Kitabı oxu: «Learning Lomi Massage»



Stefan Raeker

Am Einfang 4

83435 Bad Reichenhall/Germany

Learning Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

1. Preface

Dear readers and learners

I am glad that you want to learn Lomi Lomi massage. The world needs healing fast. This wonderful method of massage, a little bit to a few more individuals to contribute in a more beautiful state of being lead. You will be guided by the following fundamental and basic knowledge of Hawaiian massage. Using the template, you can learn these basics. With further practice and stay on the ball will open up to you little by ever new dimensions of this massage. It may be advantageous to consolidate after a while of this practical knowledge with an advanced course again. In particular, the so-called "flying" can often come right after a few months or years about.

One Audiance of my course, which is one of the few true European Huna is initiated priestess, has learned to 7 years in Hawaii. She took part in my class out of curiosity, because a trained man of me that she knew for some time, has touched her at a Lomi festival as part of a large group massage practice with a handle. She was surprised because she knew that he had so far not massaged into the Lomi massage. The quality of his touch let her finally ask for my name. For me it was a great stroke of luck to meet one of the few true initiates. And this meeting gave me courage again made this script, what should be going to be a book.

I lay in my massage scripts much value information for clarity and orderly. This is the result of many participants experienced by me as training courses, some with cryptic documents. I wanted to do it differently, and I hope I have succeeded. And now I wish you much joy in learning and practicing the Lomi Lomi Nui massage.

Stefan Raeker - Bad Reichenhall - Germany

2. Lomi Lomi Nui - Traditional Hawaiian Massage

Lomi is the Hawaiian term for massage and means translated as pressing, kneading, brushing. It also means the body (outside) and from the soul to work (interior). Lomi Lomi, so the doubling of the word Lomi points out that meaning again.The word Nui means "unique, great in terms of general well-being, as is the Lomi implemented correctly, it is not only a treatment for the body but may also refer to the emotional system and all related blockages influence thereby the soul to experience again as a whole. It will put together the parts of caused by old wounds, neglect and abuse "from" and "Open" divisions back into a whole. The man knows his true self, rubs her eyes and think how I could just forget. Even if that only takes a few moments can then train a new perspective on life and the situations. This may be a new and better direction in the ground or even what may be the case, follow the old right direction with even more energy.

The relationship of massage, touch and self-discovery are often already been discussed. However, I was always lacking that little piece of the puzzle to understanding fully and deeply. After long years of training in body work, humanistic psychology and physiotherapy began gradually to me after many of my treatments carried out a deeper understanding of the "miracle" of the magic touch and all related improvements to the feel-good condition to develop in all areas.

When I came across some point on the Lomi massage, I found some techniques back with amazement that I myself had acquired over the years, but the effect I could never explain properly. So I had not first read a book about it and then learned, but first practiced and then read about it.

The Lomi massage was carried out by the so-called Kahunas, the shamans and wise men in their temple in Hawaii. Therefore, it is also called "temple massage. Well, in old Tibet, and probably in almost every ancient culture massages to improve the understanding of body, mind and the soul. Interestingly, however, is that the Kahunas are not real Hawaiians, but the Hawaii court had chosen as a life long ago. It is said that the Kahunas are a unique tribe of people who have lived for centuries in various cultures. All of wisdom and information has been passed on orally for thousands of years. This will prevent distortions, and falsifications ascribe, as they can happen quickly in writing.

Arise from true seeds could in time fairy tales, myths, which then moved to the most diverse faiths. In the Kahunas, however, only the true core was passed. When the "modern material" spirit took over the world, or rather took to the Kahunas went back to the jungle and went to an outwardly normal life. Only a few insiders were aware of their abilities. This has remained until today. You will find Kahuna only when he wants to be found. Nevertheless, some knowledge of these people has come to light. Probably because they found that it is now and today helpful for us and the world.

The so-called Huna philosophy provides a basis for the Lomi massage. Huna means secret. The secret of life in general and the human in particular, which may be the reason never

explained, however much he tried. How could they. How can you understand a creation of their own creation, without being directly involved with this development. How can a brilliant mind that even the miracle of life, of which we are a part, ever understand. It's like trying to exploit the ocean with a teaspoon to eventually reach the ocean floor, where then lies the riddle. There's also a state of being without the terror of the constant chattering mind. And this condition is a tremendous boon. It feels around in such a way as if you were freed from a permanent delirium. Easy, relaxed and carefree happy without any reason. This does not mean that the mind is bad in itself, oh no. The mind is great when it comes to distinguish black from white, to detect hazardous and dangerous and this experience will save exactly to fall back quickly in dangerous situations and so it can to ensure our survival. Also, to pass on informative information in connection with our hands tools is the mind of a master of his craft. But if I am just in a situation where my survival is not directly in question, my mind babbles merrily without a drink at my request, but now your time to take a break and a coffee milk to hear. AND that constantly!

The inner dialogue goes on alert, at night is transformed into images that our dreams and stalking us constantly in our emotions into it, so that we often feel like several people at once. Let us try to bring the mind, everything will only get worse, because then we give him exactly the attention that he is looking for and retain its dominance in connection with the problems created by himself. Because the minds Domination can only exist with problems and their solutions. And gradually it dawns on us that we are no longer the boss in his own house and our "Dinner for one" not only on New Year's Eve takes place. We'll see what the Kahunas to say.

3. The three selves

The Hunaphilosphie assumes that everything is connected and in a perpetual interaction, similar to the Chinese Tao is. A thought is equated with the Hunas a direct action. That is, I think, and it will work. I think all the time, whether consciously or not an illness, I'm going to make this also guaranteed themselves. The other way around, I think of health, happiness and prosperity, the probability is great that I just take this into my life. This great universal power is so incredibly kind to us, because it sends us all that we do porto free house. It recognizes our most secret desires and fulfills them. They met all our needs regardless of whether negative or positive. We want the universe provides. The Kahunas explain that we are even three parts, which, like the forces in the universe are connected and.Interactive relations to each other.

THE Kahunas it is not either. That would mean that all do more or less the same. But there are also specialists, which heal more, depending on individual talent with words and song, as with massage or dance. There are herbal specialists, psychologists, gifted, highly gifted media, etc. In principle, however, one can say that the Polynesian shaman in contrast to the traditional shamans of the indigenous inhabitants of North America to the path of Aloha - follow love, our identification with the ego and dissolve the human dream to awaken. The North American colleagues as more likely to follow the path of power to overcome this identification. It being understood that power is not to be political. The three selves, the Polynesian Kahunas are all agreed. There is the:

the lower self (Ku) - Heart - the subconscious

the middle self (Lono) - mind - the conscious

the higher self (Kane) - Spirit - Over Conscious

The higher self is the soul with its divine spark in the human spirit.

The mean Self (Lono) is the daily consciousness, which we have at this moment, when we read this one, brush our teeth and plan your next vacation or ask us how we finally Jessica or Tom on the / we have long been a eye have thrown around, watch. Oops, wait, so we already roam the borders of the lower self, the Ku.

4. The Ku

The main function of Ku is memory and its main motivation is joy, comfort and pleasure. That is to say in moments of pain, stress and everything that an unpleasant situation currently makes, the Ku strives for well-being and happiness. All habitual behavior is controlled by the memories of Ku, which tries to zuzubewegen what is pleasant and avoid what causes pain. The Ku may differ from these memories do not distinguish between past, present, real or not real events. It simply stores from the intense feeling of memories, no matter whether these were caused by a film or a real experience. These memories are then stored in the body as movement and vibration patterns. Genetic memories are stored at the cellular level. Experienced, seen, learned and felt is stored in muscle layer. In the genetic memory of all the experiences people are saved from the past.

While the learning-memory is related to certain muscular parts of the body, namely the part that was activated during the learning process. The lower self is like a good friend who will support us in the world of feelings and perceptions, and prevent painful experiences as possible. In stress situations, the Ku first accesses back to the original genetic memory and then with the learning-memory of several possibilities with the help of past experience, the most logical for him to select a game situation and act accordingly. Let the Ku e.g. the story of Jessica / Tom really palatable, he will find a solution and derive the appropriate action in the way to a pleasant chill to get experience. He does, however, only if we ask him to kindly do so. Because we treat him unkindly or even criticize him, he goes into the terrible twos.

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