly get rid of the «dork,» as she called him, who was not allowing her passage.

– Have you heard the latest news? – said the man, sitting down with two drunken comrades.

– What’s new, Willie? – asked Teddy.

«Tomorrow at sunset there will be an execution,» Willie answered.

– Magicians again? – Teddy clarified.

– Serves them right! There is no point in embarrassing the good people with your tricks! – Willie raised his voice slightly.

«I’m a bit of a magician myself,» said Teddy. – So I may also fall out of favor with the Anti-Witch League. After all, I don’t have the right to magic. Who will be executed this time?

– Children of the local clerk Herold.

– These impudent inquisitors have completely loosened their belts! There is no peace for them! – Teddy hit the table with his fist.

– And most importantly… hmm.. the king… hmm… will not protect! – Dil said, raising his head from the table.

– And I thought it was a sinful thing that you fell asleep! – Willie laughed.

– Henry will protect! – said Teddy. – He doesn’t care about us! It’s called the king! Who needs nothing but science! A great magician is a useless ruler! I think even our clerk would become a better ruler, and no less a scientist!

In a heated conversation, the regulars of this establishment did not notice how Suzanne and a gray-haired, mustachioed, wiry man approached them.

– Greetings, Halfrid! – Willie said, but the innkeeper did not notice the outstretched hand. He looked at his comrade with eyes full of anger and hatred.

– Teddy! You’ve been harassing my daughter again! I have already warned you more than once!

– You misunderstood everything!

– Get out! And never cross the threshold of my tavern! I’ll see you one more time, and you won’t waste any more air intended for honest people! – the angry father grabbed the drunkard’s collar. And he flew away, hitting his back against the corner of the table – Teddy was a sorcerer, albeit weak and illegal. Three more strong guys ran up to the lout – the sons of the old innkeeper. The three men, who had recently been quietly chatting about public policy issues, jumped to their feet. Dil began waving a knife, Willie – a fragment of a broken bottle, and Teddy had a weapon of enchantment invisible to others.

– Get Teddy alive! – shouted Halfrid. – He is an illegal magician! He must be handed over to the Anti-Witch League, as the Law says!

One of the innkeeper’s sons grabbed a knife from Dil, who could barely stand on his feet, and now crossed him with Willie’s broken bottle. And the careless owner of the bladed weapon fell to the floor and tried unsuccessfully to get up. Two other strong guys tied Teddy up. Then the three of them grabbed Willie and threw him out into the street. Dil also flew after him.

– Throw Ted in the closet! – Halfrid said.

And so every day: beer flows like a river, new gossip pours in from all sides, the bored sons of the tavern owner have something to occupy their fists in peacetime. Everyone is having fun, there is bread and circuses, everyone is happy.

But one guest is not having fun today. An albino with red eyes sits silently with a friend, lost in thought and finishing more than his first mug of intoxicating drink. But even beer haunts him from bitter thoughts and memories.


A huge hall made of white marble. In the center of the hall is a long stone table. At the head of the table sits a long-bearded old man – the Master of the Brotherhood of the Defenders of the Crown. Behind him flies the flag of a secret organization:

Two people entered the hall.

«We’ve all gathered today…» the master of the brotherhood began, not paying attention to the newcomers. The rest of the meeting participants remained silent.

– Congratulations, master! You have joined us again! – one of the new arrivals shouted in joy.

– What are you talking about, Ilan? I am always with you! I will never leave you! – the elder absentmindedly looked around, seemingly taken by surprise by this simple question.

– But you, Master Avinius, returned from prison today! Two hours back talked with you in the mirror.

Any, even the weakest, magician could bend the bars without much effort, so special prisons were created for sorcerers. The condemned person touched the enchanted mirror and found himself in a separate world. And everyone could see the prisoner using a special object in the form of a coin, which must be brought to any mirror. But real freedom could only be given by a magician who entered the world through the looking glass or the king personally.

– By the mirror? You are probably on Sun overheated! Today like this heat! – Avinius playfully waved his palms near his face.

– What’s wrong with you, Ilan? I spent the whole morning preparing the meeting with the master! – said Sorenius, one of the brotherhood members. – So who were you talking to in the mirror?

– I already said: with Master Avinius. Eleon, my student, also saw it. I still have the key to the prison with me.

At these words, Avinius’s face changed:

– Who are you listening to, gentlemen! Ilan has gone crazy and deprived his student of his will! Or maybe they also became faithful?

He tried to snatch the key coin from Ilan’s hands, but Sorenius was ahead of the head of the brotherhood.

– We must investigate the case before we think about conclusions!

– Sorenius, I order you! Give this item to me! – the old man extended his bony hand.

– Sorry, master, I respect you, but I can’t do this! We’ll just see what kind of key my brother brought to the Council!

The old man rushed at the careless subordinate, but Sorenius was able to easily cope with the master. Then he brought the round object to the mirror, where the image of Avinius appeared. All those gathered gasped at once, looking from the old man in the hall to another, looking through the looking glass.

– Who you are? – Sorenii took the initiative, turning to the reflection.

– I, dear Sorenius, master Avinius, Master of the Brotherhood of Defenders Crown, member which, as I remember, you are too,» the reflection in the mirror made some manipulations with its hands. Avinius, the one who was in hall meeting, fell to the floor. Everyone present knew that the old man mastered the Light spell perfectly, so hundreds of white wands were aimed at the impostor. Instead of the old man, a young man was already sitting there.

– Tion?! You! After all, the teacher trusted you! He must be killed! Immediately! – Sorenius commanded.

– Please, don’t kill! I can still become useful! I’ll tell you everything I know! – Tion was almost sobbing, crawling on his knees.

– And what do you know? How betray? To your workshop betrayal we already believe. We also know that those who once betrayed will repeat this again and again,» said Sorenii.

– I don’t know much. But please! Just don’t kill,» the actor kept crawling on his knees.

– Who put me in prison? – asked Avinius.

– Don’t know!

– Is it true?! – Sorenius asked indignantly.

– OK! OK! This Khan! Khan ordered the thugs to imprison Avinius. He appointed me instead of him in parliament and brotherhood.

– Who?!! – asked the surprised Sorenii.

«Royal Advisor Khan,» the prisoner repeated again.

– What is he talking about! And why do you think he needs all this? – Ilan asked.

– He needs a crown!

– What? While alive king! – Sorenius smiled incredulously.

– He will kill Henry at the Autumn Festival!

– You know, friend. Even Khan can’t do it. – It’s Ilan’s turn to smile.

– Already under strength. Day before yesterday he stole a black staff from the Vault.

Panic ran across the faces of those present.

«You don’t joke with such things,» Sorenius said seriously.

– I’m not joking! And further. None of you will live until the morning! Now…

Pseudo-Avinius did not finish speaking. He began to frantically scratch his shoulder, then pulled off his sleeve. The letter «B» was blazing there, and the impostor’s body turned to ashes in a few seconds.

«This is a seal of loyalty,» said Sorenius. – Such magic beyond the power of any sorcerer. We are indeed dealing with a conspiracy. We must inform the king about the black staff!

A sharp knock on the door. Then another one. The next blow shatters the door, and an entire army rushes into the room. At the head of the soldiers who entered was Simon, Head of the Royal Guard. The man appears to be about fifty years old.

– Hello, Simon! To what do we owe the appearance of such an important person? – Sorenius asked.

«In the name of the king, all members of the brotherhood are declared outlaws,» Simon said impartially, not paying attention to Sorenius. – Hand over all weapons. You are sentenced to life imprisonment.

But there are many more soldiers than members of the brotherhood!

Ilan, with an imperceptible movement, grabbed the key coin and handed it to Eleon.

– You must convey to the ruler everything that you have recently seen. Avinius will be your witness. You will find a map of the Country in my house. Don’t hesitate! You have a little more than two months, but time will not stand still!

He made a barely noticeable movement, and a portal appeared behind the albino. Ilan pushed Eleon, and he fell onto a plane that was supposed to move him many miles away.


A small house in the middle of the forest, which always smells of myrtle. Here he spent several years under the supervision of a teacher who made him a powerful magician. Eleon grabbed the card lying on the table. He collected food in a bag and mounted his horse. The road is not close, but time is running out.

Just a few days ago he again entered the hall where that fateful meeting of the Brotherhood took place. And I found here only the corpses of true friends. Now he is the last one left from the Brotherhood of Defenders of the Crown, and who, if not him, will protect the king? But among the other bodies he did not find Ilan.

– Maybe he’s still alive?


Eleon ordered himself another glass of beer. After a long story, everyone went deeper into their thoughts. Dorian kept remembering his beloved, and Eleon remembered his murdered comrades.

The sunset spilled colors onto the endless canvas of the sky, and suddenly it became possible to take a break from the annoying heat.

The central square was filled with people.

– Lord, what does all this mean? – Dorian was unable to hide his emotions.

«Watch in silence,» said Eleon.

Surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, stood five people in black cloaks with hoods.

«The law states that illegal magic must be punished with all severity and without delay!» – said one of them.

– He used magic illegally! – said our recent acquaintance – one of Halfrid’s sons, and pulled Teddy into the center of the circle, trying to resist.

– No, please, he’s lying!

– There is only one way to check this! – said one of the inquisitors, removing his hood and smiling ominously. Silence suddenly reigned in the square. – The ancient spirit of Justice will help us judge. ILLIGULUS! – he shouted, throwing his hands up. Teddy suddenly fell to the floor, writhing in pain. He tried to cover his face with his hands, but the spell knew no barriers. Not even a few seconds had passed before the poor fellow was no longer moving.

– Oh my God! Isn’t this a dream? – Dorian closed his eyes, then opened them again. Blinked. He pinched his elbow. But the picture hasn’t changed.

– May the Great Spirit of Justice be glorified! – the five inquisitors shouted in one voice. – Lead the next one!

The young man now stood in the center of the circle. One man emerged from the crowd.

– NO! He is not guilty! This is all slander!

– Don’t be humiliated, father, I beg you! It doesn’t affect them.

– The Spirit of Justice will judge! – said the same one, in a black cloak. – He never takes innocent people! ILLIGULUS!

The guy remained standing where he was. Nothing happened.

– The Spirit spared you – that means you are innocent. He only takes magicians who do not have the right to practice witchcraft. But now we need to check your sister, is he as innocent as you?!

The young black-haired girl was thrown at the feet of the executioners. She stood up proudly and spat in the face of the inquisitor who had so short-sightedly removed his hood.

«I hope you pay with your life for this,» he said, wiping his face.

Eleon already realized that the girl was guilty if an innate gift can be considered a sin. He had a personal account with the Anti-Witch League. After all, thanks to them, he ended up in this foreign place!

– Dorian, I’ve only known you for a short time. But tell me, will you stay with me? My path is thorny and full of dangers, so I would advise you to leave the square. But if you go, will you be with me to the end, earth?

Dorian, speechless, could only shake his head.

– Great. Then go towards the forest, we’ll meet you there. Get ready to run.

I didn’t have to repeat it twice. Dorian took small steps towards the endless line of trees.

The wolf raised his hand, and the two in black hoods fell to the ground, as if from an invisible blow. The chief has already raised his hands. But he didn’t have time to say the cherished spell. He grabbed his throat, as if someone was strangling him with an invisible rope. Eleon, taking advantage of the general confusion, threw the girl over his shoulder. Pushing aside the crowd, he squeezed into the forest, where it would be more difficult to find the fugitives.

– Stop them! – shouted the inquisitor in an imperious tone, who never took revenge for the spit on his face. But the crowd suddenly closed in, preventing the order from being carried out. Everyone in the village loved the clerk and his family.

– You pathetic people! Do you even understand who you are contacting? Move away quickly!

The five inquisitors extended their hands forward, and red lightning streamed from them. The crowd parted. The executioners began to make their way through the resulting passage, but their path was blocked by the brother of the condemned woman, who was given life.

– Move away! – said the one without the hood.

– Only over my dead body!

– You’re welcome! – said the judge, and lightning from his hands killed the young man. Here the exclamation of the father of the family was heard:

– After all, he was innocent! You promised him life – and killed him! This is how you serve your spirit of Justice! – lightning from his eyes pierced the killer’s head, and he fell to the ground. No one in the village knew that the clerk was such a powerful magician that he could defeat the anti-mage centurion alone! But coping with five is an unprecedented thing, so the man had no choice but to run deep into the forest, following in the footsteps of his daughter and her saviors.

And his enemies literally stepped on his heels, not giving him a second of rest…

Chapter 3. The secret of Advisor Khan.

One single window among the cold stone walls of the castle. Near the window there is a wooden table, a lit candle on it sends an uncertain light to the bored walls.

Royal Councilor Khan, the head of Parliament, sat in the room and studied the new denunciation under the rhythmic crackling of a candle that filled the whole room with a burning smell, and his little daughter played in the next room. He is not tall, he looks like he is fifty years old, but there is not a single gray hair on his jet-black curls.

Nobody liked the Advisor, not even the ruler. He was born into a poor family, but his tenacious mind quickly gave him a path to life. Khan is cunning and uncompromising, so he quickly surpassed his comrades. And luck is always on his side. Avinius at the last moment refused the post of Royal Advisor, tormented by remorse for raising Dell, a dark magician. But in vain! When it comes to power, it is better to go all the way. There is no place for being too sentimental in politics!

The years went by, but Khan did not change, he only became more cunning and resourceful. Even the death of his wife did not become a reason to be kinder and more compliant. (Although there were persistent rumors that he himself killed the poor woman – people love to talk). He always worked tirelessly, trying to find those who wanted to screw him. The paranoia probably came from the former king.

There was a guard outside the door. It was ordered not to let anyone in. Therefore, nothing could prevent the head of Parliament from working.

It was early spring, and the evenings were often still cold. But he, all in his thoughts, did not even notice how it became even colder, even for March, although the windows were closed: Khan was afraid of being struck by a spell of lightning or other death at the hands of enemies. And there was a reason: many hated the Advisor. There was a noise behind the door.

– What is there again! – the Advisor was indignant.

Suddenly, a black-haired young man of strong build appeared before the eyes of the head of Parliament, as if out of nowhere.

– I ordered: not to let anyone in! Security! – Khan turned sharply to the door.

– Don’t fuss like that! – the uninvited guest spoke, blocking the path to the exit. – I won’t delay you for long. I just need to talk to you.

– There is a specially designated time for conversations. Sign up for an audience. And now I’M BUSY! Security!

«I would love to come another time, but I’m afraid that I will disappear forever.» And the conversation will be informal.

– Introduce yourself! – the angry Advisor almost shouted.

– Of course, my friend. «My name is Dell,» said the guest.

– Dell… Dell… I don’t remember that name.

– After the War of Troubles, no one dares to name their son that. I am a ghost. Until today I was invisible, if you refuse my offer, in an hour I will disappear into oblivion. Fate is inexorable, and everything is in its hands!

Once upon a time I alone dealt with an invincible army. And now I bring the cold with my presence, and I can only cope with the flowers on the windowsill!


This story dates back to the reign of the last king, Leonard. Then the Order of Glory was able to awaken Darkness in its purest form, and ancient demons burst out of the depths of the universe. Their army, consisting of people and ghosts who could not be killed with an ordinary sword, surrounded the Sorcerer’s House.

People fought bravely for their homes, for the king, but courage is not always a strong weapon, especially against ancient magic. The walls of the city collapsed and a black cloud poured in. Fifteen ghosts from the whole army were killed, but for each enemy there were three hundred lives of Leonard’s warriors. The castle gates did not last long, and the king was captured by evil spirits.

And when there seemed to be no hope, one of the students of Master Avinius appeared. The young man possessed the rarest gift – the spells of Darkness. Few people could see the Forces in their original form, but even fewer people had power over them. Avinius, for example, ruled over the Light. And this young man, with the power of thought, was able to disperse an entire regiment of the enemy. The ghosts disappeared into oblivion, only their armor and shields remained to decorate the nearby lands. The war has been won. Everything would be fine. But Leonard became extremely paranoid. He strengthened his security so that no one would take him prisoner again, as during this war. Then the madman ordered the young man to be arrested, too, because he was afraid of the powerful magician. They say that he even ordered the death of the queen, accusing him of conspiracy. It is impossible to say whether this is true, but she was no longer seen within the castle walls.

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07 fevral 2024
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