Buraxılışın müddəti 1 s. 28 dəq.
2022 il
332. Server Push всё, DevTools, перфоманс, SPA и SEO, focus-visible, WebView, Container Queries
Podkast haqqında
ВедущиеНикита ДубкоВадим МакеевТемы00:01:07 Server Push всё00:09:04 Chrome DevTools00:26:42 Перфоманс00:39:24 SPA и SEO00:50:55 FocusVisible01:00:58 Приватность WebView01:13:21 Container QueriesServer Push всёRemoving HTTP/2 Server Push from ChromeChrome DevToolsWhat’s New In DevTools (Chrome 105)ПерфомансCan browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources?SPA и SEOGoogle: Dynamic dendering is a workaround and not a long-term solutionFocusVisibleThe HTML has added a focusVisible option for the focus()This :focus-visible to :focus fallback is good enough for Safari 14Приватность WebViewiOS Privacy: see what JS commands get injected through an in-app browserContainer QueriesUse the Right Container Query SyntaxContainer-query-polyfillA first look at container-query-polyfillCSS Container Queries, или Адаптация по-новому