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The Irish Aboard Titanic

17,68 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

The unspeakable tragedy of the Titanic disaster can only be fully appreciated through the tales of the people who were aboard on the night the ship went down. The Irish Aboard Titanic gives those people a voice, focusing on the Irish who were aboard the 'unsinkable' liner. In it are stories of agony, luck, self-sacrifice, dramatic escapes and heroes left behind. Senan Molony also records the heartache that continued long after that fateful night. In her wake the Titanic cast a long shadow over the families forced to endure the agonising wait to learn the fate of loved ones, over the lives of the survivors who had to start their lives anew and over those who lost relatives and friends. If you want to know about the Irish passengers and crew of the Titanic, this is the only book to have.

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