Kitabı oxu: «Water and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Buildings Mihouse Project»


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© Universidad Autónoma de Occidente


© Javier Ernesto Holguín González - Yuri Ulianov López Castrillón

Alejandro Beltrán Márquez, Ana María Ramírez Tovar, Andrea María Quintero Osorio, Andrés Felipe Ramírez Vélez, Daniel Mauricio González Naranjo, Diego Fernando Gómez Etayo, Eliana Melissa Morales Rivera, Fabián Andrés Gaviria Cataño, Hugo Andrés Macías Ferro, Isabella Tello Gómez, Javier Eduardo López Giraldo, Jeffer Steven Mosquera Castillo, Juan Manuel Luna Rodríguez, Juan Pablo Aguir, Juan Pablo Trujillo Chaparro, Juliana Alexandra Muñoz Lombo, María Camila Calle Mena, Mariana González Zuluaga, Nicolás Noreña Leal, Wilson Eduardo Pabón Álvarez.

Water and Energy Engineering for Sustainable Buildings Mihouse Project

Primera edición, 2020

ISBN impreso: 978-958-619-040-4

ISBN Epub: 978-958-619-041-0

ISBN pdf: 978-958-619-042-8

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Km. 2 vía Cali-Jamundí, A.A. 2790,

Elaborado en Colombia

Made in Colombia

Gestión Editorial Director de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Tecnológico

Alexander García Dávalos

Jefe Programa Editorial

José Julián Serrano Q.

Coordinación Editorial

Pamela Montealegre Londoño

Corrección de estilo

Fernando Alviar

Diseño y diagramación

CMYK Diseño e Impresos S.A.S.

Water and energy engineering for sustainable buildings: mihouse project / editores académicos Javier Ernesto Holguín González Yuri Ulianov López Castrillón.-- Primera edición.-- Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2020. 121 páginas, ilustraciones.—(Colección investigación)

Contiene referencias bibliográficas.

ISBN: 978-958-619-040-4

1. Arquitectura sostenible. 2. Construcción sostenible. 3. Casas ecológicas. 4. Energía solar. I. Holguín González, Javier Ernesto, editor. II. López Castrillón, Yuri Ulianov. III. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente.

720.47- dc23

El contenido de esta publicación no compromete el pensamiento de la Institución, es responsabilidad absoluta de sus autores. Este libro no podrá ser reproducido por ningún medio impreso o de reproducción sin permiso escrito de las titulares del copyright.

Personería jurídica, Res. No. 0618, de la Gobernación del Valle del Cauca, del 20 de febrero de 1970. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Res. No. 2766, del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, del 13 de noviembre de 2003. Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad, Res. No. 16740, del 24 de agosto de 2017, con vigencia hasta el 2021. Vigilada MinEducación.

Diseño epub: Hipertexto – Netizen Digital Solutions

Credits and Acknowledgments

The MIHOUSE team wants to thank the Faculties of Engineering, Economic Sciences and Social Communication at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) and Architecture at the Universidad de San Buenaventura (USB) that supported the development of the project:

The Energetic and Mechanics Department at UAO, which provided the electrical, environmental, and waste and water management solutions.

The Architecture Program at USB, which leaded the project, developed the design strategy and managed MIHOUSES´s research and building processes.

The Faculty of Engineering at USB, which helped with industrial and agro industrial solutions and in the preparation of most of the multimedia content used in social networks, website, and public releases.

The Communications Departments, which contributed to the team’s communications project.

The Research & Technological Development Departments.

The deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Architecture, Arts & Design for their constant support and encouragement.

The heads of each of the study programs involved in the project who facilitated the participation of an interdisciplinary group of students and professors.

The Language Center and Language Institute for their constant support with translations used in every delivery during the SDLAC2015 contest.

The FabLab at UAO, which facilitated the construction of urban and architectural models.

The Broadcasting Coordination at USB that helped with the preparation of all audiovisuals.

Costume Design students who designed the uniforms of MIHOUSE decathletes.

Arch. Liliana Carvajal for helping with the financial aspects of the project and for her unconditional support.

Professors José Salazar and Jerfenzon Vidarte for their advice on the project´s economic feasibility.

Professor Luis Alberto Buitrago for his advice on urban orchards and home gardens.

Arch. Lucas Arango and his team; Eng. Carlos Castang and his group of students; and Arch. Carlos Giraldo for their contributions with the bioclimatic aspects and calculations.

Teacher Carlos Ortega for his support with translations.

The Maestría en Bioclimática at Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín.

The MIHOUSE team also recognizes the enormous support from its sponsoring companies and hopes that the established relations can continue being fruitful over the next years and in future projects:

It is also important to thank USB and UAO for their valuable efforts that made possible the disassembly of the MIHOUSE prototype constructed at the Solar Villa and its reassembly at USB campus, where it is being turn into a Sustainable Housing Laboratory. In the next years, the MIHOUSE Laboratory will serve as a place for research and experimentation with solar panels, furniture and other innovative technologies related to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, humidity, water management and sustainability. Undoubtedly, this laboratory will be a milestone that will allow the training of architecture and engineering students in future Solar Decathlons.

Last but not least, the MIHOUSE team wants to thank the Solar Decathlon organizers for making possible this event, and the people of Cali that kindly selected our housing prototype as the second favorite house in the Solar Villa.

List of the Mihouse Team


List of Figures

List of Tables


Chapter 1 - Construction Design

Urban Scale

Prototype Scale

Chapter 2 - Water Management System

System Design

Design Criteria


Rainwater Volume Calculation

Ground Water System

Drinking Water Tanks

Plumbing System

Water Budget

Chapter 3 - Energy Management System

Electrical System Design

Solar Energy Resource

Energy Efficiency Design Narrative

Technical Project Manual

Project Dimensions:

AC Systems

Domestic Hot Water

Electrical Energy production

Energy Consumption

Energy Balance

List of singular and innovative materials and systems

Chapter 4 - Innovation

Innovation in Engineering and Construction

Lightweight Concrete

Thermal Conductivity

Water Use Reduction

Innovation in Energy Efficiency

Innovation Through Energy Efficiency.

Benefits of efficient selection of components of the electrical and photovoltaic system equipment.

Benefits of deployment of control sensors step.

Use of Natural Light

Use of Led Lighting

Chapter 5 - Sustainability


Water Strategies

Water Cycle


Distribution and use



Solid Waste Management



Solid waste


Lightweight Concrete with Addition of Stone Coal (PC)

Calculation of Ecological Footprint

Life Cycle Stage Analysis

Making of materials

Solar Facilities



List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Mihouse urban proposal

Figure 1.2. Prototype Scale

Figure 1.3. Main Table and Central Table

Figure 1.4. Mihouse Prototype design

Figure 1.5. Assembly of the modules up to the completed building

Figure 2.1. Sloping Slabs

Figure 2.2. Prototype rainwater tank

Figure 2.3. System components groundwater

Figure 2.4. Technical data of low consumption toilet

Figure 2.5. Greywater storage for apartment blocks (zone 1)

Figure 2.6. Greywater storage for apartment blocks (zone 2)

Figure 2.7. Flowchart for greywater treatment system

Figure 2.8. Prototype greywater storage.

Figure 2.9. Drinking water distribution system

Figure 3.1. The Solar Village location

Figure 3.2. Meteorological span figures from 10th November until 10th of December 2014

Figure 3.3. Solar radiation and temperature in an specific day

Figure 3.4. Components and energy flow on a solar PV grid connected system

Figure 3.5. Rooftop with the solar PV system

Figure 3.6. Solar grid-connected inverter

Figure 3.7. Panel technical information

Figure 3.8. System metrics

Figure 3.9. Monthly Production

Figure 3.10. Sources of loss

Figure 3.11. Condition Set

Figure 3.12. Components

Figure 3.13. Wring Zones and field segments

Figure 3.14. System Connection

Figure 3.15. Simulation results, cash flow summary

Figure 3.16. Simulation results, cash flow

Figure 3.17. Monthly Average Electric Production

Figure 3.18. PV Output

Figure 3.19. Primary Load

Figure 3.20. Grid sales

Figure 3.21. PV power

Figure 3.22. Frame for a flat roof

Figure 3.20. Heater components

Figure 3.23. Energy Balance Simulation

Figure 3.24. CO2 Emissions Simulation

Figure 4.1. Lifecycle analysis of materials

Figure 4.2. Lightweight concrete

Figure 4.3. Lightweight concrete production process

Figure 4.4. Energy Efficiency strategies for sustainable social housing in developing countries

Figure 4.5. Efficient selection of photovoltaic equipment

Figure 4.6. Energy rating label

Figure 4.7. Comparative between incandescent and LED lightning

Figure 4.8. Benefits of good lighting in each scene

Figure 5.1. Location of the TSU and waste use areas

List of Tables

Table 2.1. Type A apartment data

Table 2.2. Values of the necessary variables for the calculation of the catchment area, water demand and water supply

Table 2.3. Calculation of maximum flow that transports the gutters in the apartment

Table 2.4. Maximum permissible flows in downspouts

Table 2.5. Number of required drainpipes

Table 2.6. Results of the monthly average precipitation, monthly water demand and water supply, and calculation of the demand and accumulated supply and storage volume

Table 2.7. Greywater consumption

Table 2.8. Devices that generate greywater at home.

Table 2.9. Apartments Distribution by type

Table 2.10. Storage volume for the Drinking water tank

Table 2.11. Drinking Water Pre-dimensioning

Table 2.12. Activities related to the water consumption

Table 2.13. Daily Cycles

Table 2.14. Total generated volume of water

Table 3.1. One-year time series detailed analysis of Mihouse electrical load

Table 3.2. Monthly Averaged Insolation Incident on a Horizontal Surface (kWh/m2/day)

Table 3.3. Top manufacturers

Table 3.4. Available surfaces

Table 3.5. Estimation of area per living unit module

Table 3.6. Energy load requirements per living unit

Table 3.7. Energy consumption during a regular day

Table 3.8. Annual Production

Table 3.9. Electric and Photovoltaic – special chart

Table 3.10. Characterization of total energy consumption in the competition’s house

Table 4.1. Comparative table of lightweight concrete and structural concrete

Table 4.2. Different properties between conventional lightweight concrete

Table 4.3. Comparison of Consumption Among incandescent lighting and LED lighting

Table 5.1. Estimation of the amount of waste generated in the residential condo

Table 5.2. Cost savings Mihouse complex, using the rainwater and groundwater exploitation system

Table 5.3. Mihouse project viability on saving resources

Table 5.4. Savings in pesos of Housing and Urbanization

Table 5.5. Waste quantity generated by the residential unit

Table 5.6. Quantity and valorization of waste to be exploited

Table 5.7. Calculation of the ecological footprint generated in the construction phase

Table 5.8. Calculation of the ecological footprint generated by transporting supplies and raw materials

Table 5.9. Calculation of the ecological footprint generated by transporting construction waste

Table 5.10. Calculation of the ecological footprint generated using the prototype

Table 5.11. Calculation of the ecological footprint generated by the use of the demolition of prototype

Table 5.12. Calculation of the ecological footprint of building materials associated with the life cycle analysis

Table 5.13. CO2 Emission FACTOR per kWh

Table 5.14. Emission per Technology


Globally, the concern for climate change has led governments and the community in general to consider the affectations that we as humans have been doing to the planet. The production of electricity is a relevant factor due to the pollution produced by fossil fuels used for this purpose. The excessive industrial production to cover the growing demands of products and services, combined with the disproportionate use of transport systems that use internal combustion engines responsible for the thousands of tons of CO2 equivalent release to the atmosphere, and the deforestation without control, are also part of the driven forces for global warming and climate change. On the other hand, oil as a king fuel, which moves the world economy, are numbered as it has already been reported, due to the few world reserves. This is affecting the oil companies and the countries with economic support from these companies, like it can be seen in the cases of Ecopetrol in Colombia, PDVSA in Venezuela and Repsol in Spain.

All of the above, is creating a growing interest in the environmental sustainability of the planet, humanity and obviously the resources that are owned by. It is for all these factors that the use of renewable energy resources, such as the sun, for energy production, and the application of new and more efficient construction technologies, are altogether the basis for the integral design of sustainable urban projects. The design and implementation of Sustainable Housing, which is the result of this project, uses solar energy as a source of electricity and reduces the use of natural resources, by promoting the reuse of wastewater, the use of rainwater and the recycling and use of solid waste. This house has been built with constructive processes that are friendly to the environment using renewable and local construction materials with a long-life cycle and low ecological footprint, such as concrete and plastic wood. Additionally, the house works with passive lighting and ventilation systems, reducing the energy consumption and the environmental impact during the operation of the building.

In order to promote knowledge concerning technologies that could be used in the construction of houses that take advantage of solar energy, since 2002, the US government is supporting the international university competition Solar Decathlon, which was held for the first time in 2015 in Latin America and in which the authors participated with the Mihouse project.

The Mihouse project is the result of an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary work developed by professors and students from the faculties of engineering, economic sciences and social communication of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) and architecture at the Universidad de San Buenaventura (USB) both located in Cali, Colombia. Within the framework of this project, students from the UAO Renewable Energy and Integrated Water Resource Management research groups participated in this project, both in charge of the UAO professors. As a result of this project, two publications have been developed; the first one focused on sustainable architecture and bioclimatic architecture (Villalobos, Cobo, y Montoya 2018) and the second one focused on water and energy engineering for sustainable buildings (i.e. this document).

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