Kitabın uzunluğu 53 dəq.
A Child's Garden of Verses
Kitab haqqında
"A Child's Garden of Verses is a collection of poetry for children by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, a collection that concerns childhood, illness, play, and solitude. The collection first appeared in 1885 under the title Penny Whistles, but has been reprinted many times, often in illustrated versions. It contains about 65 poems, including «„Foreign Children“», «„The Lamplighter,“» «„The Land of Counterpane“», «„Bed in Summer“», «„My Shadow“», and «„The Swing“». In 1922, the classical scholar Terrot Reaveley Glover published a translation of the poems into Latin under the title Carmina non prius audita de ludis et hortis virginibus puerisque. Famous works of the author Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure Island, An Inland Voyage, A Child's Garden of Verses, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Black Arrow, The Master of Ballantrae and many more. "
Picture-books in WinterSUMMER fading, winter comes—
Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs
Window robins, winter rooks,
And the picture story-books.
Water now is turned to stone
Nurse and I can walk upon;
Still we find the flowing brooks
In the picture story-books.
All the pretty things put by,
Wait upon the children’s eye,
Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks,
In the picture story-books.
We may see how all things are,
Seas and cities, near and far,
And the flying fairies’ looks,
In the picture story-books.
How am I to sing your praise,
Happy chimney-corner days,
Sitting safe in nursery nooks,
Reading picture story-books?