Kitabı oxu: ««A» is an article. Theory and Practice for English Learners»


This book covers fundamental rules for using articles in the English language. Each lesson contains theoretical material presented in tables to facilitate language learners’ comprehension. The exercises are designed to reinforce acquired knowledge and develop skills in article usage. The guide is intended for a broad audience of English self-learners and can also be utilized in schools and universities.

© Volha Hurskaya, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-6448-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Article “a/an”

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.

1. … cat, 2. … elephant, 3. … lion, 4. … bear; 5. … owl, 6. … dog, 7. … eagle, 8. … zebra, 9. … antelope, 10. … kangaroo.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.

In the bowl, there are various types of vegetables: 1. … potato, 2. … carrot, 3. … eggplant, 4. … zucchini, and many more. Some vegetables are commonly found in salads: 5. … cucumber, 6. … tomato, 7. … pepper, 8. … onion, 9. … cabbage, 10. … radish, etc.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.

1. … hill, 2. … hotel, 3. … horse; 4. … hamburger, 5. … holiday, 6. … heart, 7. … honest man, 8. … hour, 9. … helmet, 10. … hammer.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.

1. … umbrella, 2. … university, 3. … utterance, 4. … utensil, 5. … uprising, 6. … username, 7. … upgrade, 8. … universe, 9. … uncle, 10. … united effort.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.

Unexpected friends

In 1. … usual town, there was 2. … artist named Lily. Lily loved painting colorful pictures. One day, after finishing 3. … painting by the peaceful pond, 4. … puppy appeared.

Wagging its tail, the puppy accidentally bumped into Lily’s easel, knocking over the painting. Lily felt a bit upset, but the puppy looked sorry. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, and it started to rain.

Lily didn’t have 5. … umbrella and her paintings were getting wet. Surprisingly, the puppy fetched a small umbrella and offered it to Lily. Grateful for the unexpected help, Lily and the puppy became fast friends.

As time passed, Lily faced 6. … challenge when her art supplies accidentally spilled. The puppy, always ready to assist, fetched the brushes and paints. Lily appreciated the puppy’s friendly gestures.

Later, during 7. … festival, Lily’s artwork was on display. The unexpected wind threatened to ruin everything. The puppy, quick on its paws, helped secure the paintings, saving the day.

From then on, Lily and the puppy became friends. In summer, they spent lazy afternoons lying under 8. … tree, appreciating the beauty around them. In winter, they built 9. … snowman together, using 10. … carrot for its nose and colorful scarves for decoration. Lily and the puppy learned that true friends can be found in unexpected places, making life in their cheerful town even brighter.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an” where necessary.

He is 1. … architect. I am 2. … scientist. We are 3. … mechanics. You are 4. … engineer. They are 5. … doctors. She is 6. … painter. Sarah and Jessica are 7. … librarians. Mike is 8. … chef. Alex and Emily are 9. … pilots. Lisa is 10. … nurse.

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an” where necessary.

1. The dog is … playful. It’s … playful dog.

2. The book is … interesting. It’s … interesting book.

3. Her cat is … fluffy. She has … fluffy cat.

4. The mountain is … high. It’s … high mountain.

5. The flower is … colorful. It’s … colorful flower.

6. The song is … catchy. It’s … catchy song.

7. His idea is … unique. He has … unique idea.

8. The beach is … sandy. It’s … sandy beach.

9. The game was … intense. It was … intense game.

10. The boy is … smart. He is … smart boy.

Exercise 8. Paraphrase as in the example: This tangerine is ripe. – It’s a ripe tangerine.

1. This woman is elderly.

2. This building is tall.

3. This task is challenging.

4. This gadget is innovative.

5. This painting is colorful.

6. This car is luxurious.

7. This singer is famous.

8. This fragrance is pleasant.

9. This game is entertaining.

10. This tortoise is slow.

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” “some,” or “any.”

1. I’ve got … book. 2. I’ve got … books. 3. She hasn’t got … dog. 4. He hasn’t got … pets. 5. Have you got … pen? 6. Have you got … pens? 7. We’ve got … garden in the backyard. 8. They’ve got … flowers in their garden. 9. You haven’t got … laptop. 10. You haven’t got … laptops.

Exercise 10. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. I’ve got any cookies for you.

2. It’s an thrilling movie.

3. She’s got a aunt.

4. We’ve got a movies at home.

5. Have you got a siblings?

6. She’s a intelligent woman.

7. They haven’t got some pets at home.

8. These flowers are a beautiful.

9. He’s got exciting adventure to share.

10. I haven’t got some concerns about it.

Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” “the,” “some,” or “any.”

1. There is … cat on … roof. 2. There are … cats on … roof. 3. There are … interesting books and … boring books on … shelf. 4. There is … playground in … park. 5. There is … jug of milk on … kitchen table. 6. There are … employees in … office. 7. There is … coffee table in … living room. 8. There is … cozy cafe near … cinema. 9. There are … shoes in … closet. 10. There is … bench by … river.

Exercise 12. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. There is a vase on a shelf.

2. There is some bird in the cage.

3. There are a flowers in the vase.

4. There are cars in a parking lot.

5. Is there any student in the library?

6. Are there some cookies on the plate?

7. There is a laptop on a desk.

8. There isn’t some cat in the basket.

9. There is a blanket on a bed.

10. There are a papers on the desk.

Exercise 13. Define a noun as countable or uncountable.

Desk, lamp, salt, fork, air, music, meat, shirt, frog, book, knowledge, shoe, map, rubbish, water, coffee, window, computer, happiness, time, bicycle, information, Geography, day.

Exercise 14. Where necessary, fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” “the,” or “some.”

1. There is …desk, … lamp, and …chairs in … room.

2. The final lecture today is … History of Art.

3. What … extraordinary cuisine we’re savoring today!

4. How about … cup of hot cocoa? – No, I think I’ll go for … coffee.

5. There’s … beef in the fridge. You can marinate it in … soy sauce and grill it later.

6. Can you pick up … carton of orange juice, please?

7. I’m not … fan of humidity. It makes me feel … sad.

8. I left … pen at home. Can I borrow yours for … moment, please?

9. Lena’s got … beautiful hair.

10. I want to make … apple pie. Can you buy … flour and … apples, please?

Exercise 15. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. The bouquet has various flowers: some rose, a tulip, a daisy, and even an sunflower.

2. What a delightful scenery we had today!

3. I’ve got a neighbor. She is a unusual musician.

4. I relax on some sofa and watch a movie at night.

5. I enjoy a History. Last week, we studied a intriguing ancient civilization.

6. This novel is about a time-traveling adventures.

7. I’ll wrap up this assignment in a hour.

8. I love a orange juice. How about you?

9. My sister is a economist, and my brother is a engineer.

10. Would you like a salmon?

Exercise 16. Answer the questions using expressions from the table above.

1. How often do you check your social media accounts?

2. How often do you eat out at restaurants?

3. How often do you go for a health check-up?

4. How often do you visit your family or relatives?

5. How much screen time do you have on electronic devices?

6. How much water do you drink daily?

7. How much do you spend on groceries per week?

8. How often do you cook at home?

9. How often do you listen to music?

10. How much sleep do you get on average each night?

Article “the”

Exercise 17. Fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” or “the.”

1. …owl is … nocturnal bird.

2. … whale is … marine mammal.

3. … butterfly is … colorful insect.

4. There is … banana in … basket.

5. There is … lion in … safari park.

6. I’ve bought … new book.

7. Let’s go out and find … gift for you.

8. I always prefer … bowl of soup for lunch.

9. This is … tree. … tree is beautiful.

10. This is … bicycle. … bicycle is old but reliable.

11. This is … bus. … bus goes to … airport.

12. Here’s … ball. … boy enjoys playing with … ball.

13. Look at this hat. … hat is very fashionable.

14. … Japanese are typically hardworking.

15. … Brazilians are excellent soccer players.

16. … Swiss are known for making quality watches.

17. … Indians enjoy spicy curries.

18. … Smiths are newcomers to the neighborhood.

19. Have you met … Parkers at …party?

20. … Williams are known for their patience.

21. … Earth is … planet in our solar system.

22. … Great Wall of China is … famous landmark.

23. … Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

24. … Nobel Prize was established in Sweden.

25. … sun is a massive celestial body.

26. One day, I will learn to play … guitar.

27. We visited … museum last week.

28. I read … interesting article in … newspaper.

29. I plan to go to … zoo next Saturday.

30. They own … cabin in … mountains.

Exercise 18. Where necessary, fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” “the,” or “some.”

1. The bakery is on … corner.

2. I drink … coffee every morning.

3. Lisa is … doctor.

4. Lena is … adventurous girl.

5. Have you ever visited … Grand Canyon?

6. I have got … nice shoes. You can borrow them.

7. There are … biscuits on … plate. Please, help yourself.

8. I heard that … English are reserved and disciplined.

9. It’s … my day off today! Would you like to go to … cinema?

10. It’s … beautiful painting! I want to buy it.

Exercise 19. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. There is no water on a moon.

2. Have you met Sarah? She’s a my cousin’s roommate.

3. A Johnsons reside on the Maple street.

4. This is the hat I found yesterday in a park.

5. Parthenon is an ancient temple.

6. The suit is a grey.

7. Canadians are known for their politeness.

8. What does your brother do? – He’s the doctor.

9. I wouldn’t say I enjoy a Literature.

10. What a lovely flowers! There are some roses and daisies on a table.

Exercise 20. Where necessary, fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” “the,” or “some.”

1. I’m sipping tea and enjoying … croissant. … croissant is filled with chocolate.

2. This is … incredible play. I would highly recommend to attend … play at … theater.

3. My father is in … garden. He is planting … beautiful flowers.

4. There’s … cozy bookstore near my workplace.

5. I often jog in … park four times … week.

6. This is … crucial presentation. … presentation is scheduled for the boardroom.

7. You can rent this bike for 10 dollars … day.

8. I love staying home at … weekends.

9. I typically solve two puzzles … week.

10. Would you mind grilling … chicken for me?

Exercise 21. Fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” or “the” where necessary.

1. I used to play … accordion when I was a child.

2. …trumpet emits a vibrant melody, while … tuba produces a deep, resonant tone.

3. Playing … ukulele requires nimble fingers and a keen sense of rhythm.

4. There is … grand piano in the corner of the room.

5. She dreams of becoming … flutist, just like her grandmother, who played … piccolo in … orchestra.

6. I want to buy … guitar and learn how to play it.

7. Matthew plays … tennis twice … week. This is … his rocket.

8. My husband used to play … soccer when he studied at … school.

9. … Canadians are good at playing … hockey.

10. Practice is key if you want to play … tennis well.

Exercise 22. Where necessary, fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” “the,” “some,” or “any.”

1. There is … cat in … garden.

2. I’ve got … small backpack.

3. Mike is … engineer. He loves his … job.

4. Where is … dressing room? I want to try on … T-shirts.

5. There’s … giraffe, … tiger, … antelope, and many other animals in … safari park.

6. I don’t have … concerns regarding this question.

7. Bob is … teacher. His wife is … manager.

8. Where is … library?

9. Where are … kids? – They’re at … playground.

10. There is … café on the corner.

Exercise 23. Fill in the blanks with “a,” “an,” or “the” where necessary.

1. He doesn’t own … bicycle. He’s got … skateboard. … skateboard is blue.

2. My neighbors have … hamster and … fish. … hamster never disturbs … fish.

3. Here’s … pencil case. … pencil case is small.

4. I can see two boys. … boys are running.

5. My friend has … camera. … camera is black.

6. His … room is tidy.

7. We attended … lecture yesterday. … lecture was fascinating.

8. She’s got three … cousins and … sister. Her sister’s … name is Lisa.

9. My sister’s … boyfriend owns … motorcycle.

10. This … computer is broken. Pass me that … computer, please.

11. She’s got … guitar. It’s … acoustic guitar.

12. I received … postcard from my … cousin yesterday. … postcard is colorful.

13. She possesses … collection of stamps. … stamps are unique.

14. While we were in Tokyo, we stayed in … guesthouse. Sometimes, we had breakfast at … guesthouse, and sometimes at … café.

15. …Psychology is … exciting discipline for me.

Exercise 24. Fill in the blanks with “the” where necessary and answer the questions.

1. What is … most adventurous activity you have ever experienced?

2. Who is … most influential person you have ever met?

3. What is … most challenging course you have ever taken?

4. What is … most memorable place you have ever traveled to?

5. Who is … most talented artist, in your opinion?

6. What is … rarest item you have ever come across?

7. What is … most breathtaking view you have ever witnessed?

8. What is … most surprising fact you have ever learned?

9. Who is … funniest person you have ever met?

10. What is … most impressive skill you have seen someone possess?

Exercise 25. Fill in the blanks with “the” where necessary.

1. This is … second time I’ve visited this … museum.

2. Our project won … fourth prize in … competition.

3. She has … three cats.

4. This is … eighth time I’ve watched this … movie.

5. Our anniversary is on … fifteenth of September.

6. There are … twenty rooms in their apartment building.

7. What is … fourth season of the year?

8. Peter invited … six colleagues to the meeting.

9. This is … seventh article he has written this month.

10. … Smiths have a house on … fifteenth Apple street.

Exercise 26. Fill in the blanks with “the” where necessary.

1. I spend weekends planting flowers and vegetables in my backyard in … spring.

2. In … afternoon, the park is filled with families enjoying picnics and outdoor activities.

3. In … autumn, my favorite hobby is capturing the beauty of fall foliage through photography.

4. In … evening, the city lights create a magical atmosphere for a stroll.

5. In … January, the winter chill sets in, and many people make New Year’s resolutions.

6. In … summer, I enjoy hiking in the mountains and exploring nature trails.

7. It is a perfect time for cozy indoor hobbies like knitting and crafting by the fireplace in … winter.

8. On … Thursday, my evening is dedicated to my favorite hobby – participating in a local book club to discuss literature with fellow enthusiasts.

9. On … Tuesday, I attend my art class, where I unleash my creativity and explore different techniques.

10. Skiing down snow-covered slopes is my go-to hobby for an adrenaline-filled adventure in … winter.

11. They usually have team meetings in … morning to plan the day.

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