«Поллианна / Pollyanna» audiokitabından sitatlar
She was wondering if she could ever please this woman.
“Pollyanna, next week you’re going to take a journey. On a nice comfortable little bed you’re going to be carried in cars and carriages to a great doctor who has a big house many miles from here made on purpose for just such people as you are
isn’t quite so nice as yesterday, but it’s pretty nice,” she called out cheerfully
but her mother was a widow with three younger children besides Nancy herself
“Don’t forget to tell them I can work,” the boy said.
“Jimmy, what do you mean?”
The old man stopped, straightened up and pointed at the slender figure on top of a huge rock.
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Yaş həddi:
6+Litresdə buraxılış tarixi:
27 fevral 2019Yazılma tarixi:
3 s. 47 dəq. 16 san. ISBN:
Müəllif hüququ sahibi:
АЙРИС-прессSeriyaya daxildir "Английский клуб. Домашнее чтение"