
Həcm 120 səhifələri


Don't Lie to Me Young Lady

25,58 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

The British peerage is presented in this entertaining family saga that will keep you engrossed from beginning to end. The luxurious lifestyle of Lords and Ladies of the realm is presented warts and all in this account of a talented family, who have to negotiate life, love and betrayal. Reading Don't Lie to me Young Lady gives one the impression that the lives of such people consist solely of dinner parties, weddings and lavish restaurant meals. Kevin and Sonya Swan have a perfect life until Kevin has an affair with a ruthless young woman who comes into their lives without warning and rips the dream apart. Over two generations of Lord and Lady Swan, and their offspring, an idyllic family life comes through strongly, as well as the sordid undercurrent that runs below the pomp and luxury.

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120 səh.
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