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Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present

4,56 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

This aims to provide a complete history of Quebec City, Canada. It provides new and interesting details about the city's history, including the location of Samuel de Champlain's settlement in 1608, and offers insights into various sights, objects, edifices, city gates, and other improvements, both ancient and modern. The book is a repository of historical, topographical, legendary, industrial, and antiquarian lore, gathered from sources that are difficult to access for the general reader. It is a faithful mirror of the past and an authentic record of the present moment at the time that it was written.
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Kitabın təsviri

This aims to provide a complete history of Quebec City, Canada. It provides new and interesting details about the city's history, including the location of Samuel de Champlain's settlement in 1608, and offers insights into various sights, objects, edifices, city gates, and other improvements, both ancient and modern. The book is a repository of historical, topographical, legendary, industrial, and antiquarian lore, gathered from sources that are difficult to access for the general reader. It is a faithful mirror of the past and an authentic record of the present moment at the time that it was written.

Kitab Sir J. M. Le Moine «Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present» - kitabın fraqmentini onlayn olaraq pulsuz oxuyun. Şərh və rəylərinizi qeyd edin, sevimlilərinizi seçin.
Yaş həddi:
900 səh.
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