
Həcm 80 səhifələri


The Head Cornerstone

A Series of Poems in English, German and Arabic languages
12,65 ₼
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Kitab haqqında

This book is full of realities, love, experience, encountering and above all, knowledge that will live to last

in one's memory. I wish to set your heart on fire on reading from my book.

I wish you will shed tears of joy and also learn something out of it after reading from my choicest words.

I am crossing my fingers for you while saying: May my work speak for itself.

Silent and lonely was the night, when my dream as a writer came true.

When I woke up and thought of life, it seemed to me as if the living creatures were no longer in existence,

when I picked up my pen to write.

At the first time my pen flew, it was as if I was beating about the bush, when I thought of how I started. But later on, I found it impressive when people confirmed it to be.

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80 səh.
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