«Master of the Game» kitabından sitatlar
He could see the shadows of the giant birds all around him, moving in for the kill
English ladies in flounced skirts and ruffled blouses mingled in front of the bazaars set up in the town squares at Braameonstein
not care about me. Van der Merwe raped
Their ages were measured by tribal lore: wars and battles, and births and deaths of great chiefs, comets and blizzards and earthquakes
He felt a flood of terror. He was blind. He could not see them. But he could smell them.
Once again, the Bantus would rise and rule because of him. The
had no strength left to resist. He stopped
black could exist was by slim , subservient on the surface, but cunning and clever beneath.
He reached a wooden shack, took one last look around, rapped twice on the door and entered
The whites had pushed them into smaller and smaller territories, until their freedom had been eroded